Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Status Effects and you

I have tried to collect all the information that is available about different status effects. For the most part my source is the game itself, its tooltips and my own experience through various addons, but I have also found bits from different forums and their numerous threads. If any misinformation has slipped in or if I have missed anything, please let me know. At the moment the chances to proc secondary effects such as burning are not standardized - update 2.1 appears to aim to improve that.

  • Chilled - Applies Snared i.e. slows movement speed by 40% for 5 sec. Chance to proc from any frost damage (frost staff, frost enchants, Ice Comet (mages guild)).
  • Concussion - Applies Minor Maim i.e. reduces damage done by 15% for 4 sec. Animation: electric sparkles. Chance to proc from any lightning damage (sorcerer storm calling spells, lightning staff and shock enchants).
  • Burning - Flame damage over time for 3 sec (tics 3 times, every 1,5sec). Chance to proc from any flame damage (dragon knight ardent flame skills, flame staff and flame enchants).

DISABLING EFFECTS: complete loss of control of the character
  • Knocked Down – Totally disabled: knocked to the ground and cannot move or perform actions (duration varies between spells, 2-3.5 seconds). During knocked down status one cannot be pulled or knocked back. Example: Crystal Shard (sorcerer), stonefist (DK).
  • Stunned – Unable to move, attack, or perform any actions, susceptible to further cc during stun. Example: Shield Charge (1H&S), Toppling Charge (Templar).
  • Off balance - Short disable that breaks on damage taken AND vulnerability to Heavy Attack (even partially charged) causing Knocked Down. Off balance vulnerability lasts regardless of damage taken for 4 sec unless utilized by heavy attack sooner. Animation: White glowing circle/spiral above head. Blocking enemy’s heavy melee attack or interrupting an enemy cast knocks them off balance and opens them to your Heavy attack and consecutive Knocked Down effect. Also is an effect from many class and weapon skills.
  • Disoriented – Long but fragile disable (cannot move/perform action) that will break from any damage taken. From many class and weapon spells, Rune Prison (sorcerer), Shock Touch (shock staff), Scatter shot (bow).
  • Silenced – Unable to cast spells, can move and use physical attacks. From Negate Magic (sorcerer). Countered by Immovable (heavy armor skill), Break free or moving out of the area.
  • Feared – Running away from the caster unable to perform any actions. Example: Aspect of Terror (Nightblade), Turn Undead (Fighter’s Guild), Roar (Werewolf).
  • Pull – Pulled to the caster, while in air unable to perform any actions. Examples: Silver leash (Fighter’s Guild), Fiery Grip (DK). Counts as hard cc as it triggers immunity on target in pvp.
  • Knockback - Pushed away from caster for 5 meters. Note: Spells can have Knockback in conjunction with other status effects like a knock down/stun/disorient effect (like Binding Javelin, Fire Clench, Scatter Shot), or as a plain knockback (like Piercing Javelin or Fire Touch).

SOFT CC: hinder movement (flying creatures are immune to these)
  • Immobile – Rooted i.e. unable to move, but can attack/perform actions. For example: Dark talons (DK), Encase (sorcerer), Stampede (2h). Note: Frost Touch (frost staff) has Deep freeze and Deeper freeze effects that seem to be equal to an immobilize, but an elemental effect.
  • Snared - Slowed movement speed, but can perform attacks or other actions. Percentage varying between spells? Animation: cloudy effect around feet. Example: Low Slash (1H&S), Sun Fire (Templar).

  • Taunted – Forced to attack you (PvE only) for 15 sec. Only from Puncture (1H&S) and Inner Fire (Undaunted) and their morphs.
  • Blind - Raised chance to miss, percentage varies from spell to spell. Removed from player abilities, but some NPCs use it. Also available as armor set bonus (Akatosh's blessed armor).
  • Bleed - Physical damage over time, most commonly 10 sec. From passive traits for axes and some weapon attacks.
  • Poisoned - Poison damage over time for 12 sec (tics 7 times every 2 sec, damage per tic approximately half of burning tic). Chance to proc from poison damage (poison enchants and certain weapon attacks such as Venom arrow or Lethal Arrow (Bow). Note: Poison is often applied in conjunction with healing reduction effect, but is a separate effect.
  • Diseased - Applies Minor Defile debuff for couple of seconds that reduces healing taken by 15% (suggested to be reduced health regeneration too). Animation: green cloud and health bar has inward arrowheads. Chance to proc from any disease damage (meat bag siege catapults, werewolf infectious claws and foul weapon enchants).
  • Immovability – “Immunity to knockback and disabling effects”, does not affect soft cc. Animation effect: swirling wind around the character). Gained when hard CC ends (naturally or when broken/reflected), from activating Immovable (heavy armour skill) or from potions.

