For most of ESO's history, the running joke was that the combat team did not play the game, or at least never PvP. We don't say that anymore. Now we say that the devs only play stam DPS. That's a problem that this patch did nothing to dispel and only reinforced this perception.
I was not expecting this patch to fix the stam-magicka divide; however, I was expecting to see at least a hint that the combat team was aware staff users and magicka in general was in a poor place and thus this patch is a colossal disappointment.
A lot of people are complaining about how underwhelming the Destruction Staff ultimate is, and rightly so. It's a telegraphed DoT that does less damage, no CC effect, or ultimate restoration than Meteor which has a 20% cheaper cost (to say nothing of the Mage Guild passives it provides). It's the absolute last thing a destruction staff user wants because she already has the best ground DoT effect in the game with elemental wall. Also every single class already has a better, cheaper, more versatile AoE DoT in class ultimate, all of which provide valuable functions (damage mitigation, heal debuffs, gravity crush, silence, etc.) that are even better than the DoT damage. The destruction staff ultimate is 100% superfluous. It is crystal clear to me that whoever designed this ultimate has
not had the frustration of trying to play ESO competitively with a destruction staff.
Now, ZoS has spent so much time and resources and artwork and stuff on this lackluster and redundant ultimate there is no way that it will redesign the ultimate it to give it a function that might actually be useful and desired by a destruction staff user (**ehem, burst damage**). But I suppose it doesn't matter, because
even with a good ultimate, the destruction staff would still be a poor weapon that lowered spell damage, limited armor set choices, and provided mostly lackluster skills. However it would have be nice to see an appealing ultimate that would have at least made me think: "Hey, at least ZoS is aware of that fact that magicka staves are in a bad place."
But no. Instead ZoS has gone completely the other way and removed the lightning heavy attack splash damage. Don't tell me this is a "bugfix." Ever since the IC patch, the passive has said that the heavy attack damages nearby enemies. Even if it was a "bug," it was a necessary bug and the only thing that made lightning staves ever worth using is ESO. Saying it's a "bugfix" is saying that you are in favor of having a weapon with nothing but disadvantages that should always be deconstructed by anyone who cares about character effectiveness.
With so much discussion on the poor design of the destruction ultimate, not very many people have noticed how terrible the restoration staff ultimate is. 125 ultimate to heal 1 person for a lot for 5 seconds? Think about that, you want me to blow an ultimate just to heal
one person. What a colossal waste of resources. I heal, I'll never use this. It's overkill, completely unnecessary, and is totally outdone by the already poor healing ultimates in the game. The templar ultimate is the same cost and heals 6 people for 4 seconds and provides them with a flat damage reduction. Heck, even the overnerfed barrier is better in that it puts a comparable shield on 6 players (and either a HoT or ultimate restoration). The resto ultimate needs a complete overhaul. It is poorly thought out in its only use is the buff morph that a solo PvPer might want. Why am I as a healer stuck with a 1vX ultimate?
In short, this patch has given staff users nothing that would make them excited about trying something new. By way of comparison, you better believe my
magicka templar is very much looking forward to using the sword and shield
stamina based ultimate. This is what the Elder Scrolls has degenerated to: *** poor magicka options that have magic oriented players equipping
swords and (wooden as opposed to magic) shields to compete.
We got into this situation because ZoS thought that making it so that using two swords provided way more spell [!] damage than staves was a good idea and let patch after patch after patch go by without ever bothering to revisit the poorly thought out nerfs that both staffs have received since the game's launch. Also, the combat team unnecessarily provided "stamina" patches after the TG release. This was a complete misreading. TG wasn't a "magic" patch. It was a patch that made one skill busted (proximity det) and offered a poorly thought out set bonus in Vicious Death. Is it any wonder after prox det has been nerfed and the amount of burst damage, healing, damage avoidance, and stam set damage procs that 2H builds are everywhere in PvP? When I run a trial raid, ALL my DPS are melee (and the vast majority of them stam). I don't even bother using elemental drain in raids anymore.
It's unfortunate that ZoS has sunk so many resources into these poorly thought out and superfluous magicka ultimates that it won't do anything to make them anything more than watered-down replacements for ultimates we already can get elsewhere. Sure, maybe Zos will "listen" and lower the cost of the destro ultimate, but do we really need or want a ground based DoT that does not silence or provide damage mitigation? I know I don't. This is precisely that problem when Zos develops everything in its secret laboratory and leaves us out of the development process: we get stuff we don't need and didn't ask for that cannot be changed.
