Hello , i wont cry about the bugs and *** up stuff that Dark Brotherhood delivered to us , however i have noticed the following thing.
I Have 2 PS4 Consoles CU10 and a newer CU12
1: -WHen i play other games on them after a hour or two the cooling system accelerate , this fact point that the games i play drain resources and the systes temperature rise ,
but when playing ESO even for 6-10 hours in a row the PS4 system stays quiet as a dead man , and i `m thinking that the game itself cannot use properly the PS4 resource power and
therefore ESO have major texture loading problems and Cyrodiil lag issues .
2: I would suggest to add more optional settings to the game like a :
- Lower video quality in general or just lower the skill effect quality in PVP Zones
-turning off the awlays working Video capture to increase performance
Please developers understand that we dont want good looking 10 fps fights , for pvp the performance is over quality , no one will ever say "Oh that fire balista bolt that hit me was so awesome "
P.S. I had 3 friends playing with , now i am solo , until there will be no more I in the game ......