  • Break Free – costs stamina; removes stun, disorient, knockdown, also get 5 sec Immovability.
  • Dodge – costs stamina (cheaper than CCbreak), breaks soft cc i.e. immobilize, may avoid aoe.
  • Cleanse/Purge/Purify – Removes negative effects. Templar synergy or AvA support spell, Dark Cloak (NB).
  • Block - negates any attempt to CC, even if you take partial damage from the attack itself. NO Immovability effect after.
  • Reflect – negates attempt to CC and gives the effect to its caster instead, get Immovability. From Defensive Posture (1h&s), Reflective scale (DK), some armor set bonuses.
  • Invisibility (potion or NB cloak) - avoid projectiles/ targeted CC completely if timed correctly, but does not prevent aoe effects hitting.
  • Snare Break – Remove snare. Example: Forward momentum (2H).
Edited by Cinna on August 8, 2015 6:53PM
  • Sharee
    Cinna wrote: »
    [*] Off balance/Vulnerable* - Short stun and vulnerability to Heavy Attack (even partially charged) causing Knocked Down. Animation: White glowing circle/spiral above head. Blocking enemy’s heavy melee attack or interrupting an enemy cast knocks them off balance and opens them to your Heavy attack and consecutive Knocked Down effect. Also is an effect from many class and weapon skills.

    I believe off balance does not have a short stun. It seems it does because blocking a heavy attack applies both an off balance debuff and a short stun, but it is possible to put an enemy off balance without also stunning them. Like wall of lightning puts concussed enemies off balance - cast elemental ring of shock(has 40% chance to cause concussion) then cast wall of lightning (puts concussed enemies off balance) - they will have the swirl over their heads but wont stop moving/attacking.

    Needs confirmation tho - the above was only based on very limited observation (i did not specifically test it, just made an observation while trying a ring/wall combo with my sorc)
    Cinna wrote: »
    [*] Diseased - unknown ((suggested to be reduced health regeneration / healing taken?)). Disease damage from siege catapults and foul weapon enchants would logically have a chance to proc this, but this is not confirmed. Maybe added more in future content?

    I am currently dual wielding two disease daggers, and there definitely is a proc effect (a sickly green cloud surrounds the target). No idea if it applies a healing debuff - just saying that disease enchant does have a proc effect of some kind.
  • Cinna
    Sharee wrote: »
    I believe off balance does not have a short stun. It seems it does because blocking a heavy attack applies both an off balance debuff and a short stun, but it is possible to put an enemy off balance without also stunning them. Like wall of lightning puts concussed enemies off balance - cast elemental ring of shock(has 40% chance to cause concussion) then cast wall of lightning (puts concussed enemies off balance) - they will have the swirl over their heads but wont stop moving/attacking.

    Needs confirmation tho - the above was only based on very limited observation (i did not specifically test it, just made an observation while trying a ring/wall combo with my sorc)

    Interesting. I haven't encountered the same myself. This would totally need more testing, help appreciated. I have begun to chart mob types immunities and weaknesses too, so this pops up the question, What type of enemies you were fighting and could it have something to do with the mob type rather than off balance status? Alternatively, and more likely, I recall seeing something about off balance being broken by damage - so is it that the disabling part of off balance is breaking on damage but vulnerability effect runs its duration nevertheless? In your spell combo there is lots of damage going on with the ring's dot and the wall's tics. (I had discarded the "breaks on damage" thinking people were mixing it up with disoriented status or just referring to how it ends when you do a heavy attack.)

    *tested* With the above mentioned spell combo it's easy to observe off balance status without it being a result of block or interrupt. It appears that off balance DOES start with a disable, but with constant damage the disable can be broken instantly while the swirl animation ie. vulnerability to get knocked down continues independently its designated 4sec duration. -> updated.
    Sharee wrote: »
    I am currently dual wielding two disease daggers, and there definitely is a proc effect (a sickly green cloud surrounds the target). No idea if it applies a healing debuff - just saying that disease enchant does have a proc effect of some kind.

