Waiting On Nerf For Fear ..

  • asneakybanana
    Firerock2 wrote: »

    It's the skill itself that lags, you can't break out of it for the first second. Keep denying how broken it is though

    Fear is by far not the buggiest CC in the game right now. Aurora javelin and scatter shot from the bow can both permanently CC you until you CC break them, meteor will warp you back sometimes even though you already CC broke the knock up, incap and dawnbreaker if CC broken too fast will leave you sliding around on the ground occasionally and incap will always leave you sliding on the ground while doing the animation to stand up if you immediately CC break it. Fear is a strong CC in the fact that it is an aoe, unblockable, and does not break on damage like most of the unblockable CCs in the game but at the same time NBs need it as its the only CC they have and the only thing that they can use to drain a tanks stamina. I think the best way to reduce the effectiveness of fear would be by adding a global cc immunity system to the game. Make it so that all roots and hard CC give you cc immunity as soon as you are effected by the CC instead of when you break out. This will fix chain CC as well as make the root into CC spam thing thats currently going around in pvp fairly null.
    Asneakybanana AD DK Former emperor of Chrysamere and Chillrend. World first hardmode Hel'ra and Quake con winner (Alliance rank 25)
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  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    Well wouldn't be so bad if CC break didn't cost 40% of your stamina.... along with many other reasons.

    Seriously fear does need worked on it is way to powerful. Like fossilized breaks on damage but fear doesn't fear is spammable shield bash is not fear doesn't give CC immunity for some reason IDK how or why but personally I have been feared over and over as soon as I break free from a fear I get fear again wasting more stamina till I got no mroe stamina to break free which means it's open season.

    Like that's the main reason why fear is OP is cause when you fear some one who has no stamina that's pretty much a win cause that's 4 or 5 seconds of the target not able to do anything at all. Which means just fear and beat on it till it dead.
  • Rage_Killin
    Fear is a strong CC, overpowered I'd say not. It's been in the game for 2 years and 4-5ish months. It has always worked fine. If you can't manage resources that's your issue. I don't see why zos should nerf this ability. Jesus the amount of people complaining about Fear/cloak in this game is overwhelming. Here's an idea! Why don't we just delete nightblades from the game, great way to solve all the issues! I'll just go back to my Templar, perms block and spam my BOL's all the way to emperorship now.
  • SanTii.92
    I have no problems with cc breaking fear, but reverb bash, toppling charge and scatter shot. Those are buggy as hell CCs
    When the snows fall and the white winds blow,
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    Arg | Pc Na | Factionless Mag Warden.
  • old_mufasa
    BohnT wrote: »
    Why would you do this? Are you a magicka player who couldn't break free because you had no stamina? That's too bad the skill is broken because your resource management failed. Or are you a magplar that simply holds block and spams BoL and then you got CCd and died?
    The skill is fine as it is. Its just another CC to deal with and it's the only reliable for Nightblades.

    That bias comment is whats wrong with the system...

    Magic should defend magic, Stamina should defend stamina based attacks...

    That would go fair and even... all defense being stamina only is part of the balance problem...
  • bowmanz607
    And let me guess op. Your a person who dies to fear so you say it is op.

    Those types of statements cut both ways and do not contribute take a discussion on the topic. All they are statements meant to knock anyone who disagrees with you by telling them they are bias and therefore want to keep as is because of that.

    You provide no argument or point of discussion. Simply a blanket statement designed to basically say that you are right and anyone who disagrees is wrong despite any argument they may make.

    Bottom line is that we went down this road before. Ultimately wrobel stated that they like fears unique place on the battlefield and it is something that they have no intention of changing.

    I won't even get into my thoughts on it because you obviously are not looking at having a constructive conversation.
    Edited by bowmanz607 on August 30, 2016 3:32PM
  • idk
    The funny part is I bet all people that will comment are nightblades and going to say fear is not op let me hear this.

    @mmolegends44 what class to you play?

    Fear is basically the only defense a NB has. Cloak is to easily broken. Every other class has shields.

