Maybe there was caltroops or any other AoE ability that provides slow on the ground. I think bombard now cant immobilize snared targets , so if healer using ritual i think You cant immobilize mobs inside.
Maybe there was caltroops or any other AoE ability that provides slow on the ground. I think bombard now cant immobilize snared targets , so if healer using ritual i think You cant immobilize mobs inside.
Slayer9292_ESO wrote: »
I'm the only one in the group with caltrops unlocked and I wasn't using it last night.
Our healer was running one of the morphs of cleansing ritual, but neither morph does any type of root or snare.
So you can't root an enemy who is snared? That seems lame.
Sacred Ground (Passive)
Enemies standing in your Cleansing Ritual, Rune Focus or Rite of Passage areas of effect have their Movement Speed reduced by 30%.
Toc de Malsvi wrote: »The latest change to Bombard really hurts it, with the amount of snares in PVP and PVE there is little reason to use Bombard any more. The slight increase in damage from Acid Spray is now a more rewarding morph.
I understand the issue they were trying to address with Bombard spamming in PVP versus zergs, however this is a very poor way of addressing it that not only nerfs Bombard but buffs zergs.
You shouldn't be able to perma root a group without significant risk, however this virtually ensures Bombard will hardly ever root and thus be dropped from optional skills.
Wolfchild07 wrote: »Here we have more problems with ZOS not making the changes to skills to ONLY affect PVP.
Slayer9292_ESO wrote: »
Balancing this game with the massive number of skills, classes, etc is pretty much impossible. Trying to do that with PVP and PVE as well, is even worse.
Would at least make it more manageable if they made skills work differently in PVP and PVE so the 2 can be tuned separately.
BS, this was a basic and core mechanic of this game from DAY one. Second, not all mobs get rooted in PvE, especially bosses are immune to soft/hard CC. To claim that you can root all mobs is simply wrong and that's not the ESO I've been playing the last two years.. Maybe you are new?cschwingeb14_ESO wrote: »Yeah, because perma rooting large groups of mobs was good gameplay. This change makes PvE more balanced, and runs the skill for PvP
Anti_Virus wrote: »This is the final nail in the coffin for bow builds( PVP specifically)
-Poison injection like @Vythri said is useless for archers and great for melee builds
- Volley is useless in PVP and in PVE it was only good for group dungeons with a Maelstrom bow exclusively.
- scatter shot and morphs will continue to be lack luster as long at they have a 10m when gap closers can be spammed at 2x the range
- the bombard nerf pretty much makes it a useless morph. It had great synergy with arrow barrage if you perma root mobs in pve in the AoE but now its pointless DKs however can still perma root with no penalties with talons.
- snipe is good in PVE and terrible in PVP its long travel time coupled with the audio que that telegraphs its location makes it lackluster even in stealth( I didn't know that there was an audio que if sniping from stealth)
I feel bad for those that wanted to be archers, Zos disagrees with having a ranger class in this game. There is literally no reason to use a bow now other than poison injection dot and major expedition( which can be substituted by pots and other skills). Bombard provided some utility for your group in keep defense slowing and rooting players.
I've already adapted to the melee biased meta no point in defying the Meta.
Bombard (Arrow Spray morph): This morph no longer applies its immobilize effect to targets that are already snared.
Francescolg wrote: »BS, this was a basic and core mechanic of this game from DAY one. Second, not all mobs get rooted in PvE, especially bosses are immune to soft/hard CC. To claim that you can root all mobs is simply wrong and that's not the ESO I've been playing the last two years.. Maybe you are new?
cschwingeb14_ESO wrote: »Bombard made perma rooting large groups of mobs much too easy. They've removed it as a cheese tactic. Exactly the same way that at one point in this game it was possible to perma stun mobs and easily mow them down. ZOS changed mobs so they get CC immunity do stop that cheese tactic.
Maybe you are to new to remember that...