    Thanks, updated.
    Edited by Cinna on June 24, 2014 4:29PM
  • Cinna
    Updated more details on dots (poison, burning) and little clarification on diseased. Any additional input welcome.
  • Reco
    I just wonder why they (Zenimax) link this unofficial collection of heresay, anecdotes and guesswork from an official blogpost, instead of releasing a good, comprehensive, official, and -- most importantly -- truthful information about the various effects.

    Or are misleading, confusion and myths their goal?
    Edited by Reco on July 6, 2014 10:31AM
  • Reco
    What does it mean "Chance to proc from"? What do the asterisks mean? There is no footnote. Does it mean the same as in this post?:
  • Cinna
    Reco wrote: »
    What does it mean "Chance to proc from"?
    It means "a chance to trigger from" or "a chance to inflict the said effect by". The odds have not been stated because they are not known to the author, and might vary if the target has resistances, hence wording "a chance" - if anybody figures out the numbers relatively reliably and lets me know, that information will surely be updated.

    If you want to read more about the word "proc", there are some articles in the net about its origin (Nerfbat, wowwiki and gw2wiki).

    Reco wrote: »
    What do the asterisks mean? There is no footnote.
    Thank you for pointing out a typo. (Asterisks are currently meaningless, there was going to be a footnote about the weakness being mentioned in bow passives but that has been patched away.) Updated the original.

    Reco wrote: »
    I just wonder why they (Zenimax) link this unofficial collection of heresay, anecdotes and guesswork from an official blogpost, instead of releasing a good, comprehensive, official, and -- most importantly -- truthful information about the various effects.

    Or are misleading, confusion and myths their goal?
    I can only speak for myself and not for Zeni. I have done the guide namely because they have not. I missed the official wiki of another game, because I like to make informed decisions also in games, so I decided to try to compile the info on this topic myself, instead of crying about the lack of info. My goal with this guide is to gather so far available pieces of information together in one post for easy reference and to straighten up some misinformation floating around the forums (oh how many posts I have read where people confuse concussion and disorientation, or mix up poison and disease, for example...). Due to the player generated nature of the guide and the restrictions of getting information from the actual game this can not be 100% complete but especially with community effort we can get quite a lot of it together. Having gotten only one person and myself add something within 1.8k views on a quite active forum, it would seem the most essential parts are there and more truthfully than not. Where information is completely lacking, I do state it (see "diseased... suggested to be..."). There is room to improve the guide; its been acknowledged that the guide is a work in progress and welcomes corrections and additions.

    Keep 'em coming!
  • Jaxsun
    Cinna wrote: »
    I have tried to collect all the information that is available about different status effects. For the most part my source is the game itself, its tooltips and my own experience, but I have also found bits and bobs all over different forums and numerous threads. If any misinformation has slipped in or if I have missed anything, please let me know.

    • Chilled - Snared 40% for 5 sec. Chance to proc from any frost damage (frost staff, frost enchants, Ice Comet (mages guild)).
    • Concussion - Reduces damage done by 10% for 4 sec. Animation: electric sparkles. Chance to proc from any lightning damage (sorcerer storm calling spells, lightning staff and shock enchants).
    • Burning - Flame damage over time for 3 sec (tics 3 times, every 1,5sec). Chance to proc from any flame damage (dragon knight ardent flame skills, flame staff and flame enchants).

    Anyone have any idea what the base proc chance is for these?
  • Cuyler
    Pro tip:

    "combat cloud" and "combat log statistics" addons used in conjunction will give you all this infos real time.
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • FallenProphet
    Thank you so much, I've been searching for awhile for a comprehensive list of CC types and how they are negated and such for my PVP build and this is one of the best sources I have found yet, I really appreciate the work you put into this.
  • MysticGoujon
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you for this list, very useful for a noob, quick question. Occasionally in PVP I'm fighting up close, and I can swing my sword, but I can't use any of my targeted stamina abilities, this seems to last maybe 4 seconds, but it's frustrating as hell and usually results in my dying (I'm pretty terrible at the moment), is this being silenced? Or could this be something else? (I have enough Stamina to cast, I know that much)
  • Kyye
    Nice guide man, can't wait for the mobs chart! It would be nice if there was an official guide but this helps drive the community together and actually test theories and myths.
    XBL GT: CWB Hempire
    Bright moons guide your steps.
  • Cinna
    Thank you for this list, very useful for a noob, quick question. Occasionally in PVP I'm fighting up close, and I can swing my sword, but I can't use any of my targeted stamina abilities, this seems to last maybe 4 seconds, but it's frustrating as hell and usually results in my dying (I'm pretty terrible at the moment), is this being silenced? Or could this be something else? (I have enough Stamina to cast, I know that much)

    Stamina skills generally aren't affected by silence. Either you just aren't targeting anyone if those skills are greyed out, or you're victim of a bug where the game locks your skills as if you were sprinting (often resolved by quickly pressing the sprint button).
  • Reyniel
    Soul Shriven
    Whats the dmg on the Burning DoT?
  • Cinna
    Reyniel wrote: »
    Whats the dmg on the Burning DoT?