    More importantly, to PvP well one must learn to combat each class. Just because a player has trouble with one class doesn't mean the class or any of their skills are OP. It usually means the player still have something to learn. No, I'm not saying git gud, just saying the game is mode complex than OP is considering.
  • Daveheart
    I'm with sneaky on this one. However, I would like it if they could fix fear clipping you into rocks or into the floor. While it's occasionallyonally buggy like this, most of its other issues are lag related.
    Daggerfall Covenant (PC-NA)

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  • Methariorn
    Why did the need to nerf fear? What the point in playing a NB than? Crist do most players like to have a game with only stamina dk in heavy and magicka templars?
    Methariorn sorc EU server AD
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  • genjutsu_kami
    nightblades haha they have for sure taken some beating (FORUM THREAD BEATINGS) ever since i jumped on the forums and i have to be honest, i think they have taken their fair share of nerfs and balancing to a point i feel they are reasonable and they are still very very effective at what they can do.

    fear is a great CC but it cost quite bit of magic, it can't really be spammed and you have to time it because if you are already immune its pointless....unlike radiant destruction you can just spam that all you like. But i would say night blades don't need fear nerfed ....honest opinion.
  • OdinForge
    You'll probably be waiting a while, there isn't anything wrong with fear. It's just a CC, you have to manage your resources.

    CC break not working, or CC skills bugging out are a different story. Pretty much every CC in the game at the moment has the potential to bug you out, I'd say there are bigger issues to resolve.
    The Age of Wrobel.
  • Dojohoda
    Bashev wrote: »
    Fear CC should break on damage.

    NO, it should not break with damage.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
    I play the squishiest magplar imaginable. Even I can survive fear 90% of the time.

    That said, whomever hit me with a fear/ice comet combo 2 days ago, hats off. I wasn't getting out of that one with mist form!

    So yeah, L2P.
  • icontrive
    It's not fears fault. It's the game. There are many cc's that I can't break out of at times. I can't tell you how many times my body is just sweeping the floor, unable to get up due to a dizzy swing.
  • Beardimus
    ^ agree with @DRXHarbinger. The problem is the break free doesn't work, and to be fair its just so boring.

    I mean who likes hitting people that aren't hitting back? Attacking some dude in the back that's running away from you just doesn't seem like fun. Nor stunning people constantly so you are just beating a dead horse. Anyway ill stop beating a dead horse. It's dead.
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  • Ihatenightblades
    If they nerf fear then Night blades will be destroyed @ pvp

    This ^ . Lol my username is ihatenightblades and i would still disagree .

    I only hate nightblades when they gank me when im tryna just 1v1 in district. Nothing about being OP.

    However STAMDK is OP lol
  • Beardimus
    Spot on @ragespell !! +1
    Xbox One | EU | EP
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  • Lava_Croft
    If by nerf Fear you mean fix the deplorable state of Crowd Control effects in ESO, then you are right.

    If you just want Fear nerfed because ZOS, after more than two years, still isn't able to get Crowd Control working flawlessly, there's a lot of stuff that has be nerfed for the sake of bugs.
    Edited by Lava_Croft on August 30, 2016 5:58PM
  • Egonieser
    If they nerf fear then Night blades will be destroyed @ pvp

    I don't use fear on my NB and I do just fine. L2P issue...
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  • ManDraKE
    "Nerf fear so i can finally be invincible with a permablock build". LOL, l2p

    One post asking nerf to cloak, the other post asking nerf to fear. Just remove the nighblade class, make everyone a reactive-malubeth templar or a tankdk and done, the game is balanced.
  • elantaura
    I hate being talloned, held down damaged hit and seeing the swinger I can't break. Fear is a defence to this.
    I hate being held by dark crystals too and mages furry then explosive injures and they lay mines not able to break free.i don't even have the option to break free while being damaged. Fear also stops this.
    I hate coping radiant oppression too. If I am lucky - I mean very very lucky fear works for this.i Can't break away from these skills yet fear you can. Fear works to keep a NB alive when the other classes get them with there op skills. I hate it when on other classes, even my NB at times but understand why it's there and it seems to prioritise cc immune targets I wish those holding down damaging skills prioritised tanks.
    Edited by elantaura on August 30, 2016 6:17PM
    PS4 EU 1200+ cp - I enjoy RP, Housing, PVE and PVP

  • SunBro
    How many dead cats do you see on the side of the road? They need all the help they can get ;)

    Seriously tho..I understand the complaints with certain skills and all (having fallen victim to most at some point) but that doesn't mean they need nerfed. We may as well have ALL CC skills nerfed then...honestly every class has some kind of "OP" this or that
  • danno8
    No nerf needed.

