I hadn't played the game in a while and decided to re-download and play again.
I don't have a high end computer (playing on a gaming laptop) but when I last played around a year ago the game ran absolutely fine, on medium to low settings but no major issues, decent fps.
Whatever new updates have been coming in since I took a break caused me to get "Your DirectX is unsupported" which someone recommended I fix using dxcpl.exe. Well that program made me able to launch the game, but that's about it because even at the lowest possible settings now my character won't even load on the character select screen and the mouse moves like a slideshow.
I'm frustrated because I pre-ordered the game and played it at launch and now I'm priced out of the game because I can't afford a new graphics card.
I know some people will tell me it's just time to spend the money on a new pc, and I would agree with you except that the game used to run just fine. Did the devs decide that everyone who didn't have a super nice graphics card just doesn't deserve to play the game anymore? Really really frustrated because I spent a good deal of money in this game only to have the game ripped out of my hands by an update.