Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Bugs after patch

  • Caroloces
    **The whole of Hew's Bane is behaving this way for me; tried to do a TG quest, and got the "delayed audio, no mouth moving at all" bit.

    Same bug here. Just started TG on one of my alts, and every time I engage in a dialogue, the character seems to have a delay occur before speaking, and then the lips don't move at all as the character speaks.
  • Auldjohn
    Error Code 308 after NA x64 Log in > 6 minute loading screen before Character Load. Happened twice, still cannot get to Character Select.

    Ticket #160803-003058.

    Win 10 x64 Windows Anniversary update, hardwired 110 broadband.
    @AuldjohnThe Elder Sages' GuildMaster Sage &
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  • Evergnar
    Graphics Settings:
    Crashing if I try to turn Shadows and Water reflections off.
    I can lower them and its fine but completely "off" will cause instant crash upon hitting apply. This happens even on the character load screen. If I try at the login screen it will crash during loading screen before it reaches character select.
    I usually turn these off before PvP especially in primetime.

    GTX 970 368.81
    Windows 10
  • phermitgb
    Caroloces wrote: »
    **The whole of Hew's Bane is behaving this way for me; tried to do a TG quest, and got the "delayed audio, no mouth moving at all" bit.

    Same bug here. Just started TG on one of my alts, and every time I engage in a dialogue, the character seems to have a delay occur before speaking, and then the lips don't move at all as the character speaks.

    ditto - nearly all the thieves guild questgivers and quest-related npc's seem to have a momentary delayed audio - when they do speak, their mouths are not moving. While generally this is okay, because you can still read the text, apparently, this issue also happens with scripted dialogue outside of dialogue boxes.

    I was doing the quest in the tomb of...whatever-her-name-was - where you find what happened to the dowry - the entire reveal of the what happened to the previous group is a scripted dialogue sequence between ziera and velsa, and the audio would cut out about 2 seconds out of every 10...very frustrating.

    using 64 bit client, with a handful of addons, including aui, photographer, destinations
    Edited by phermitgb on August 4, 2016 9:08AM
    "There is no correct resolution; It's a test of character."
    James T. Kirk
  • maboleth
    Caroloces wrote: »
    **The whole of Hew's Bane is behaving this way for me; tried to do a TG quest, and got the "delayed audio, no mouth moving at all" bit.

    Same bug here. Just started TG on one of my alts, and every time I engage in a dialogue, the character seems to have a delay occur before speaking, and then the lips don't move at all as the character speaks.

    Same. I was just going to report this. I thought it was Quen only. But it seems the whole TG is like that.
  • Patouf

    Do you have some glitches sounds when using skills ? I have with cloak.

    Edited by Patouf on August 4, 2016 4:19PM
    Ruined Laggy Broken Game
    Sithis & Psijic Order
    Sithis and spacetime. From nothing to everything.
    Dark, Aurbis, Aetherius-Oblivion, Mundus, Nirn, Tamriel. Dark again, something else.
    Dark is categorical, the absolute zero.

  • W0lf_z13
    ive also encountered a strange bug... When attempting to use a wayshrine the text to "click left button" is in Japanese...EVERYthing else is in English... just that part of it is not....
    Breton Nightblade ~ Fang of the Wolf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Dragonknight ~ Ðårk Ŵølf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Necro ~ Ðeåth Ŵølf ~ (50)

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  • Tsute
    I noticed the odd neon coloring on one of the guar mounts - it looks like it was splattered neon yellow by a glowstick. Oh and the grouping bug has infected cyrodiil, making it a bit more difficult to organize or just farm AP.

    On a side note, I just tried transliminal violet on my armor. Is this ZOS taking shots at the mysterious blue dress from months ago? If so, it's absolutely gold, with little to no violet to be found. If not, please don't change it.
    Edited by Tsute on August 4, 2016 4:35PM
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    maboleth wrote: »
    Caroloces wrote: »
    **The whole of Hew's Bane is behaving this way for me; tried to do a TG quest, and got the "delayed audio, no mouth moving at all" bit.

    Same bug here. Just started TG on one of my alts, and every time I engage in a dialogue, the character seems to have a delay occur before speaking, and then the lips don't move at all as the character speaks.

    Same. I was just going to report this. I thought it was Quen only. But it seems the whole TG is like that.

