themdogesbite wrote: »So you tell me that every player that have ever used wall of elements, lethal arrow, ferocious leap, sharpend weapons etc should all be permanently banned?
I get that you are upset, truly. But if zos hadn't made exploiting and cheating "ok" by never punishing it for almost 2 years things would've been different. If they even fixed the broken skills that allowed players to exploit it faster then once every major patch it would also send different signals to the community. At the moment it's just abuse it while you can, it won't be fixed for several months anyways.
Useing 3rd party software and useing a skill in a way that zos isn't even fixing is two completely different things. 3rd party software is on the players, but broken skills is not our responsibility to fix.
themdogesbite wrote: »So you tell me that every player that have ever used wall of elements, lethal arrow, ferocious leap, sharpend weapons etc should all be permanently banned?
I get that you are upset, truly. But if zos hadn't made exploiting and cheating "ok" by never punishing it for almost 2 years things would've been different. If they even fixed the broken skills that allowed players to exploit it faster then once every major patch it would also send different signals to the community. At the moment it's just abuse it while you can, it won't be fixed for several months anyways.
Useing 3rd party software and useing a skill in a way that zos isn't even fixing is two completely different things. 3rd party software is on the players, but broken skills is not our responsibility to fix.
Should stacking nirnhoned in 1.6 for 40k+ spell resistance be on this list too?
If so, rip us all
themdogesbite wrote: »So you tell me that every player that have ever used wall of elements, lethal arrow, ferocious leap, sharpend weapons etc should all be permanently banned?
I get that you are upset, truly. But if zos hadn't made exploiting and cheating "ok" by never punishing it for almost 2 years things would've been different. If they even fixed the broken skills that allowed players to exploit it faster then once every major patch it would also send different signals to the community. At the moment it's just abuse it while you can, it won't be fixed for several months anyways.
Useing 3rd party software and useing a skill in a way that zos isn't even fixing is two completely different things. 3rd party software is on the players, but broken skills is not our responsibility to fix.
Should stacking nirnhoned in 1.6 for 40k+ spell resistance be on this list too?
If so, rip us all
I dunno. i really don't consider Leaping/ambushing into keeps an exploit those are two aspects that make defending and taking keeps very very fun. I mean a tower farm being broken before it can begin because a Nightblade followed someone through the door is priceless.
I would be beyond pissed if ZoS took that out of the game.
themdogesbite wrote: »So you tell me that every player that have ever used wall of elements, lethal arrow, ferocious leap, sharpend weapons etc should all be permanently banned?
I get that you are upset, truly. But if zos hadn't made exploiting and cheating "ok" by never punishing it for almost 2 years things would've been different. If they even fixed the broken skills that allowed players to exploit it faster then once every major patch it would also send different signals to the community. At the moment it's just abuse it while you can, it won't be fixed for several months anyways.
Useing 3rd party software and useing a skill in a way that zos isn't even fixing is two completely different things. 3rd party software is on the players, but broken skills is not our responsibility to fix.
Should stacking nirnhoned in 1.6 for 40k+ spell resistance be on this list too?
If so, rip us all
I dunno. i really don't consider Leaping/ambushing into keeps an exploit those are two aspects that make defending and taking keeps very very fun. I mean a tower farm being broken before it can begin because a Nightblade followed someone through the door is priceless.
I would be beyond pissed if ZoS took that out of the game.
I dunno. i really don't consider Leaping/ambushing into keeps an exploit those are two aspects that make defending and taking keeps very very fun. I mean a tower farm being broken before it can begin because a Nightblade followed someone through the door is priceless.
I would be beyond pissed if ZoS took that out of the game.
You do that and someone records and reports you, will get a vacation.
I used to use the shard glitch in WGT, does that mean I should leave?
In all seriousness, I fully support and respect Rylana's stance here, and admire his commitment to running very competitive, high functioning PvP guild that doesn't indulge in exploits.