Zos, you need to go back to the drawing board when it comes to staves and I'm not just talking about the ultimate. With every patch you release and the accompany power creep that comes with it, the disparity is spell-weapon damage becomes exacerbated and made it such that unless you are using a Maelstrom staff, you are totally undermining the amount of damage you can do. The
destruction skill line is poor:
Destrcutive touch This is too expensive, the upfront damage and the DoT are not competitive. Even with a Master's weapon, this ability still isn't efficient. There are a fair amount of Zerg surfers in PvP who love to hide in large groups and cast flame reach, but 9 times out of 10 they are just wasting their mana (I'm usually already CC'd by something else and the damage is easy to heal through).
Wall of elements This is purely a PvE skill. A very good one that is required for remotely decent DPS and necessitates people having a Maelstrom weapon, but PvE nevertheless since the wall is so skinny and the secondary effects are so minor.
Crushing Shock A low damage spammable. It's just a boring filler skill that does nothing but damage that is easy to outheal in PvP. This is probably the most boring and generic skill in the game that has zero purpose to it since ZoS nerfed the burning, concussed, and chilled procs. The most boring and generic skill of the game is the spammable for magicka users. *Not* fun.
Elemental Drain It's good, but tanks give the debuff and many times isn't even providing back resources given the amount of stam DPS and tempalrs sweeps + NB funnel aren't elemental. This debuff should do something unique so it's always useful.
Impulse. Never should have been nerfed in the first place. It is a terrible skill that only does damage and is totally outperformed by each class's own PBAOE, which have larger range and additional functions besides damage. It is thus redundant and bad, which means it should be totally redesigned
The only reason I use a Destruction staff is because of the Elemental Wall skill in PvE and the lightning heavy attack, which is one of the very very few out-of-the-box, non cookie-cutter, legitimately interesting uses for a non best-in-slot item in this game. Shame on ZoS for removing it. Everything it is does can be attained by a better options that exists elsewhere. As that elsewhere will also mean more spell damage and armor set bonuses, using a destruction means you're basically settling for the last person at the bar. Take a look around in Cyrodiil sometime. The few diehard magicka DKs remaining won't go near this thing with a 12 foot pole.
Another thing to cosndier about destruction staffs is that there are only 4 skills that actually attack and do damage. Stam users have 4 weapon lines to diversify their builds and do something else besides crushing shock, crushing shock, crushing shock... There really ought to be either another magic DPS weapon or some thought to making the lightning, frost, and fire staves actually different.
restoration staff is also a poor weapon. I see people in Cyrodiil trying to heal with this, but whenever they get focused they die. Think about it, we all know DKs have been begging ZoS for over a year to rework Dragon's Blood because it is so outdated and inefficient, yet
they still run around cyrodiil with sword and shield rather than relying on a resto staff to heal. It just doesn't provide much and using one means players are throwing away spell damage, an armor set bonus set, and the defense benefits (and extra stats) that come with using sword and shield.
Grand Healing PvE raid requirement since raid bosses mean spamming this spell.
Regeneration I only use this to get armor set procs. It is *very* annoying trying to maintain this on a trial raid. The morph choices should have been quantity Vs. quality. People who say this is as good as vigor are not considering the huge benefit that you can get the Vigor HoT while using any weapon you want (aside from the fact that vigor will actually heal the caster and hits more allies). Vigor is an excellent and versatile skill used by just about every stamina player. Restoration is a marginal skill that restricts magicka players to using a poor weapon and is not used by most magicka players. It's not even a comparison.
Blessing of Restoration I think it's a problem when what my raid wants from this "heal" is a short and small damage buff. I would much prefer this to be my HoT rather than regeneration.
Healing Ward It's good ... far far better than Dragon's Blood. That DKs don't use it should be all there needs to be said just how poor a weapon restoration staffs are.
Siphon spirit The most inefficient skill in the game. A tiny HoT that requires a player to hit a specific target that has a cooldown from a skill that requires a cast time? Wow, that is terrible. Would the game and PvP be just a bit more interesting and diverse, if, I dunno, a skill like this could actually sustain a magic oriented player? Nope. Apparently ESO is meant to be played by 2H + bow builds that have excellent HoTs freely available to them without restrictions and usable by weapons capable of terrifying burst damage. This skill is a utter joke and proof to me that when the combat team punches their timecard and goes home, they log onto their stam builds with their viper/widowmaker/velindreth sets and their ...ehem ... two handed swords that heal for more than the magicka suckers out there trying use resto staff.
One of the huge reasons stam is so dominant in PvP because they can freely choose their attack weapon (2H), not gimped their weapon power or armor sets, and still put out ridiculously high healing
because their heals are not tied to a crummy weapon!. Magic users have to use this bad weapon, which undercuts their defenses and stats, just to use heals that aren't even as good as what stam has access to for free. It's absolutely crazy that it has been like this for nearly two years. Do something! Can you please log into Cyodiil, run around siphon spiriting these stam 2H builds and see exactly have far that gets you?
This patch in a nutshell:

Set created by someone who loves stam DPS.

Set created by someone who doesn't heal.