How do I get multi effect enchantments?

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I want these enchantments/runes for my tank build but I can't find any information on where to obtain them. All i'm finding is old posts of players arguing about whether they are good or not.

How do I make or obtain multi effect enchantments and how long is it going to take me to get 11 of them?
Edited by ZOS_Volpe on April 5, 2023 5:03PM
End the tedious inventory management game.

Best Answer

  • Dubhliam
    The Rune is called Hakeijo.
    If you don't have Tel Vars to buy them, simply buy them at traders or in your guilds.
    The Glyphs you want are named Gylph of Prismatic Defense, and you would only need 9 of them if you're a tank.
    7 for your gear + 2 for your shields. This enchantment cannot go to jewelry. The other version (subtractive) of this Rune is for weapons, that gives damage to undead and daedra- this is not beneficial to tanks.

    For starters, I would suggest you get your hands on 5 of those Glyphs and enchant Large pieces of equipment first - head, chest, legs and shields. (I assume you use 1H&S on both bars).
    Then, when you get enough gold, you can complete the enchantments on other parts - shoulders, hands, belt and feet that grant smaller enchantment bonus.
    Edited by Dubhliam on July 23, 2016 9:13PM
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    Answer ✓
  • Unsent.Soul
    What does this multi effect enchantment do? The only one I can think of is hakeigo (spelling) which is purchased from the imperial city sewer telvar vendor.

    This rune gives health, stamina, and magicka on the armor.
  • pecheckler
    So how many stones does this rune cost?
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • leepalmer95
    pecheckler wrote: »
    So how many stones does this rune cost?

    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • Macsen
    Soul Shriven
    Okay. a lot of confusion on this one.

    There are three different things going on here. Prism, Prismatic, and Multi Effect.

    Essence Runes, the triangular jobs, control which.
    Hakeijo is for weapons and Armor. You add Potency runes and aspect runes to fit it to the level of your item and the power of your enchantment.

    Indeko is strictly Jewelry and gives you Prismatic, these are limited to reducing the cost, in termns of Stam, Health and or Magica. This does not add to damage effects of jewelry. It can be used to increase recovery effects.

    Now the "Multi Effect" enchantment is elsewhere. I use this for JEWELRY. For that I use the Taderi Essence rune. Potency as High as I can go within the limits of your character, and your item's level. Aspect as high a quality as I can do per my limitations.

    You can beef up the power of a Multi effect enchantment by enchanting an Item with the Infused Trait.
    This gave me an enchantment that Increased Weapon and Spell Damage of my attacks and increased my Stam recovery.

    Like I said this is a "Multi-Effect JEWELRY enchantment".

  • Macsen
    Soul Shriven
    Second reply. Sorry I was making the enchantment as I went. So far this is the critter I am enchanting.
    The Ring of the Night Mother. I have two

    Infused Trait

    I have two items so from this set I get the two item bonus to critical hit. I have only improved the ring itself up to BLUE.

    So EACH ring when worn gives me
    143 weapon damage
    143 Spell Damage
    14 to Stamina recovery

    Infused trait gives me + 42% to the effectiveness of all enchantments on the item.

    Im wearing TWO so I get and additional 124 to Wep. and Spell Damage because of the Set Bonus.

    I think that's pretty good for a pair of rings. It will get better when I can improve them to legendary level.

    So Hakeijo is weapons and armor. The Effect is called Prism
    Indeko is Jewelry and the effect is call prismatic
    Tadeiko gives you "Multi Effect" enchantments
  • virtus753
    The confusion arises from the fact that jewelry multi-effect enchantments did not exist 7 years ago, the last time this thread got an update.

    Jewelry weapon/spell damage + regen multi-effect enchantments were only introduced last patch, nearly 7 years after the last post in this thread.

    Indeko was introduced in 2020, so almost exactly 4 years later.

    The information posted was correct for the time it was posted.
    Edited by virtus753 on April 5, 2023 3:09AM
  • FluffWit
    Upgrading jewelery is bloody expensive, what is your second set of gear going to be? It's generally best to run jewelery in a drop set that's already upgraded. There are a tonne of good options you could look at.

    Just to put it in perspective I think it would cost close to twice as much to upgrade ONE piece of jewelery to legendary then it will cost to upgrade 7 pieces of armor and 2-3 weapons to legendary.

    Those jewelery glyphs you made are a little odd, it's actually a new thing. They're basically combining magical and physical damage, they just haven't come up with a name for it yet. And the recovery portion is just something they're doing temporarily while they come up with a new use for one of both of the Makderi and Taderi runes so their effects arent identical.
  • ZOS_Volpe

    We are closing this thread as it is rather old, and some of the information has since been changed due to updates. Please keep feel free to create a new topic, if you wish to continue discussing the topic.

    Thanks for your understanding!
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