Daemons_Bane wrote: »Okay to answer the question a little bitThe dragons, and their cults, rose to power long before ESO takes place.. In this time period, the dragons are hiding/dead/asleep.. There are people however, who still worships them, hence why we can have the dragon priest outfit.. You will not however, see them ingame as beasts or mounts, as that will break the lore, which is a big thing in this game.. The closest thing you will get to them in ESOTU, is fighting Titans, which are the daedric version of a dragon.. The first ever Titan was actually made from a dragon, as can be read in this book: http://www.esohead.com/books/2669-daedra-dossier-the-titans
Dragons are Immortal and only another Dragon or a Dragonborn can truly kill them, What the blades did was akin to merely knocking them unconscious for an extended period of time before Alduin came along and woke them up, no blade has ever actually killed a dragon themselves because mere mortals can't do that, you need to absorb their soul to truly defeat them.Daemons_Bane wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Also are you people aware that Dragons are NOT mindless beasts, they are intelligent, immortal and have a powerful language of their own and the very words when spoken can conjure thunderstorms and rain fire from above, these Dragons were first created when Fragments splintered from AKA, they are semi-divine beings where as your character is a mere mortal who doesn't even know their language.
Well they are not totally powerful for that matterRemember the Blades
an order that in the first Era could call themselves dragonslayers
and rather than completely rebuild the entire map, they figured they'd create some new content (to sell at absurd prices from time to time).
Daemons_Bane wrote: »and rather than completely rebuild the entire map, they figured they'd create some new content (to sell at absurd prices from time to time).
Unless you have written proof of this, don't go spewing out stuff like this please..
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Also are you people aware that Dragons are NOT mindless beasts, they are intelligent, immortal and have a powerful language of their own and the very words when spoken can conjure thunderstorms and rain fire from above, these Dragons were first created when Fragments splintered from AKA, they are semi-divine beings where as your character is a mere mortal who doesn't even know their language.
I'm no expert on the lore of elder scrolls, but from what little I looked into, it seems that dragons started out at the beginning of time (some sort of aedra?) and have appeared at various points due to some time shift or whatever (of which there are 3). Akatosh and his magic of time or something. Anyway, the dragons have been removed from existence so to speak in the ESO time and have been relocated to somewhere further in the timeline. I'm sure there's countless flaws in my explanation/interpretation, but suffice to say, there are no dragons.
And flying mounts are out of the question because of "shortcuts" they took when world building. Iirc one example of this can be found when jumping off that lighthouse cliff in auridon. It was a while ago, but I seem to recall landing on a ledge in the middle of the air. Basically, not everything you see is solid, and not everything you don't see is empty space. Major issues would arise from a flying mount; you'd get in and out of things you shouldn't (like keeps in pvp lol) and rather than completely rebuild the entire map, they figured they'd create some new content (to sell at absurd prices from time to time).
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Dragons are Immortal and only another Dragon or a Dragonborn can truly kill them, What the blades did was akin to merely knocking them unconscious for an extended period of time before Alduin came along and woke them up, no blade has ever actually killed a dragon themselves because mere mortals can't do that.Daemons_Bane wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Also are you people aware that Dragons are NOT mindless beasts, they are intelligent, immortal and have a powerful language of their own and the very words when spoken can conjure thunderstorms and rain fire from above, these Dragons were first created when Fragments splintered from AKA, they are semi-divine beings where as your character is a mere mortal who doesn't even know their language.
Well they are not totally powerful for that matterRemember the Blades
an order that in the first Era could call themselves dragonslayers