xX_NachtJager_xx wrote: »Did I miss something? Bc I can go into say stonefalls with my cp 270 char and farm jute and regular iron
xX_NachtJager_xx wrote: »Did I miss something? Bc I can go into say stonefalls with my cp 270 char and farm jute and regular iron
xX_NachtJager_xx wrote: »And yeah, guild traders have low level mats for cheap. Usually around 2k a stack
xX_NachtJager_xx wrote: »Did I miss something? Bc I can go into say stonefalls with my cp 270 char and farm jute and regular iron
drakhan2002_ESO wrote: »I think everyone is basing their comments on how it is currently implemented in the DLCs.
Bouldercleave wrote: »That being said, I have also allocated time from each playing session RIGHT NOW to harvest lower level mats. By the time OT rolls out, I should have a very good amount of supplies stored.
Maybe they should just randomize all the nodes. I mean, you can harvest anything anywhere. Its all mixed up. You might find iron next to rubedite in at starter zone. Wouldn't that make things interesting? I think it would. I would prefer that over the current proposed plans. If I want to focus on high level mats, I can do writs or decon.
This might not work as well with medium armor mats...might have to stick with OT plan for that stuff.
I listened to a podcast in July with Rich Lambert guy on it being interviewed and they said its going to work the same way as the DLC zones. I guess if you want low level mats your gonna need a low level toon or a low level crafter.
I don't really see the big deal in this. I mean if your a high level crafter, you can just get some rubicite and sell it and buy the iron, or whatever you need.
Or you can simply go to a shrine, respec your skill points and just do not put skill points into the craft or as much as you need, to get the crafting level for that material which you would want to farm - then you can farm that one 50% of the time. It costs a little gold, sure, but this way you can do it at any player level, if this would be required.
Any master crafter worth their ... craft? ... wants mats of all levels.
I have 3 dedicated crafters, all of which are CP160 with everything maxed. I frequently take them on farming tours in the lower level zones to restock low level mats.
Not being able to get mats of specific levels is going suck big time.
starkerealm wrote: »Or you can simply go to a shrine, respec your skill points and just do not put skill points into the craft or as much as you need, to get the crafting level for that material which you would want to farm - then you can farm that one 50% of the time. It costs a little gold, sure, but this way you can do it at any player level, if this would be required.
It costs a lot of gold, and a fair amount of time to recover your build. If we could despec individual skills, then, I'd agree, that'd be an option. Spend 350 gold, knock your passive down where you want it, go on with your day.
But, the shrines are a full wipe. Trying to reassign 200sp in order to get access to a lower material tier is not my idea of a good time, no offense intended.
What I'd like to see is: 50% character level AND (50% craft level OR 50% zone level, whichever is higher). Not holding my breath though.
starkerealm wrote: »Honestly, if you're running around on a lowbie you'll need crafting materials for... you should probably harvest the materials then.
That said, I do think Tam1 means the game's itemization should be seriously reevaluated. Possibly moving it more towards how the single player games work, with gear simply existing at different item tiers, rather than at multiple levels for each tier.
Hadan_of_Rift wrote: »Your presumption is not accurate. I craft low level gear for sale and have 12 level CP160 characters. I can easily get low level materials now on any of my 12 CP160 characters. With the current auto leveling areas I would no longer be able to farm my own materials.
IcyDeadPeople wrote: »I suppose the only reason anyone would need those mats would be to craft something for another player, right? If you want to gear any low level alt, you will be able to farm the mats with that character.
If your character is at least CP 160, but doesn't have any of the clothing or blacksmithing passives, then maybe you will get low level mats 50% of the time, as it works now in DLC zones. If all 12 of your characters have maxed crafting then I suspect you are out of luck, my friend.xX_NachtJager_xx wrote: »Did I miss something? Bc I can go into say stonefalls with my cp 270 char and farm jute and regular iron
Stonefalls will scale to your level (CP 160 mats).