    We have a fix going into our next incremental patch that should address this.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • LrdRahvin
    maboleth wrote: »
    Caroloces wrote: »
    **The whole of Hew's Bane is behaving this way for me; tried to do a TG quest, and got the "delayed audio, no mouth moving at all" bit.

    Same bug here. Just started TG on one of my alts, and every time I engage in a dialogue, the character seems to have a delay occur before speaking, and then the lips don't move at all as the character speaks.

    Same. I was just going to report this. I thought it was Quen only. But it seems the whole TG is like that.

    We have a fix going into our next incremental patch that should address this.

    This inspires confidence ;) /endsarcasm

    This whole NPCs telepathically speaking while alternately looking like mental defectives or murderous psychopaths thing with delayed audio was an attempt to fix the anti-social exorcist style neckbreaking thing they were doing from the patch before.

    What happens next? They speak to you while upside down with their whole body facing away from you?

    Don't take it personal, @ZOS_GinaBruno, I know you have nothing to do with it. I just felt the need to comment since it's #slapabadcoderday today :p
    Edited by LrdRahvin on August 4, 2016 5:18PM
  • Skorol007
    maboleth wrote: »
    Caroloces wrote: »
    **The whole of Hew's Bane is behaving this way for me; tried to do a TG quest, and got the "delayed audio, no mouth moving at all" bit.

    Same bug here. Just started TG on one of my alts, and every time I engage in a dialogue, the character seems to have a delay occur before speaking, and then the lips don't move at all as the character speaks.

    Same. I was just going to report this. I thought it was Quen only. But it seems the whole TG is like that.

    We have a fix going into our next incremental patch that should address this.

    Is the incremental patch coming this Monday?
  • magnusthorek
    What about the abilities not firing reliably and/or the annoying auto-sheath, @ZOS_GinaBruno?
    I am the very model of a scientist Salarian, I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian.
    I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology).
    My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a Scientist Salarian.
  • Gargath
    I guess such rewards, which I just pulled from final chest after completing nDSA, also belong to bugs.
    Or a developer's joke ;)


    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • Ajintse
    Unable to get in a group or invite someone.
    "The moon is my sun, the night is my day, blood is my life and you are my prey."
    Ajintse - (Magicka Vampire Nightblade)
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Skorol007 wrote: »
    maboleth wrote: »
    Caroloces wrote: »
    **The whole of Hew's Bane is behaving this way for me; tried to do a TG quest, and got the "delayed audio, no mouth moving at all" bit.

    Same bug here. Just started TG on one of my alts, and every time I engage in a dialogue, the character seems to have a delay occur before speaking, and then the lips don't move at all as the character speaks.

    Same. I was just going to report this. I thought it was Quen only. But it seems the whole TG is like that.

    We have a fix going into our next incremental patch that should address this.

    Is the incremental patch coming this Monday?
    Yes, Monday August 8th.

    Ekstak21 wrote: »
    Unable to get in a group or invite someone.
    This should also be addressed in Monday's patch. :)
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Dolgubon
    This might not be a new bug, but it is one I noticed. If you have ESO+, i.e. have the crafting bag unlocked, and you have a full/almost full inventory, you cannot refine mats. (You probably can't decon items too) It makes sense to prevent it if you don't have the craft bag, but if you do then inventory space available doesn't really matter.
    Relthion: CP810 DK Tank - vMOL HM, vHOF HM, vAS HM, vCR +2
    Malorson: CP810 Mag Sorc - vMOL HM, vHOF, vAS HM

    Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter
    Dolgubon's Lazy Set Crafter
  • abimorb14_ESO
    When I try to logout after the patch it starts a countdown from 9-0 and just hangs at 0 several times
  • ADarklore
    After starting another new character after the latest patch, it's always interesting to see all the changes they are making to the original quests... some of them quite buggy. Like rescuing Lyris from Coldharbour... went through the door to Clannfear's Roost and Abnar Tharn and Lyris refused to speak... yet Lyris' axe was already visible... I go to the axe, the Clannfear emerges, I kill it... and THEN Abnar and Lyris begin to speak. Can't activate the axe UNTIL their conversation is over. But on the plus side, they added some cool new purple 'chain' effects to Sai Sahan for the Sai/Lyris scene.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • 2ndcovenant_ESO
    I run a StamSorc, level 38. When Cleave and Steel Tornado complete a final hit on a mob, a deathblow, the creature doesn't die until 2 seconds later. It's like in a kid's cartoon where the Tasmanian devil has to spin around with his hands over his heart before falling to the ground after being catapulted into a rock from a mile away. The game doesn't let them die at the final hit. This happens on every mob. When they finally do die, they just appear on the ground, no animation. They don't get another attack or anything but I can't loot the bodies until they are on the ground.

