Lucius_Aelius wrote: »So I've been thinking about it and these seem mostly not OP to me, which should always be the first priority even if the alternative is that they need a buff, but that Two Hander Ultimate.... Seriously? You give glass cannons the ability to steal all my resistance that I had to work so hard and build for (sacrificing a great deal of damage in the process)? Seriously, wtf is that? I have no problem with any other aspect of anything else I read being OP, but that right there is some crazy stupid *** if ever I've seen it, and as a person with all Hybrid Tank/DPS characters I particularly take offense to it. Way to just invalidate my entire build in PvP with this one Ultimate, now I have absolutely no reason not to switch to full Medium Armor and give up on Heavy altogether.
It's one thing to ignore my resistance with the Ultimate, that's fair, it doesn't do enough straight-up damage to be a problem and Corrosive Armor already does that better anyway by applying it to all your skills for the duration. But for me to go so far out of my way to buff my Resistance as close to the cap as possible and still do half-decent damage just to have a glass cannon not only ignore all that resistance with their Ultimate but also steal that hard-earned and dearly paid for resistance away with an equivalent buff to themselves... Even lasting for 8 seconds, that is profoundly broken and a slap in the face to anyone who tries to be separate from the glass cannon burst meta. Glass Cannons had way, way too much going for them already and Tankier builds not nearly enough, now this? Seriously ZOS, wtf.
I love pretty much everything (if not everything) else that I read in the patch notes and all told this looks like an amazing update that will improve the game dramatically and set the stage for even more awesome updates to come, I don't know what to think about that Destro Ultimate and don't think the Resto staff is that good (I was hoping for something that could make non-templar Healers gave a similar quality big heals for the group, but the one person per second is useless for that) but at least there's nothing OP about them so it's a matter of buffing at the worst to get them sorted. That slap in the face to every Tanky character though... We sacrifice so much to get that resistance, giving Glass Cannons the ability to steal it for a full 8 seconds just by using a cheap Ultimate which would already be one of the best in the game without that ability is seriously and profoundly messed up.
People are going to be able to get some serious uptime on that buff with the cheap cost and long duration, and what's worse is that I can't even make good use of it myself because of how close to the cap I am already, even with my enemies using penetration anything more I get still probably goes over the cap far more than I'm able to make use of (and not that it would make this Ultimate okay but it's definitely overdue that if everything else isn't going to have caps that neither should resistance). Just get rid of the effect that allows it to steal a Tank's hard-earned resistance and this along with all the other Ultimates will be fine (or in need of a buff, too soon for me to say though especially since I'm not on PTS), but as it stands that Two Hander Ultimate is flat-out and utterly broken. Ignoring resistance and the other features are more than enough, for christ sake ZOS please be reasonable.
Tonnopesce wrote: »2h ultimate is not that good
Tonnopesce wrote: »
NB stamina ultimate cost tree times less deals the same damage, stuns and debuff the enemy with a 20% increased damage, now tell me why i should switch?
I've tried with a template so 231 CP less but imho even with twice the damage i'll never change in favor of the new ultimate.
genjutsu_kami wrote: »
right..... time to nerf incap ....... lol I'm just playing (turns to laptop to make "nerf NB incap" thread)