Can't get it, you saying that everyone who post about broken mechanics should stfu, only because they did also use somehow broken things even if they didn't even know? Maybe i will sound rude, but who are you to shut people?You, should leave. Period. Banned, gone, out, no recourse, no review, just get the hell out.
I know, the game is busted, sure, thats a great copout to shift blame for your own idiotic actions. Sort of like blaming gun manufacturers for being able to shoot someone dead right? Extreme hyperbole, still valid. Take some damn responsibility for yourselves. Any of you reading this who are guilty I sincerely wish you werent here anymore. You dont deserve to be here, no matter how well known, how long youve been here, or how much money youve sunk into the game, I really dont care. Youre lucky as all hell I am no GM. Lucky as hell.
I am frankly disgusted, have been for a long time.
Every conversation in Alliance war lately has revolved around this subject, or has been somewhere in the background. Eleven of the last twenty threads reference it either in the OP or in the first few comments. Proud of yourselves?
Short term gain, long term loss. Pathetic, really it is.
PS: we all know who you all are btw, any theorycrafter or long term competitive player has had you pegged for months. Just stop with the victim card or trying to play nitpick, youre guilty as sin.
Darnathian wrote: »themdogesbite wrote: »So you tell me that every player that have ever used wall of elements, lethal arrow, ferocious leap, sharpend weapons etc should all be permanently banned?
I get that you are upset, truly. But if zos hadn't made exploiting and cheating "ok" by never punishing it for almost 2 years things would've been different. If they even fixed the broken skills that allowed players to exploit it faster then once every major patch it would also send different signals to the community. At the moment it's just abuse it while you can, it won't be fixed for several months anyways.
Useing 3rd party software and useing a skill in a way that zos isn't even fixing is two completely different things. 3rd party software is on the players, but broken skills is not our responsibility to fix.
Should stacking nirnhoned in 1.6 for 40k+ spell resistance be on this list too?
If so, rip us all
GTFO this thread. Wow. "How did you get away with it? lololololol"
Darnathian wrote: »themdogesbite wrote: »So you tell me that every player that have ever used wall of elements, lethal arrow, ferocious leap, sharpend weapons etc should all be permanently banned?
I get that you are upset, truly. But if zos hadn't made exploiting and cheating "ok" by never punishing it for almost 2 years things would've been different. If they even fixed the broken skills that allowed players to exploit it faster then once every major patch it would also send different signals to the community. At the moment it's just abuse it while you can, it won't be fixed for several months anyways.
Useing 3rd party software and useing a skill in a way that zos isn't even fixing is two completely different things. 3rd party software is on the players, but broken skills is not our responsibility to fix.
Should stacking nirnhoned in 1.6 for 40k+ spell resistance be on this list too?
If so, rip us all
GTFO this thread. Wow. "How did you get away with it? lololololol"
Please stop harassing me.
incognito222 wrote: »Myself on behalf of our whole Indonesian guild support @Rylana 's firm view.
I encourage all alliances, mer or non-mer, Aedra and Daedra alike, to unite under one voice against cheaters.
Unfortunate how ZOS has been trying to balance multiple issues that would have arisen (directly or indirectly) due to cheats and third party programs.
In a way, cheaters (CE users in particular) have compounded any imbalance, pushing the devs to try and balance certain skills and mechanics, affecting every person playing ESO. Cheaters have made them almost impossible to fight hence encouraging zerging, lagging out campaigns, ruining pvp experience for every individual. Botting, item duplication, the list goes on and we can read from past posts how ZOS tried to counter these through hot fixes and ended up introducing unexpected problems. Cheaters have knowingly with malicious intent, caused many of the problems we are experiencing today and will continue to do so.
Cheaters are selfish because they care not for the game's future and rob other people's right to enjoy ESO in a fair environment. Hiding amongst the masses whilst playing the victim card is a confirmation of how self -centered, shameless, WEAK and manipulative these people really are.
ZOS would be wise to permanently ban proven cheaters this time and not repeal the bans, as it would make sense from a business point of view as well.
