Shad0wfire99 wrote: »There's one in particular that nobody had ever heard of until two weeks ago when it suddenly popped up in Mournhold. With no real merchandise to speak of. And everyone still thinks that collusion in this system is impossible.
AverageJo3Gam3r wrote: » your shopping elsewhere? Seriously, free market dynamics should take care of it. Unless most players value convenience over "doing the right thing" by not shopping at unethical traders. which they do, just like real life
Shad0wfire99 wrote: »I don't think a central trader is the answer. I actually like the current system, but when one guild (or a few, in this case) actively seek to keep any guilds outside of their inner circle from getting a trader in a city, that's a major problem.
A *limited* public trader. Nothing big, nothing dominant.
Markets need more than simple competition. They need more than one way for goods to flow.
Example - I live in pa. It has come to that time of year when corn is harvested. One channel for the flow of goods is from farmer to aggregator/distributor to retail grocery store. Sure, grocery store A competes with grocery store B, but they ALL follow that same channel from farmer to store register. So if the stores decided to collude to raise profits on jersey sweet corn, then the shoppers are screwed. The market for jersey sweet corn is vulnerable to price manipulation, because of that one form of supply. That market needs a second channel to keep the stores aligned with the true value of jersey sweet corn - and that second channel is the roadside stands that sell the corn straight off the field. The stores cannot succeed at price collusion because then people just go straight to the roadside stand.
There is currently no 'roadside stand' option in the eso marketplace. This makes the prices of goods vulnerable to manipulation by those with the storefronts.
Some sort of central trader, even if each person were limited to 5 listings, is exactly the answer to the issue of guild collusion. Guild collusion only succeeds because there is no effective other channel for goods.
KaleidoscopeEyz wrote: »Outbid them and get over it. Let them waste additional money or outbid them for the other stall. You have the power to stop the complaining by doing something about it. A guild can't drop 12-16 mil per week and survive forever.