    This depend on your level, and currently likely scales with spell power/magicka/elemental power bonus. I don't have access to the game at the moment to confirm (vacation). But anyhow the 2.1 patch will bring lots in regards to standardizing elemental effects and they will then also scale with either spell or weapon power whichever is highest. The patch also brings damage components to all elemental statuses. More about that when it goes live.
  • Reyniel
    Soul Shriven

    Thanks for the reply. As of now is there a known formula? I'd like to see if the additional damage from fire, is worth the mitigation received from concussion.

    Do you happen to have a link to all the proposed changes?

    I just picked up the game, and the numbering systems have caused some confusion.. Are 1.6, and 2.0 the same? Did they split the console and pc numbering apart?

    Thank you very much for the replies.
  • Cinna
    Reyniel wrote: »

    Thanks for the reply. As of now is there a known formula? I'd like to see if the additional damage from fire, is worth the mitigation received from concussion.

    Do you happen to have a link to all the proposed changes?

    I just picked up the game, and the numbering systems have caused some confusion.. Are 1.6, and 2.0 the same? Did they split the console and pc numbering apart?

    Thank you very much for the replies.

    As of now, no widely known formula. Pts notes actually let me understand that concussion applies minor maim now, which was never indicated in any in-game tooltips. The old mitigation percentages quoted in the guide here were from old tooltips before the current minor/major buff/debuff system. Therefore sadly concussion seems to not provide additional dmg reduction to what your tank would apply... In regards to burning, it is worth noting that many mobs are vulnerable to fire and therefore take extra damage and may get stunned from any fire effects due to vulnerability procs (explosion).

    Proposed changes you can find on the pts section of the forum, patch notes for pts 2.1 are stickied there at the moment. The elemental effects are under base game changes and related to destro staff. Numbering has leaped over some numbers but afaik the releases should not vary massively between console and pc.
    Edited by Cinna on August 8, 2015 11:15AM
  • Reyniel
    Soul Shriven
    Phenomenal thank you.
  • Roselle
    You can break free and still cast spells while in an enemy negate. Not 100% suggested, but handy if you need to stay in the spot.
    This one was rekt by Zenimax
  • Cinna
    Minor updates on the writeup.
  • butoijo
    How about interrupted target ?

    When i shot poison arrow to npc/player when s/he casting, s/he will knell down around 2-3 second, that's how i know my interrupt is proc.
  • runagate
    I know it's a very old thread but it's very good, and I was reminded of it when someone was asking about "off balance" in zone today.
  • generalmyrick
    Cinna wrote: »
    I have tried to collect all the information that is available about different status effects. For the most part my source is the game itself, its tooltips and my own experience through various addons, but I have also found bits from different forums and their numerous threads. If any misinformation has slipped in or if I have missed anything, please let me know. At the moment the chances to proc secondary effects such as burning are not standardized - update 2.1 appears to aim to improve that.

    • Chilled - Applies Snared i.e. slows movement speed by 40% for 5 sec. Chance to proc from any frost damage (frost staff, frost enchants, Ice Comet (mages guild)).
    • Concussion - Applies Minor Maim i.e. reduces damage done by 15% for 4 sec. Animation: electric sparkles. Chance to proc from any lightning damage (sorcerer storm calling spells, lightning staff and shock enchants).
    • Burning - Flame damage over time for 3 sec (tics 3 times, every 1,5sec). Chance to proc from any flame damage (dragon knight ardent flame skills, flame staff and flame enchants).

