Why would you even add a charged trait to weapons that can not benefit from it? Especially when the drop rate for maelstrom weapons are far less than the 50% they claim it to be. At least make it so that bleed counts as a status effect(yep, it doesnt, sadly). Then it might be better on an axe at least. but as it is now, I can only find a slight use for it as a dragon knight or stamina nightblade. DKs get a bigger chance of procing the poison stratus effect which isnt too bad. And nightblades get the extra chance to proc their disease status effect. But compared to sharpened, precise, and infused on some weapons, it's not even close to be a good choice for a competetive build. In both PvP AND PvE. There should also be an official list of status effects and how they work, but one thing at a time I guess.
I can actually find no situation at all where this trait would be the better option.
- Defending is a good trait for a weapon on your back bar in cyrodiil. Gives you good defenses when trying to get away or buff yourself up.
- Powered is also a decent backbar or even front bar trait if you have good heals and need even more.
- Precise is good for dmg AND heal.
- Sharpened is too good in terms of damage.
- Nirnhoned is also good in terms of dmg. You just have to adjust your build. Works well with healing too.
- Charged however, will only buff your chance on status effects. Status effects does very little dmg and those that do no dmg has a very small role to play in a battle. Sharpened is better in terms of dmg. Same with precise and nirnhoned. And as a healer, powered or precise is a better option because of obvious reasons. As a tank, the defending trait is a lot better as well.
So what play style are you aiming for with this trait? Im curious as to what you guys thought when you made this trait.
Why would you even add a charged trait to weapons that can not benefit from it? Especially when the drop rate for maelstrom weapons are far less than the 50% they claim it to be. At least make it so that bleed counts as a status effect(yep, it doesnt, sadly). Then it might be better on an axe at least. but as it is now, I can only find a slight use for it as a dragon knight or stamina nightblade. DKs get a bigger chance of procing the poison stratus effect which isnt too bad. And nightblades get the extra chance to proc their disease status effect. But compared to sharpened, precise, and infused on some weapons, it's not even close to be a good choice for a competetive build. In both PvP AND PvE. There should also be an official list of status effects and how they work, but one thing at a time I guess.
I can actually find no situation at all where this trait would be the better option.
- Defending is a good trait for a weapon on your back bar in cyrodiil. Gives you good defenses when trying to get away or buff yourself up.
- Powered is also a decent backbar or even front bar trait if you have good heals and need even more.
- Precise is good for dmg AND heal.
- Sharpened is too good in terms of damage.
- Nirnhoned is also good in terms of dmg. You just have to adjust your build. Works well with healing too.
- Charged however, will only buff your chance on status effects. Status effects does very little dmg and those that do no dmg has a very small role to play in a battle. Sharpened is better in terms of dmg. Same with precise and nirnhoned. And as a healer, powered or precise is a better option because of obvious reasons. As a tank, the defending trait is a lot better as well.
So what play style are you aiming for with this trait? Im curious as to what you guys thought when you made this trait.
Interesting subject.
Perhaps the following post, with a general list up of "effects" is helpful
I tested out of Charged for a while in PVP in a frontline group supporting role for a Lightning Destro Staf:
First some Math on Charged for Elemental:
Values fom a Patch note from September 2015:
Standardized the chance an ability has to apply a secondary effect, such as burning, chilled, or concussed. These chances are:
Weapon enchants 20%
Standard ability 10%
Area of effect abilities 5%
Damage over time abilities 3%
Area of effect damage over time abilities 1%
@ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ,
- Is that list still valid ?
- You say "such as". Do the same values apply for other effects like Poison, Disease ?
- At that time there were no Alchemy Poisons. Has an Alchemy Poison the same 20% base proc chance as a Weapon Enchant ?
The Destro passive "Elemental Force" adds 100% to the secondary proc chance.
Charged (gold) adds 220% to the secondary proc chance.
This means that the 10% from a standard attack becomes 20% with only Elemental Force.... becomes 32% with only Charged.... and becomes 42% with Elemental Force and Charged.
Testing in PVP:
I used Charged to protect my group members with Minor Maim for 15% damage reduction. You get Minor Maim for a few seconds every time Concussion procs as secondary effect of Shock damage.
I use a Lightning Destro Staf and target on the group of enemies that attack the few brave warriors that are dashing ahead of the front line between those enemy players and are most in need of protection.
If the front lines are orderly, in a ranged combat phase of the battle, I stand in that front line aiming at their front line where the enemies are standing most closely together.
