[xbox1] Just came back LF guild

Soul Shriven
Looking for a guild to run Daily vet and trials on weekends. just came back to the game after taking a few months break and I'm really experienced. MSg The Proof187 on Xbox.
  • phidonk526
    Looking for a guild to run Daily vet and trials on weekends. just came back to the game after taking a few months break and I'm really experienced. MSg The Proof187 on Xbox.

    Wretched Legion is always looking for new members, if you are on NA server, let me know if you are interested and I can send you an invite later this evening when I get home from work.
    CP 160 Magic DK
    CP 160 Magic Templar
    CP 160 Magic NB
    CP 160 Stam Templar
    CP 160 Stam NB
    CP 160 Stam Sorc

  • Jailbirdy
    •We have a Guild Trader in Rawl'Kha this week

    •Message GT: Shadow Chopper1 or GT: Illestglider or GT: Jailbirdy for an invite

    •400+ members

    Visit our website (contains price list for your selling convenience)

    Disclaimer: The statements and information from this account are for entertainment & informational purposes only. Any interpretation, implied or otherwise does not constitute negligence on any part of this forum posting.
    Which Alliance?
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