SleepyTroll wrote: »While you are complaining about this skill, we're you playing on a stamina class? Not saying it doesn't need a nerf just trying to see where your coming from.
Realistically, skills will not be changed (unless bugged) until next major patch, four months from now.
Try taking a break from PvP.
Can we have your stuff
Casts_Many_Heals wrote: »omg an execute skill executed me! nerf it
FortheloveofKrist wrote: »
Radiant tears are delicious.
Just curious, why does this skill make you rage more than Mage's Fury?
Strider_Roshin wrote: »Casts_Many_Heals wrote: »omg an execute skill executed me! nerf it
Remember guys, it's an execute.
WillhelmBlack wrote: »@Wrobel
You seriously need to step inside Cyrodiil and take a look. This is not a fun PvP experience, there are swarms of Templars with no shame or talent using 1 skill alone.
SleepyTroll wrote: »Strider_Roshin wrote: »Casts_Many_Heals wrote: »omg an execute skill executed me! nerf it
Remember guys, it's an execute.
Re watch that video. People like you man people like you. And tell me RD was the problem with that video.
Strider_Roshin wrote: »Radiant tears are delicious.
Just curious, why does this skill make you rage more than Mage's Fury?
I don't see groups of sorcs spamming Mage's fury, or groups of Nightblades spamming impale. You know why? Because it wouldn't be effective. This is why RD needs to be nerfed. This ability hits way too hard for an execute, as well as too early. Get rid of the double dipping from the champion system, reduce the execute damage health range to 20 or 25% and it will be balanced.