exeeter702 wrote: »I can say the exact same thing has happened to me on multiple occasions when I enter a dungeon on my nb and dk healers Its *** ridiculous. Just uneducated morons making use of slapdash knee jerk systems that help facilitate their idiocy.
ZoS needs to hurry up, this happens far more often than it should. Even on pc where I'm in the process of leveling a magNB(ps4 magblade is max lvl), my pc account has 400 ish cp, I know exactly how to get the most out of battle leveling and I have my nb set up with the best gear she can get in purple and simply because zos in all their infinite wisdom thought it would be a good idea to not display cp on characters below lvl 50, I have had to endure countless instant kicks when I queue as a lvl 30 magblade healer for normal dungeons.
Could also be a group of three looking for a 4th but when the group formed they see one of the original three is missing and instead they got two random players. Has happened to us a few times. We are nice enough to go ahead and run the dungeon because it isn't fair to the others to just kick them. We can then run the dungeon again with our guild mate that got kicked by the group finder.
We have also had four in a group and used the random dungeon option to find one of us got replaced with a random player. Again we don't kick because it isn't fair to the random, who knows how long they have been waiting, but others might not be so considerate. Sometimes I am sure people are kicked simply based on build or number of CPs but there can also be other reasons. Either way the system is broken and needs to be fixed.
If I remember the patch notes correctly, it's not intended for the group leader to even be able to kick anyone from a Group Finder group.Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »One of the forum admins has said they're working on that. It's not intended for someone to get the 15 min debuff in the situation you explained.
Quelhallow wrote: »Hello,
I queued for my fourth random normal today as a DK healer and was immediately kicked from the group. This put me on a 15 minute time out. I thought that you only got the time out when you left the group. Not when you get kicked from it by three random ***.
I have healed every thing in game on my DK healer: vet runs, trials, speed runs, you name it. So I'm not sure why I got kicked in the first place. But I shouldn't be punished for not being a Templar, especially in a random normal that I can solo, anyway.