Is there supposed to be some "normal" movement speed which is common to all of the races and/or classes?? Which races and/or classes have a passive buff that increases their movement speed??
Currently, I play an Imperial Sorcerer and a Breton Sorcerer, both at Level 50 CP 510+. Neither of them, wearing light armor and armed with staves, can keep pace in out-of-combat movement from place-to-place with either a Dragonknight or a Templar, wearing heavy armor and carrying heavy melee weapons -- whatever their respective races may be.
This has happened often in other times and places, too, in open terrain, regardless of whether it is flat or rough. It seems as though every other player's character can easily outrun mine. Don't try kiting an overpowering melee fighter in PvP, eh? There also seems to be a difference in their ability to jump (up or over) compared to the ability of my characters.
Frankly, I am fed-up with expending Stamina for sprinting just to attempt to keep up with others in the group. There are better uses for the depleted Stamina. Also, I would rather avoid using a potion that increases the maximum capacities of Health, Magicka, and Stamina, respectively, because the amounts for Health and Magicka are lower (compared to using a potion that increases only the maximum capacities for Health and Magicka).
Playing a sorcerer is challenging enough without this difference thrown in for no apparent purpose or meaning. How do you justify it??
--- Shadowshire .......... ESO Plus on PC NA with Windows 7 Pro SP1
nil carborundum illegitimi