    DISABLING EFFECTS: complete loss of control of the character
    • Knocked Down – Totally disabled: knocked to the ground and cannot move or perform actions (duration varies between spells, 2-3.5 seconds). During knocked down status one cannot be pulled or knocked back. Example: Crystal Shard (sorcerer), stonefist (DK).
    • Stunned – Unable to move, attack, or perform any actions, susceptible to further cc during stun. Example: Shield Charge (1H&S), Toppling Charge (Templar).
    • Off balance - Short disable that breaks on damage taken AND vulnerability to Heavy Attack (even partially charged) causing Knocked Down. Off balance vulnerability lasts regardless of damage taken for 4 sec unless utilized by heavy attack sooner. Animation: White glowing circle/spiral above head. Blocking enemy’s heavy melee attack or interrupting an enemy cast knocks them off balance and opens them to your Heavy attack and consecutive Knocked Down effect. Also is an effect from many class and weapon skills.
    • Disoriented – Long but fragile disable (cannot move/perform action) that will break from any damage taken. From many class and weapon spells, Rune Prison (sorcerer), Shock Touch (shock staff), Scatter shot (bow).
    • Silenced – Unable to cast spells, can move and use physical attacks. From Negate Magic (sorcerer). Countered by Immovable (heavy armor skill), Break free or moving out of the area.
    • Feared – Running away from the caster unable to perform any actions. Example: Aspect of Terror (Nightblade), Turn Undead (Fighter’s Guild), Roar (Werewolf).
    • Pull – Pulled to the caster, while in air unable to perform any actions. Examples: Silver leash (Fighter’s Guild), Fiery Grip (DK). Counts as hard cc as it triggers immunity on target in pvp.
    • Knockback - Pushed away from caster for 5 meters. Note: Spells can have Knockback in conjunction with other status effects like a knock down/stun/disorient effect (like Binding Javelin, Fire Clench, Scatter Shot), or as a plain knockback (like Piercing Javelin or Fire Touch).

    SOFT CC: hinder movement (flying creatures are immune to these)
    • Immobile – Rooted i.e. unable to move, but can attack/perform actions. For example: Dark talons (DK), Encase (sorcerer), Stampede (2h). Note: Frost Touch (frost staff) has Deep freeze and Deeper freeze effects that seem to be equal to an immobilize, but an elemental effect.
    • Snared - Slowed movement speed, but can perform attacks or other actions. Percentage varying between spells? Animation: cloudy effect around feet. Example: Low Slash (1H&S), Sun Fire (Templar).

    • Taunted – Forced to attack you (PvE only) for 15 sec. Only from Puncture (1H&S) and Inner Fire (Undaunted) and their morphs.
    • Blind - Raised chance to miss, percentage varies from spell to spell. Removed from player abilities, but some NPCs use it. Also available as armor set bonus (Akatosh's blessed armor).
    • Bleed - Physical damage over time, most commonly 10 sec. From passive traits for axes and some weapon attacks.
    • Poisoned - Poison damage over time for 12 sec (tics 7 times every 2 sec, damage per tic approximately half of burning tic). Chance to proc from poison damage (poison enchants and certain weapon attacks such as Venom arrow or Lethal Arrow (Bow). Note: Poison is often applied in conjunction with healing reduction effect, but is a separate effect.
    • Diseased - Applies Minor Defile debuff for couple of seconds that reduces healing taken by 15% (suggested to be reduced health regeneration too). Animation: green cloud and health bar has inward arrowheads. Chance to proc from any disease damage (meat bag siege catapults, werewolf infectious claws and foul weapon enchants).
    • Immovability – “Immunity to knockback and disabling effects”, does not affect soft cc. Animation effect: swirling wind around the character). Gained when hard CC ends (naturally or when broken/reflected), from activating Immovable (heavy armour skill) or from potions.

    • Break Free – costs stamina; removes stun, disorient, knockdown, also get 5 sec Immovability.
    • Dodge – costs stamina (cheaper than CCbreak), breaks soft cc i.e. immobilize, may avoid aoe.
    • Cleanse/Purge/Purify – Removes negative effects. Templar synergy or AvA support spell, Dark Cloak (NB).
    • Block - negates any attempt to CC, even if you take partial damage from the attack itself. NO Immovability effect after.
    • Reflect – negates attempt to CC and gives the effect to its caster instead, get Immovability. From Defensive Posture (1h&s), Reflective scale (DK), some armor set bonuses.
    • Invisibility (potion or NB cloak) - avoid projectiles/ targeted CC completely if timed correctly, but does not prevent aoe effects hitting.
    • Snare Break – Remove snare. Example: Forward momentum (2H).

    does curse eater affect all of these and hist sap only effect disabling effects?
    "The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are a popular cultural meme, a metaphor representing the choice between:

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    Security, happiness, beauty, and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill)"

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