The HA ticks of Lightning do NOT proc the status effect, the final Shock Pulse tick of Lightning does NOT proc the status effect (weird !!!), but your splash damage to enemies "nearby" your target, called Shock, DOES proc the status effect.
So your Minor Maim protection only takes effect when there is a group of enemies standing too close together.
So... the better your enemies and the harder you need it, the less chance you have that it will proc because they space better distance between them !
I have also Shock enchants on my Destro. When this Shock Damage enchant procs, you have a chance that the secondary status effect procs as well on your target.
I could see from my addon that I delivered quite a lot of Minor Maims to my front line allies.
It was ok-ish
But for me, doing the Min-Max, the current additional 220% from Charged is not the best choice for PVP.
At this moment I use Infused.
But perhaps I overlook something.
I saw someone mention in a post that (some ?) elemental effects could also drain Magicka Recovery ?
I am trying for a while to find out more about all these secondary effects, but it goes slowly.
@ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ,
Are we sure that it is correct that the final tick of a fully Charged Lightning Heavy Attack, the Shock Pulse tick, should NOT proc Concussion ?
Why would you even add a charged trait to weapons that can not benefit from it? Especially when the drop rate for maelstrom weapons are far less than the 50% they claim it to be. At least make it so that bleed counts as a status effect(yep, it doesnt, sadly). Then it might be better on an axe at least. but as it is now, I can only find a slight use for it as a dragon knight or stamina nightblade. DKs get a bigger chance of procing the poison stratus effect which isnt too bad. And nightblades get the extra chance to proc their disease status effect. But compared to sharpened, precise, and infused on some weapons, it's not even close to be a good choice for a competetive build. In both PvP AND PvE. There should also be an official list of status effects and how they work, but one thing at a time I guess.
I can actually find no situation at all where this trait would be the better option.
- Defending is a good trait for a weapon on your back bar in cyrodiil. Gives you good defenses when trying to get away or buff yourself up.
- Powered is also a decent backbar or even front bar trait if you have good heals and need even more.
- Precise is good for dmg AND heal.
- Sharpened is too good in terms of damage.
- Nirnhoned is also good in terms of dmg. You just have to adjust your build. Works well with healing too.
- Charged however, will only buff your chance on status effects. Status effects does very little dmg and those that do no dmg has a very small role to play in a battle. Sharpened is better in terms of dmg. Same with precise and nirnhoned. And as a healer, powered or precise is a better option because of obvious reasons. As a tank, the defending trait is a lot better as well.
So what play style are you aiming for with this trait? Im curious as to what you guys thought when you made this trait.
Interesting subject.
Perhaps the following post, with a general list up of "effects" is helpful
I tested out of Charged for a while in PVP in a frontline group supporting role for a Lightning Destro Staf:
First some Math on Charged for Elemental:
Values fom a Patch note from September 2015:
Standardized the chance an ability has to apply a secondary effect, such as burning, chilled, or concussed. These chances are:
Weapon enchants 20%
Standard ability 10%
Area of effect abilities 5%
Damage over time abilities 3%
Area of effect damage over time abilities 1%
@ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ,
- Is that list still valid ?
- You say "such as". Do the same values apply for other effects like Poison, Disease ?
- At that time there were no Alchemy Poisons. Has an Alchemy Poison the same 20% base proc chance as a Weapon Enchant ?
The Destro passive "Elemental Force" adds 100% to the secondary proc chance.
Charged (gold) adds 220% to the secondary proc chance.
This means that the 10% from a standard attack becomes 20% with only Elemental Force.... becomes 32% with only Charged.... and becomes 42% with Elemental Force and Charged.
Testing in PVP:
I used Charged to protect my group members with Minor Maim for 15% damage reduction. You get Minor Maim for a few seconds every time Concussion procs as secondary effect of Shock damage.
I use a Lightning Destro Staf and target on the group of enemies that attack the few brave warriors that are dashing ahead of the front line between those enemy players and are most in need of protection.
If the front lines are orderly, in a ranged combat phase of the battle, I stand in that front line aiming at their front line where the enemies are standing most closely together.
The HA ticks of Lightning do NOT proc the status effect, the final Shock Pulse tick of Lightning does NOT proc the status effect (weird !!!), but your splash damage to enemies "nearby" your target, called Shock, DOES proc the status effect.
So your Minor Maim protection only takes effect when there is a group of enemies standing too close together.
So... the better your enemies and the harder you need it, the less chance you have that it will proc because they space better distance between them !
I have also Shock enchants on my Destro. When this Shock Damage enchant procs, you have a chance that the secondary status effect procs as well on your target.
