Since text chat has just been introduced, I was wondering if there were any new or old guilds getting into RP. If so, send me a message on PlayStation, I'd love an invite! PSN is NovaBrite! Looking forward to seeing roleplay develop on console. (:
Edited by Suldyne on August 17, 2016 2:10AM
Co-GM of The Wayfarers of Tamriel, a roleplaying guild on the PS4 NA server. Contact me if you're interested in joining! (:
Since text chat has just been introduced, I was wondering if there were any new or old guilds getting into RP. If so, send me a message on PlayStation, I'd love an invite! PSN is NovaBrite! Looking forward to seeing roleplay develop on console. (:
Hi Suldyne, I'm not sure what you mean with getting into RP with the text chat. Maybe I am just old school and not yet understand it. However, my guild, Knights of New Camelot, is very up and coming. We are EP, but welcome any members of other factions who would be interested. You can learn more about the guild at If it interests you, just leave your PSN ID at that forum with just a brief also on what character you have and what you can expect or are looking for in the guild. You can also hit me up @GreenhaloX.