    The biggest bug for me since the patch is that ****None**** of the quest scenes where I speak directly to a character like Ziera in the Theive's Guild will voice over correctly now. First, where the characters lips used to move when they spoke, it's just a plain, still character standing still. Also, the speeches are delayed by about 3 to 5 seconds after interacting with them by choosing a response or even when starting a conversation with them. It's like it's been badly dubbed like in old voice over movies but where the characters just look at you without moving their mouths.
    "*** Chi: A brave man likes the feel of nature on his face, Jack.
    Egg Shen: Yeah, and a wise man has enough sense to get in out of the rain!" - Big Trouble in Little China
  • C4rt3r_H4ll
    atreides wrote: »
    Was able to confirm distorted high pitch ringing when a skill is activated. Difficult to describe but my Evasion and Merciless skill for my nightblade has distortion to those skill sounds. I had two other people confirm this is happening on their end as well. My nephew also plays a Nightblade on ESO for Xbox One and he does not have those sound distortions for those skills. So I believe the culprit is the new patch that was released.

    To be certain I reinstalled audio drivers and also logged onto eso using my mac and its the same case. Like I said before had two other people confirm this. This may not seem like a big deal but I use Astro a50 headset and its clearly audible and it gets extremely annoying. My nephew also owns Astro a50 for his xbox one console and this is not happening to him because he hasn't installed the new patch yet as this update will be released mid August for console users.

    That is not an issue with the in game audio. What you are experiencing is a precursor to a brain aneurysm.This is a new feature introduced with shadows of the hist that ZOS has been trying to implement and perfect over the years. It is believed that as an alternative to dealing with non-existent customer support players would rather have their head explode and bleed out. Be sure to look for many new and exciting "features" in upcoming updates.
  • 2ndcovenant_ESO
    Oh and one more bug now that I am thinking of it. When I attempt to use either Blacksmithing Anvil in the Capital in Grahtwood, on the second level, there is a common chance that I will fall through the world and re-appear at the city shrine. It doesn't happen every time but it does happen about 33 percent of the time.
    "*** Chi: A brave man likes the feel of nature on his face, Jack.
    Egg Shen: Yeah, and a wise man has enough sense to get in out of the rain!" - Big Trouble in Little China
  • Gargath
    My today's bug with Grouping Tool.
    I was group leader and was inviting people.
    This that 2 others were grouped I knew only because they started using <group> chat and it was visible for me.

    But I didn't have the <group> chat in chat options then and I couldn't see anyone grouped in group window.

    So they were already in group with me but I wasn't aware.

    And when I keep inviting them to group, I was getting info that that person is already in group, along with a note that this person quit the invitation for group.

    Reloading character helped sorting this out but it was messy.

    Ah, and after I logged in again, I realised I was no longer a leader of the group, despite I didn't pass the leadership myself.
    Edited by Gargath on August 7, 2016 2:00PM
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • magnusthorek
    Another one for your list, @ZOS_GinaBruno.

    Today, because of yesterday's problem, I did the pledge in City of Ash, normal mode, and now for the second time I wnet to a wayshrine, opened the map of Greenshade and when I ported:

    1) The 'port' option (I think) was written in some odd language (odd by not being English)
    2) Picking that option, since the first refers to mark the quest inside the place, port me in but, even the Group set as normal, the loading screen shows the flaming City of Ash, when I arrive I see the peaceful and beautiful City of Ash of VETERAN version. And, to makes things even worse, not even ONE enemy in the whole place as well no activator on the dorr to leave the place.

    It was like... some sort of placeholder for the actual content, I don't know.
    I am the very model of a scientist Salarian, I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian.
    I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology).
    My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a Scientist Salarian.
  • Warjhin
    I keep getting D'Conned about every 3 to 20 minutes.

