Looking For PvE Guild [EP]

Most of my characters are on EP but I do have 1 on the other alliances. Looking for a mature, chill, easy going guild. One that does dungeons every now and then and doesn't mind non-meta builds. I enjoy helping other folks and my playstyle mimics that; I like building tanks and healers and enjoy crafting.

I don't care about min/max, don't care about making money, just care about having a good time with other folks in a game I enjoy.

GT: NivekViking
Level: CP170ish
  • Abunai_808
    Most of my characters are on EP but I do have 1 on the other alliances. Looking for a mature, chill, easy going guild. One that does dungeons every now and then and doesn't mind non-meta builds. I enjoy helping other folks and my playstyle mimics that; I like building tanks and healers and enjoy crafting.

    I don't care about min/max, don't care about making money, just care about having a good time with other folks in a game I enjoy.

    GT: NivekViking
    Level: CP170ish


    Here is our Ohana information. Let me know if this would be of interest to you.
    Da Melting Pot [DmP]
    FFXIV Midgardsormr

    Hawaiian Kanak Attack [HKA]
    FFXI Lakshmi
  • NivekViking
    Still looking for a guild. Small, consistent group of players looking to do PvE content.
  • shocky1025
    I'm a member of 'da melting pot', and they're a great guild! I'm also the G.M. of 'sithis lords', and my gt is shocky1025, if you're interested
  • NivekViking
    No thanks... too big, looking for small guilds with self sufficient players not focused on farming and more focused on dungeons and quests.
  • NivekViking
    Heck, doesn't even need to be a guild, if you are like me and looking for just a small group of active players, then add me.
  • o0Velius
    If you haven't already found a group add me. I'm looking for people who want to run anything pve. Pve content like dungeons ect can be done with any faction, I'm mainly DC but have 2 EPS. It's just me and I'm getting sick of running with pugs or group finder grashing.

    Main Tank For
    Difficulty Increased

    PC : @o0Velius

    Xbox One. GT: oo Velius
  • NivekViking
    Thanks, I've added you.
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