In what way would attacking NPC's help in the slightest? All it would do is aggro them onto us for them to attack us with the new wave of people we killed 5 seconds ago. I'm sorry but you don't seem to know what you're talking about.
The enemy players literally get back to the flag to contest it within seconds so doing a couple of heavy attacks on NPC's isn't really an answer.
You capturing a flag in a 1 V 2 has nothing to do with what this post is about. Good job, you did a 1 V 2, if they didn't respawn 5 seconds away immediately after you killed them then that post has no relevance.
Yeah, a lot of people on console aren't very good and don't really know the proper mechanics of PvP, crowding and getting up close to a player using Bats, Inhale and Proxy Det is a little dumb.
What? How is some players not being that great related to someone else making a PvP mechanics thread?
Also I don't play on console. Just have seen people play on it.
Alliance War
Imperial City deaths will now have a cycling timer associated with respawning. This timer only functions in the districts and ranges anywhere between 1 and 10 seconds after choosing to release or respawn at a district.