Less cheaters = more players joining and subscribing = increased company profitability, more resources to fund future content, fixes and overall game improvements = even more players joining to play ESO.
For those cheaters who have seen the error of their past misdeeds, we welcome you to start anew and be part of a positive and fair gaming environment.
Good luck ZOS, the community is 100% behind you to take a fair and firm stance.
Kudos to @Rylana for having such a strong and unwavering view towards hacks / cheats.
I dunno. i really don't consider Leaping/ambushing into keeps an exploit those are two aspects that make defending and taking keeps very very fun. I mean a tower farm being broken before it can begin because a Nightblade followed someone through the door is priceless.
I would be beyond pissed if ZoS took that out of the game.
The called it themselves an it doesn't matter what you consider in this case. Jumping (ambush, leap, whatever) into keeps without taking down the wall is an exploit.
antihero727 wrote: »incognito222 wrote: »Myself on behalf of our whole Indonesian guild support @Rylana 's firm view.
I encourage all alliances, mer or non-mer, Aedra and Daedra alike, to unite under one voice against cheaters.
Unfortunate how ZOS has been trying to balance multiple issues that would have arisen (directly or indirectly) due to cheats and third party programs.
In a way, cheaters (CE users in particular) have compounded any imbalance, pushing the devs to try and balance certain skills and mechanics, affecting every person playing ESO. Cheaters have made them almost impossible to fight hence encouraging zerging, lagging out campaigns, ruining pvp experience for every individual. Botting, item duplication, the list goes on and we can read from past posts how ZOS tried to counter these through hot fixes and ended up introducing unexpected problems. Cheaters have knowingly with malicious intent, caused many of the problems we are experiencing today and will continue to do so.
Cheaters are selfish because they care not for the game's future and rob other people's right to enjoy ESO in a fair environment. Hiding amongst the masses whilst playing the victim card is a confirmation of how self -centered, shameless, WEAK and manipulative these people really are.
ZOS would be wise to permanently ban proven cheaters this time and not repeal the bans, as it would make sense from a business point of view as well.
Less cheaters = more players joining and subscribing = increased company profitability, more resources to fund future content, fixes and overall game improvements = even more players joining to play ESO.
For those cheaters who have seen the error of their past misdeeds, we welcome you to start anew and be part of a positive and fair gaming environment.
Good luck ZOS, the community is 100% behind you to take a fair and firm stance.
Kudos to @Rylana for having such a strong and unwavering view towards hacks / cheats.
If we ban every one that has exploited ZOS would change the name to tumbleweed simulator.
Darnathian wrote: »Darnathian wrote: »themdogesbite wrote: »So you tell me that every player that have ever used wall of elements, lethal arrow, ferocious leap, sharpend weapons etc should all be permanently banned?
I get that you are upset, truly. But if zos hadn't made exploiting and cheating "ok" by never punishing it for almost 2 years things would've been different. If they even fixed the broken skills that allowed players to exploit it faster then once every major patch it would also send different signals to the community. At the moment it's just abuse it while you can, it won't be fixed for several months anyways.
Useing 3rd party software and useing a skill in a way that zos isn't even fixing is two completely different things. 3rd party software is on the players, but broken skills is not our responsibility to fix.
Should stacking nirnhoned in 1.6 for 40k+ spell resistance be on this list too?
If so, rip us all
GTFO this thread. Wow. "How did you get away with it? lololololol"
Please stop harassing me.
Please stop encouraging/cheating. I watched your stteam last night a little. Funny how killable u are now. lol. Justice.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »tisk tisk tisk Jules. If only you had stayed DC with Bulbasir and Steve way back when. You and I could have been buddies and you wouldn't have run with the wrong crowd. Quite frankly I would have shared my Greek yogurt with you if you'd had asked. Instead you chose the life of "fake DC". You chose to allow being associated with those that are lightning rods for controversy. And you held on to those rods as lightning struck.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »tisk tisk tisk Jules. If only you had stayed DC with Bulbasir and Steve way back when. You and I could have been buddies and you wouldn't have run with the wrong crowd. Quite frankly I would have shared my Greek yogurt with you if you'd had asked. Instead you chose the life of "fake DC". You chose to allow being associated with those that are lightning rods for controversy. And you held on to those rods as lightning struck.