I could see from my addon that I delivered quite a lot of Minor Maims to my front line allies.
It was ok-ish
But for me, doing the Min-Max, the current additional 220% from Charged is not the best choice for PVP.
At this moment I use Infused.
But perhaps I overlook something.
I saw someone mention in a post that (some ?) elemental effects could also drain Magicka Recovery ?
I am trying for a while to find out more about all these secondary effects, but it goes slowly.
@ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ,
Are we sure that it is correct that the final tick of a fully Charged Lightning Heavy Attack, the Shock Pulse tick, should NOT proc Concussion ?
IzakiBrotheSs wrote: »Why would you even add a charged trait to weapons that can not benefit from it? Especially when the drop rate for maelstrom weapons are far less than the 50% they claim it to be. At least make it so that bleed counts as a status effect(yep, it doesnt, sadly). Then it might be better on an axe at least. but as it is now, I can only find a slight use for it as a dragon knight or stamina nightblade. DKs get a bigger chance of procing the poison stratus effect which isnt too bad. And nightblades get the extra chance to proc their disease status effect. But compared to sharpened, precise, and infused on some weapons, it's not even close to be a good choice for a competetive build. In both PvP AND PvE. There should also be an official list of status effects and how they work, but one thing at a time I guess.
I can actually find no situation at all where this trait would be the better option.
- Defending is a good trait for a weapon on your back bar in cyrodiil. Gives you good defenses when trying to get away or buff yourself up.
- Powered is also a decent backbar or even front bar trait if you have good heals and need even more.
- Precise is good for dmg AND heal.
- Sharpened is too good in terms of damage.
- Nirnhoned is also good in terms of dmg. You just have to adjust your build. Works well with healing too.
- Charged however, will only buff your chance on status effects. Status effects does very little dmg and those that do no dmg has a very small role to play in a battle. Sharpened is better in terms of dmg. Same with precise and nirnhoned. And as a healer, powered or precise is a better option because of obvious reasons. As a tank, the defending trait is a lot better as well.
So what play style are you aiming for with this trait? Im curious as to what you guys thought when you made this trait.
Interesting subject.
Perhaps the following post, with a general list up of "effects" is helpful
I tested out of Charged for a while in PVP in a frontline group supporting role for a Lightning Destro Staf:
First some Math on Charged for Elemental:
Values fom a Patch note from September 2015:
Standardized the chance an ability has to apply a secondary effect, such as burning, chilled, or concussed. These chances are:
Weapon enchants 20%
Standard ability 10%
Area of effect abilities 5%
Damage over time abilities 3%
Area of effect damage over time abilities 1%
@ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ,
- Is that list still valid ?
- You say "such as". Do the same values apply for other effects like Poison, Disease ?
- At that time there were no Alchemy Poisons. Has an Alchemy Poison the same 20% base proc chance as a Weapon Enchant ?
The Destro passive "Elemental Force" adds 100% to the secondary proc chance.
Charged (gold) adds 220% to the secondary proc chance.
This means that the 10% from a standard attack becomes 20% with only Elemental Force.... becomes 32% with only Charged.... and becomes 42% with Elemental Force and Charged.
Testing in PVP:
I used Charged to protect my group members with Minor Maim for 15% damage reduction. You get Minor Maim for a few seconds every time Concussion procs as secondary effect of Shock damage.
I use a Lightning Destro Staf and target on the group of enemies that attack the few brave warriors that are dashing ahead of the front line between those enemy players and are most in need of protection.
If the front lines are orderly, in a ranged combat phase of the battle, I stand in that front line aiming at their front line where the enemies are standing most closely together.
The HA ticks of Lightning do NOT proc the status effect, the final Shock Pulse tick of Lightning does NOT proc the status effect (weird !!!), but your splash damage to enemies "nearby" your target, called Shock, DOES proc the status effect.
So your Minor Maim protection only takes effect when there is a group of enemies standing too close together.
So... the better your enemies and the harder you need it, the less chance you have that it will proc because they space better distance between them !
I have also Shock enchants on my Destro. When this Shock Damage enchant procs, you have a chance that the secondary status effect procs as well on your target.
I could see from my addon that I delivered quite a lot of Minor Maims to my front line allies.
It was ok-ish
But for me, doing the Min-Max, the current additional 220% from Charged is not the best choice for PVP.
At this moment I use Infused.
But perhaps I overlook something.
I saw someone mention in a post that (some ?) elemental effects could also drain Magicka Recovery ?
I am trying for a while to find out more about all these secondary effects, but it goes slowly.
@ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ,
Are we sure that it is correct that the final tick of a fully Charged Lightning Heavy Attack, the Shock Pulse tick, should NOT proc Concussion ?
Lightning heavy attack counts as a DoT remember. So you only have a 3% chance to proc it, if it does proc, as I can see weapon attacks are not mentioned in the proc chance list at all. So maybe all weapon attacks don't proc status effects. The splash damage comes from a passive so there must be considered as an ability.
Why would you even add a charged trait to weapons that can not benefit from it? Especially when the drop rate for maelstrom weapons are far less than the 50% they claim it to be. At least make it so that bleed counts as a status effect(yep, it doesnt, sadly). Then it might be better on an axe at least. but as it is now, I can only find a slight use for it as a dragon knight or stamina nightblade. DKs get a bigger chance of procing the poison stratus effect which isnt too bad. And nightblades get the extra chance to proc their disease status effect. But compared to sharpened, precise, and infused on some weapons, it's not even close to be a good choice for a competetive build. In both PvP AND PvE. There should also be an official list of status effects and how they work, but one thing at a time I guess.
I can actually find no situation at all where this trait would be the better option.
- Defending is a good trait for a weapon on your back bar in cyrodiil. Gives you good defenses when trying to get away or buff yourself up.
- Powered is also a decent backbar or even front bar trait if you have good heals and need even more.
- Precise is good for dmg AND heal.
- Sharpened is too good in terms of damage.
- Nirnhoned is also good in terms of dmg. You just have to adjust your build. Works well with healing too.
- Charged however, will only buff your chance on status effects. Status effects does very little dmg and those that do no dmg has a very small role to play in a battle. Sharpened is better in terms of dmg. Same with precise and nirnhoned. And as a healer, powered or precise is a better option because of obvious reasons. As a tank, the defending trait is a lot better as well.
So what play style are you aiming for with this trait? Im curious as to what you guys thought when you made this trait.
Interesting subject.
Perhaps the following post, with a general list up of "effects" is helpful
I tested out of Charged for a while in PVP in a frontline group supporting role for a Lightning Destro Staf:
First some Math on Charged for Elemental:
Values fom a Patch note from September 2015:
Standardized the chance an ability has to apply a secondary effect, such as burning, chilled, or concussed. These chances are:
Weapon enchants 20%
Standard ability 10%
Area of effect abilities 5%
Damage over time abilities 3%
Area of effect damage over time abilities 1%
@ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ,
- Is that list still valid ?
- You say "such as". Do the same values apply for other effects like Poison, Disease ?
- At that time there were no Alchemy Poisons. Has an Alchemy Poison the same 20% base proc chance as a Weapon Enchant ?
The Destro passive "Elemental Force" adds 100% to the secondary proc chance.
Charged (gold) adds 220% to the secondary proc chance.
This means that the 10% from a standard attack becomes 20% with only Elemental Force.... becomes 32% with only Charged.... and becomes 42% with Elemental Force and Charged.
Testing in PVP:
I used Charged to protect my group members with Minor Maim for 15% damage reduction. You get Minor Maim for a few seconds every time Concussion procs as secondary effect of Shock damage.
I use a Lightning Destro Staf and target on the group of enemies that attack the few brave warriors that are dashing ahead of the front line between those enemy players and are most in need of protection.
If the front lines are orderly, in a ranged combat phase of the battle, I stand in that front line aiming at their front line where the enemies are standing most closely together.
The HA ticks of Lightning do NOT proc the status effect, the final Shock Pulse tick of Lightning does NOT proc the status effect (weird !!!), but your splash damage to enemies "nearby" your target, called Shock, DOES proc the status effect.
So your Minor Maim protection only takes effect when there is a group of enemies standing too close together.
So... the better your enemies and the harder you need it, the less chance you have that it will proc because they space better distance between them !
I have also Shock enchants on my Destro. When this Shock Damage enchant procs, you have a chance that the secondary status effect procs as well on your target.
I could see from my addon that I delivered quite a lot of Minor Maims to my front line allies.
It was ok-ish
But for me, doing the Min-Max, the current additional 220% from Charged is not the best choice for PVP.
At this moment I use Infused.
But perhaps I overlook something.
I saw someone mention in a post that (some ?) elemental effects could also drain Magicka Recovery ?
I am trying for a while to find out more about all these secondary effects, but it goes slowly.
@ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ,
Are we sure that it is correct that the final tick of a fully Charged Lightning Heavy Attack, the Shock Pulse tick, should NOT proc Concussion ?