Today my BF tried to invite me to a group but another player joined instead. It seems like this player and I share both have a character with the same name. I was online with my char (created in april 2014), his char with the same name was offline (created september 2016).
The names are spelled in the exact same way, we both play on PC and in the same alliance.
When my BF tried to invite me, after the unknown player logged off, he got the following message "Could not find a player named "Name Lastname" to invite. I sure was online!
He tried both from friends list, guild list and typing /invite.
I fail to understand how a character created 2½ years after me can be able to use "my name".
I really want this solved so I yet again van be invited to groups. I'm almost afraid to log out in case the game decides not to let me in again.