dancing.in.the.webeb17_ESO wrote: »I like solar barrage. It's good AoE spam and somewhat like pre-nerfed impulse.
- Healing Ritual - This is probably the worst active ability in the entire game. A burst heal with a casting time is pretty much useless in 99% of situations. I've seen people say they spam this on flags but I think there is always something better to slot.
- Solar Barrage - To my knowledge Dark Flare is preferred most of the time. Puncturing sweep is a better AOE skill.
- Radiant Aura - The big buff from this skill does not stack with potions, and the Repentance morph is free to cast. Repentance wins.
- Eclipse - Honestly I don't know. This skill has been buggy for so long that I just never slot it. Maybe it's awesome sometimes, maybe not.
Pretty much exactly this, except:
• Healing Ritual - Strong AoE heal. Makes a good spammable skill for mindless zerging "tactics". Plz replace with a more valuable ability.
• Solar Barrage - This is honestly a really nice skill. The issue is that you might as well use Puncturing Sweeps for the healing/snare (better) and Dark Flare is a valuable but very different spell. Sort of deserves to be its own skill with its own morphs.
• Radiant Aura - Not bad, but Repentance is simply superior.
• Eclipse - This skill is both buggy and made weak from being rammed with nerfs. Plz buff.
Eclipse used to be very good when back in the day you could reflect a reflect... was good to disable DK's flappy wings, but only if he wasn't paying attention
Sadly, now that the game was changed to only allow one single reflect, it's usefulness was reduced dramatically.
Couple that with the fact that you can only cast one at time (which limits its usefulness in PvE land too), and it can be break-free as it was a stun, and you can see that it almost never worth a slot on any bar.
Very very subpar ability, sadly.
Everyone seems to have a different conclusion on it here too, so it seems like there isn't one definitive answer and will vary based on your playstyle/group situation.
dancing.in.the.webeb17_ESO wrote: »I like solar barrage. It's good AoE spam and somewhat like pre-nerfed impulse.
But it's less powerful and has less utility than sweeps and morphing to it causes you to miss out on on one of the hardest hitting range spells in the game, in dark flare.
Wreuntzylla wrote: »Ritual of Rebirth for group PvP. If you don't know why, stick with Honor the Dead.
Wreuntzylla wrote: »Ritual of Rebirth for group PvP. If you don't know why, stick with Honor the Dead.
Because it's stronger and is a guaranteed heal?
It's just that it takes much longer than 1.3 seconds for the heal to apply. It's more like 4 seconds from the time you push the button to the time the heal is actually applied.
Wreuntzylla wrote: »Wreuntzylla wrote: »Ritual of Rebirth for group PvP. If you don't know why, stick with Honor the Dead.
Because it's stronger and is a guaranteed heal?
It's just that it takes much longer than 1.3 seconds for the heal to apply. It's more like 4 seconds from the time you push the button to the time the heal is actually applied.
I am not having that problem. When was the last time you tested it?