    I do wish I could break the animation quicker though.
  • UltimaJoe777
    The funny part is I bet all people that will comment are nightblades and going to say fear is not op let me hear this.

    Fear is not OP... For Werewolves :p
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  • itscompton
    I play the squishiest magplar imaginable. Even I can survive fear 90% of the time.

    That said, whomever hit me with a fear/ice comet combo 2 days ago, hats off. I wasn't getting out of that one with mist form!

    So yeah, L2P.

    You are either full of it or play on a server with the worst NB's in the world. I play a tanky DPS Magplar in heavy armor with 30k health and I keep my transmutation buff up at all times during fights so I have 3200 crit resist and sure I'll survive being feared once IF I'm at full health but when I CC break (if it lets me break at all) and I'm feared again one second later that's a death sentence.

  • ManDraKE
    itscompton wrote: »

    You are either full of it or play on a server with the worst NB's in the world. I play a tanky DPS Magplar in heavy armor with 30k health and I keep my transmutation buff up at all times during fights so I have 3200 crit resist and sure I'll survive being feared once IF I'm at full health but when I CC break (if it lets me break at all) and I'm feared again one second later that's a death sentence.

    Magplar zombie tank complaining about fear hahahaa, im done. Close this topic

    And you don't get feared 1 second later, you have 6 seconds CC inmunity.
  • Cryptical
    FYI it's not skill lag, it's a deliberate pause of CC break so the skill can be identified. Then you're allowed to break free lol. 1 CC, 3 stages of animation, you're only allowed to break free in the 3rd animation which is the hands on head part. Obviously well designed and 100% fair in the PvP portion of this game /sarcasm.

    That seems rational. But most people can identify they've been affected by fear by seeing their character running. Character is running, I'm not sending him that way, so must be fear in me, and generally I'm hammering the break free long before he starts having his screaming headache.

    So we should be able to bust loose from that asap.

    Xbox NA
    itscompton wrote: »

    You are either full of it or play on a server with the worst NB's in the world. I play a tanky DPS Magplar in heavy armor with 30k health and I keep my transmutation buff up at all times during fights so I have 3200 crit resist and sure I'll survive being feared once IF I'm at full health but when I CC break (if it lets me break at all) and I'm feared again one second later that's a death sentence.

    I'm neither full of it nor play on a scrub server. I play on XB NA Scourge which is the 30 day campaign.

    Are there times where it's troublesome? Sure. But, like I said, 9 times out of 10 it's not a problem. I can use Breath of Life the moment the fear ends and survive. It's not that hard.

    Also, if it's that bad of a situation I'll pop mist form and get out of dodge.

    Usually by that point the NB has used up most of their resources and then proceeds to get melted by the 40,000 magic I still have left.

    So yeah, L2P. Also, L2 stop relying on the garbage known as crit resistance.
  • biovitalb16_ESO
    If they nerf fear then Night blades will be destroyed @ pvp

    Naw, can just go back to spamming cloak....which needs the bolt escape treatment.
    Edited by biovitalb16_ESO on August 30, 2016 7:53PM
  • DRXHarbinger

    I'm neither full of it nor play on a scrub server. I play on XB NA Scourge which is the 30 day campaign.

    Are there times where it's troublesome? Sure. But, like I said, 9 times out of 10 it's not a problem. I can use Breath of Life the moment the fear ends and survive. It's not that hard.

    Also, if it's that bad of a situation I'll pop mist form and get out of dodge.

    Usually by that point the NB has used up most of their resources and then proceeds to get melted by the 40,000 magic I still have left.

    So yeah, L2P. Also, L2 stop relying on the garbage known as crit resistance.

    Have to agree with this crit res nonsense. It's useless. Go full power or go home. Why live longer when you can kill quicker.

    But OT. Fear is a joke. I've just had a 1v1 with another magblade and we couldn't kill each other and we were both fearing each other as a defense lol. I'd fear them and they'd break and fear me, I'd break and fear them, they'd be annoyingly hard to hit and cloak and come back for more and repeat repeat repeat lol proper stupid. It needs a cool down and or not make you run as far or last as long. The snare at the end is a pig too. Why do I need to go so slow after such a long run with full stam? Nerf it like bol at least, reduce it down to 2 people.
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