This is a silly post like all of your posts but it is saturated in truth as well.
To me, friendship transcends public opinion. Friendship transcends public hatred. If you can't stand by your friend when everyone hates them then you aren't much of a friend at all.
That is my choice, I am aware of it. I am aware of the tarnish it gives to me and the damage it has caused to my reputation.
Luckily for me, I care more about character than reputation. And reputation is merely what others think of you, while character is who you are. I know who I am. I know I don't cheat and I know never have and never will. I know that in my heart. I would swear that on a bible, on the constitution, on the souls of those I love and everything I hold true in this life. I would only make such statements because I know beyond the shadow of a doubt its validity and sincerity.
This is just a game. But I respect this game, I love this game. However, I love my friends too. It's a very unfortunate catch 22 I find myself in, but it is what it is. The community can hate me if they see fit, which is what many have decided already. But my conscience is clear and I am willing to bet that if anyone throwing shade at me were in the position I find myself now, they would not find it so easy to navigate through.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »tisk tisk tisk Jules. If only you had stayed DC with Bulbasir and Steve way back when. You and I could have been buddies and you wouldn't have run with the wrong crowd. Quite frankly I would have shared my Greek yogurt with you if you'd had asked. Instead you chose the life of "fake DC". You chose to allow being associated with those that are lightning rods for controversy. And you held on to those rods as lightning struck.
This is a silly post like all of your posts but it is saturated in truth as well.
To me, friendship transcends public opinion. Friendship transcends public hatred. If you can't stand by your friend when everyone hates them then you aren't much of a friend at all.
That is my choice, I am aware of it. I am aware of the tarnish it gives to me and the damage it has caused to my reputation.
Luckily for me, I care more about character than reputation. And reputation is merely what others think of you, while character is who you are. I know who I am. I know I don't cheat and I know never have and never will. I know that in my heart. I would swear that on a bible, on the constitution, on the souls of those I love and everything I hold true in this life. I would only make such statements because I know beyond the shadow of a doubt its validity and sincerity.
This is just a game. But I respect this game, I love this game. However, I love my friends too. It's a very unfortunate catch 22 I find myself in, but it is what it is. The community can hate me if they see fit, which is what many have decided already. But my conscience is clear and I am willing to bet that if anyone throwing shade at me were in the position I find myself now, they would not find it so easy to navigate through.
I get Brahs before ZOS. If you hang out with Dracula while the mob is chasing your going to get staked too.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »All the hatred built up from Our favorite game has been leading to so much much frustrating and lack of objectivity in reporting lately . Understandably so . Everyone hates being cheated , even cheaters . I do not agree with Rylana entirely and in doing so don't mean to disrespect this post because part of it is right . A hard stance on cheating will certainly make people fearful of doing so . But here the thing ...
Some things labeled an exploit have been confusing and part of the blame lands on ZOS for releasing broken content constantly . I mean cmon lol once in a while ok we getting it , it's a MMO bit all the times ? Oh gawd ZOS in this quality control ! Terrible . So we end up with harvesting bugs , broken armor sets ect . This is unfair to ban these people as not everyone knows and probably copying cookie cutter build from elite tester person who did know set was broken . However ..
We do need ZOS to be more how we say "vigilant" with punishment and banning third party softwares . Perma should be forever . On broken mechanics ZOS needs to up their game an fixing things quickly not quarterly ! Faster balance updates on sets after system changes too .
But swinging a bat around the house to kill one fly is bad policy and leads to expensive remodel . Appropriate punishment for severity of cheating is normal in all countries yes ? We don't chop off kids hands for jaywalking and we don't give murders 2 week Holidayz in jails . Consistency is needed and the community needs calmer heads for accuracy in reports .
Sorry wall of text but had to say it derp . You can now pounce me for not agreeing entirely lol