The new Breton Hero Costume...
It's really disappointing. From the back it makes your character look really wide.
And the Cloak... Ffs. When running with a Cloak on the Cloak should fly backwards. Currently the Cloak on the Breton Hero Costume, sticks to the back of your legs and moves with them, making it look much more like a Robe than a cloak.
Don't say it's because it's an MMO and you can't have anything flying backwards because you can, it didn't need to have physics, just a change of position when you run forwards to make it look like it's trailing backwards.
When running it looks really bad from the back and sides. It looks good from the front, but I don't think anyone plays with their camera facing backwards.
Real Shame. I was looking forward to that Costume.
House Baratheon: 'Ours Is The Fury'