i think finder group for gold or renting other players system was better and more interesting for people who play long time its like new atraction for guilds start make oficial services for solo players.
i think finder group for gold or renting other players system was better and more interesting for people who play long time its like new atraction for guilds start make oficial services for solo players.
The problem with this idea is with the amount of money most new players have they wouldn't be able to afford the services of veteran players, outside of the ones that would've been willing to help for free.
Ok so today i finish all Grahtwood and left only with Elden Hollow dongeon go to finder select this dongeon and start whait in 2 haurs of normal day time i cant find a group, so what reason of this finder ? Maby time to create tool something like group recruit for gold, there you can search other players who add hem self to base of players who can help in group quests boses and dongeons every player can add hes zones and levels what they can help and price of haur help, you just can select players from list make group and then this quest or objective will be finish system will pay from your money for players who helps its like job market or something.
I don't see how the OP implies anything wrong with the group finder. Very few people run normal dungeons at all except for the daily normal pledge. If you only have a dozen people queuing and 10 are DDs, you're not going to get a groupstarkerealm wrote: »Beware the ***eons!
But, seriously, the group finder is kinda bjorked.
Says the guy who wrote "bjorked" instead of "borked"? Or were you going for Björked?starkerealm wrote: »Also, for the love of Cthulhu, please use a spell checker.
Says the guy who wrote "bjorked" instead of "borked"? Or were you going for Björked?starkerealm wrote: »Also, for the love of Cthulhu, please use a spell checker.
TheDarkoil wrote: »You will do all dungeons many times over when you start doing silver pledges and daily random normals, like with everything else in this game, there is no rush!
Ok so today i finish all Grahtwood and left only with Elden Hollow dongeon go to finder select this dongeon and start whait in 2 haurs of normal day time i cant find a group, so what reason of this finder ? Maby time to create tool something like group recruit for gold, there you can search other players who add hem self to base of players who can help in group quests boses and dongeons every player can add hes zones and levels what they can help and price of haur help, you just can select players from list make group and then this quest or objective will be finish system will pay from your money for players who helps its like job market or something.
Group dungeons come in two varieties: normal and veteran (though sadly not all normal dungeons have a veteran version). You can only do veteran versions of the dungeons once you reach level 50. The difficulty and loot in normal group dungeons are much lower than in the veteran ones, to the point that few people run them unless they happen to be the daily pledge. Pledges are quests that advance your Undaunted skill line. You will be invited to start doing them when you reach level 45.
If you want to clear the lower level, normal versions of group dungeons, I recommend you join a PvE guild and ask your guildies to come along. If you're relying on the group finder, you'll mostly be out of luck unless you queue for whatever dungeon happens to be the normal pledge for the day. Also, different roles make it easier or harder to find a group - damage dealers are a dime a dozen, therefore it takes longer to queue as DD. Healers and tanks are rarer and manage to get groups faster.I don't see how the OP implies anything wrong with the group finder. Very few people run normal dungeons at all except for the daily normal pledge. If you only have a dozen people queuing and 10 are DDs, you're not going to get a groupstarkerealm wrote: »Beware the ***eons!
But, seriously, the group finder is kinda bjorked.Says the guy who wrote "bjorked" instead of "borked"? Or were you going for Björked?starkerealm wrote: »Also, for the love of Cthulhu, please use a spell checker.
No i not need join eny guild and i will never do this, i search option to help totaly solo players, need start make adon with website connected for this if zen dont do it official.
starkerealm wrote: »No i not need join eny guild and i will never do this, i search option to help totaly solo players, need start make adon with website connected for this if zen dont do it official.
PUGing Vet dungeons with randos is a non-start. You're not going to reliably find players who can work together and actually complete those, without actually communicating with them. Even PUGing things like White Gold Tower on normal can easily turn into an exercise in frustration, when you're teaming up with players who don't know what they're doing.
Wrecking_Blow_Spam wrote: »[SNIP]
Wrecking_Blow_Spam wrote: »No offense but you're clearly a noob to this game, I'm not sure why you're being so close minded about joining guilds.
