benjamino613 wrote: »Anyone can name anygood stealing runs in dc zones/cities?
Bonzodog01 wrote: »Both of the ships parked up at the docks near the guild traders in Daggerfall Town are totally unmanned, and loaded to the gunwales with stealable goods.
You can clean both ships out entirely without being seen (apart from the lone npc who carries a crate every few mins onto the upper deck of The Lydia). I have filled an inventory multiple times until I ran up to my fencing limit. Maxed out Legerdemain just by doing this every day, never even got a bounty once.
No hiding, just walk around the ships and take everything. Sell all treasure items, if you have crafting bags then launder all provisioning items and mats. If you hit your fence limit each day, you should gain a legerdemain level a day.