    It lets me run around for a couple minutes, but I can't interact with anything and mobs ignore me. The chat keeps rolling by and my ping stays well under 100. Then I get booted and when I try to come back, I get "Error 200" a few times.

    If I am persistent I can get back in. it can take up to 10 attempts to get back in. Sometimes I lag immediately, and sometimes I can play for a bit.

    Frequently, when I do get back in, I am dead.

    already submitted a ticket. no response.
    Edited by Warjhin on August 7, 2016 4:37PM
  • Rowantree
    Last night I was gathering clothier items from a survey in Craglorn and someone else was also there and gathered one of my leather boxes (that is, I could see the box and it was glowing so I assume it was tied to my survey, and then the other person bent down and was gathering and then the box disappeared.) Someone in my guild told me this was a known bug and that I should just not do any surveys til they fix it, but when I search on the forums I'm not finding this issue mentioned anywhere. Is this known about and if there is a thread about it could someone point me in that direction? (yes I searched the forums with multiple search terms and couldn't find anything.) Thanks!
  • SpAEkus
    We're investigating a number of issues called out in this thread, but to give a few updates...

    ADarklore wrote: »
    ADarklore wrote: »
    SpAEkus wrote: »
    Anyone getting a "Game has stopped working" error upon game exit?

    Win7x64 eso64.exe (direct launch from .exe not using launcher)

    I can get in fine and play but that kind of error usually means something isn't right and may indicate further corruption to follow.

    I received the same error when exiting the game.

    Seems to happen every time I quit the game on 64-bit client which was launched directly from .exe not from the launcher.
    This is a small bug that was carried over from the last PTS patch, and will be fixed soon.


    Didn't see this in the incremental so guess not yet fixed, but if it was there, no joy. Still same error at exit.

  • maboleth

    There's still a minor delay when starting a dialogue with Quen, Walks-Softly etc., Thieves Guild. The speech is synchronized, so that's good, but delay is noticeable. It's like you have to wait ~1-2secs before s/he starts speaking.

    It doesn't always happen, no, but throughout the mission Partners in crime, it's noticeable.

    Also Zeira, after joining the TG and talking to her again, there's a small delay in speech, as stated, but after asking her your question, she quits speaking entirely, leaving you with voiceover, but not the animation.

    Edited by maboleth on August 9, 2016 2:48AM
  • Gargath
    Yesterday I got a problem with in game Map - could not mark any position using F key - nothing was happening on map when hitting that key, even that the commands below map to mark/unmark were changing. It seems game remembered last position marked by me from before last patch and didn't allow me to mark another target after patch.

    I use popular addon MiniMap by Fyrakin, updated with Minion after patch, but this addon also was not working correctly - my position in relation to surrounding area was not refreshed as it should be. Reloading UI or character didn't help.

    Edit1: problem solved, when I logged 2 days ago no longer problem with map.
    Edit2: no, yet again same problem, depending from which alt character is loaded - some have this issue, others have not.
    Edited by Gargath on August 17, 2016 9:24AM
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • Morimizo
    Kari Coin-Counter still doesn't have lip sync at all, even though the voice starts right away. All the other TG quest givers in Hew's Bane seem fixed, though there may be a slight delay as mentioned by @maboleth .

    Also, after exiting the game, Windows gives an error message about ESO--twice--about sending in the report to figure out a solution--this is not an official ESO error page about the game having trouble, and the game seems to close just fine. This started happening for the first time with the Shadows of the Hist release, stopped with the subsequent hotfix, and then started up again yesterday with the patch.
  • maboleth
    ^^ @Morimizo Kari looks ok on my end. Speaks nicely with a lip sync. :-/

    But there's definitely some problem with certain voiceover lines in Thieves guild.

    I've noticed, for example, when two npcs talk - Zeira and Velsa. Zeira has a slight delay in her voiceover and speaks about 1,5sec after her dialogue text appears on the screen. She doesn't even finish talking, but Velsa is already replying. So two npcs are interfering and talking at the same time. You can't hear completely what they say.

    This bad timing is all because of Zeira's delay in speech. Had Zeira started talking immediately, Velsa wouldn't have interrupted with her dialogue. So everything would've been ok.

    Please @ZOS_JessicaFolsom take a look at this. It quite annoys. NPCs in TG have such great lines and choreography!
    Edited by maboleth on August 10, 2016 12:48AM
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