People like helping people, they will give you crafted armour, tips, help in dungeons, vamp/wolf bite etc. It's upto you but this game is much better with other people IMO.
crafted armor tips ? for game with milion addonsyes man im noob who have all existing mmo on this moment and more then 20 years experense in game world and devìng
i think you one of this guild owners who need more idiots inside to get more income for your self.
starkerealm wrote: »I....what?
Well said.
@esometric, I don't think you understand the game nearly as well as you think you do. It looks like you've let some of the more... "spirited" members of the community distort your perceptions of the game. It'd probably prudent to spend less time on the boards, and more in game, interacting with your fellow (alleged) humans.
KochDerDamonen wrote: »This thread is going to have me laugh to death, @esometric is either a great troll or my 'favorite' flavor of lone wolf player.
If you are on either console version of the game, the dungeon queue is straight up busted right now so, sorry. If you are on pc, perhaps you are playing at a low population time for the server you are on, or a high population time and you happen to be a 'damage dealer' which is a saturated role with lower demand.
You wouldn't have a good time with a 'mercenary' sort of queue. It would only work for other veteran players, a new player could not afford the demands of someone who would actually do it for pay, and any that would go at a low enough price would just come for free if you asked them in the firstplace.
Joining or CREATING a guild is a great idea if you're having a hard time. Like they say, two heads are better than one... and a few more couldn't hurt. If you are oh so concerned about not enjoying a guild, make one. Make one and advertise it in /zone chat if you're on pc. Let people know that it's for traditionally solo players who want to do dungeoms occasionally.
If you're really, really frightened of trying a guild: find people you like playing with, and add them as friends. Play with them again later
Just asking people in /zone, if you can (pc for now) is a great solution in general. At low levels, often enough there will be people in the zone who want yo do it.
starkerealm wrote: »No i not need join eny guild and i will never do this, i search option to help totaly solo players, need start make adon with website connected for this if zen dont do it official.
PUGing Vet dungeons with randos is a non-start. You're not going to reliably find players who can work together and actually complete those, without actually communicating with them. Even PUGing things like White Gold Tower on normal can easily turn into an exercise in frustration, when you're teaming up with players who don't know what they're doing.
and ? thats a reason to join guild ?no tnx im never join any guild.
starkerealm wrote: »No i not need join eny guild and i will never do this, i search option to help totaly solo players, need start make adon with website connected for this if zen dont do it official.
PUGing Vet dungeons with randos is a non-start. You're not going to reliably find players who can work together and actually complete those, without actually communicating with them. Even PUGing things like White Gold Tower on normal can easily turn into an exercise in frustration, when you're teaming up with players who don't know what they're doing.
and ? thats a reason to join guild ?no tnx im never join any guild.
Too bad.
Three of the guilds I'm in have a lot of new players.
They get help with builds, they get help with crafting/research, they get food/drinks/potions for free, they get gear made for free and improved to at least green for them. Even the 9 trait sets if that is what they want, up to cp160. At cp 160 they get the mats together and still get the gear made for free. They also have a group of people they can rely on to help with content, and vet players who are willing to teach.
Last night I helped out a guildie who was in Coldharbor for the first time and completely lost as to where he should start. I'll be around tonight if he needs a hand again.
I wish you luck in your solo trip through the parts of the game you can solo. You're in for a world of frustration if you're going to depend on the group finder to do group content. Making your own website isn't going to help much, either.
Yeah, you're trolling now.
Cheating with other players. Guilds are only to make money off stupid players. Guilds are only for stupid players who want to cheat.
You must know some really crappy people.
I've been playing since early access. I've collected a lot of materials for crafting. I like helping new players who might be struggling in the game. In the guilds I belong to, NONE OF WHICH REQUIRE ANY FEES FOR ANYTHING, the new players that we help out with free gear and food help out by collecting mats for the guild bank, that allows the crafters to make free gear for guildmates. The help they get is passed on to others. The new players get help to LEARN THE GAME, the mechanics for the trials so they can play better. The players who don't read the quests and want to fast forward everything don't stay with our guilds for long. The shortest time someone like that lasted was an hour. Another one made it a day. They got impatient when the vets said to do the quests, read the books, and learn the game.
I'll let my guildmasters know they are running groups of cheating people who get stuff for free while rolling in the tons of gold they don't demand as dues for being a member of the cheating guild.
You go have fun now. Good luck with getting non-cheating people to group with you. Especially if they have your attitude.