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Where's the imperial officer costume pack?

I've just returned and I have some crowns now I want to buy that pack with, but can't find it.

Please don't tell me it was discontinued...if I regret buying those crowns for that pack I'll have to leave this game behind (edit: nah I think they'll add it back at some point). I never got an email saying it would be discontinued.

...and after a forum search I see it was discontinued. Will it return? Because if not, bye bye. At least send a damned email saying when things will be discontinued.
Edited by Holycannoli on July 21, 2016 8:25AM
  • ArchMikem
    Well, isn't there still an Imperial Armor pack/motif still available though? That's kinda sorta similar..
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Trublz
    You're leaving because a costume you want was discontinued?
    Sounds like you would have left soon anyway if that was your only reason for staying...
    Peace out
    CP531 Air-eez Redguard DK DPS
    CP531 Hayd-eez Imperial DK Tank
    CP531 SomethinFishy Khajit NB DPS
    CP531 Heracl-eez Orc Sorc DPS
    CP531 Anark-eez Dark Elf DK DPS
    CP531 Herm-eez Breton Temp DPS
  • Holycannoli
    I can craft imperial armor just fine, but I can't look like I'm wearing imperial heavy armor while wearing medium.

    Between losing my silver Bound Armaments, having to pay to respec out of my main skills that were totally nerfed (notably Wrecking Blow, and friggin give us a respec when you change skills so drastically), hearing about the entire game soon becoming level scaled (wtf kind of MMORPG is entirely level scaled? This one really irks me), and now seeing the one and only costume pack I wanted gone, I have no desire to play anymore.

    There was no need to remove that pack from the crown store. There is never a need to remove anything from the crown store. I'm pretty upset because it wasn't necessary. "Make room" they say. Lol. Gimme a break.
    Edited by Holycannoli on July 21, 2016 7:29AM
  • Holycannoli
    Trublz wrote: »
    You're leaving because a costume you want was discontinued?
    Sounds like you would have left soon anyway if that was your only reason for staying...
    Peace out

    No this is just the "icing on the cake."

    It's everything else I've come back to that's really bothering me. The idea of turning this game into some weird level scaled abomination is saddening. That's not the game I want to play. Opening the world for all is great, level scaling is not. And to see the one costume pack I actually wanted to buy when I returned is gone just rubs me the wrong way. I mean that dreadful armored knights pack is still in the store. Get rid of that and bring back the imperial packs, geez. The decision making behind this game is awful.

    I have a feeling they'll bring it back again though. It just makes no sense to remove it in the first place. They can and should have many, many options in the crown store to choose from, not just a few. That's bad business and I'm not sure who's telling them otherwise.
    Edited by Holycannoli on July 21, 2016 8:24AM
  • Daemons_Bane
    Removing it made people want it, since they announced it's departure some time in advance.. they created a demand for it
  • Eirikir
    I kind of get where he is coming from. I waited for the game to come to the PS4 and was really wanting the Blacksmith costume as I like the look of a 2h Blacksmith. The costume was removed though before the game got to PS4 so I ended up missing it. To this day it still bugs me more then anything.
    Server: PS4-NA
    PSN: Eirikir
    Name: Eirikir "Erik" Kololf
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Race: Nord (Lycanthrope)
    Class: Dragonknight (Range DPS)
    Playstyle: Crafter, PVE, PVP, Roleplayer
  • Bonzodog01
    All of the Imperial Costumes were also removed because of a re-styling that has gone on. Some new Imperial Costumes are coming to the store soon, and there is going to be second (kind of) Imperial Motif to match them. I cannot find the pics of it right now, but it has the rectangular shield, I think it going to be called the 7th Legion set or something.
    Xbox One - EU - EP/DC
    Trying and failing to hold the walls of his Templar house up since 2015
  • Daemons_Bane
    There is a thread somewhere, showing all current and incoming motifs.. try googling eso motifs.. should be on the first page

    Here you go :smile: all motifs

    Akatosh seems to be the new imperial
    Edited by Daemons_Bane on July 21, 2016 9:31AM
  • Mikazan
    Akatosh seems to be the new imperial

    Ahm... "Akatosh" style - its a style of Imperial Organisation, not imperial army. Order of the Hourglass from Kvatch you know. So its not a restyling. Just more imperial organisations.
  • Daemons_Bane
    Akatosh seems to be the new imperial

    Ahm... "Akatosh" style - its a style of Imperial Organisation, not imperial army. Order of the Hourglass from Kvatch you know. So its not a restyling. Just more imperial organisations.

    I know what it is :smile: but as you say yourself, "Imperial Organisation", so hence why I say the "new Imperial" :smile:
    Edited by Daemons_Bane on July 21, 2016 10:11AM
  • ArchMikem
    There is a thread somewhere, showing all current and incoming motifs.. try googling eso motifs.. should be on the first page

    Here you go :smile: all motifs

    Akatosh seems to be the new imperial

    ESO Fashion also has a list as well, though it's missing images of the very recent Motifs.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • starkerealm
    ...and after a forum search I see it was discontinued. Will it return? Because if not, bye bye. At least send a damned email saying when things will be discontinued.

    There was a notification of upcoming crown store items. It was listed as being discontinued a full month before it was removed. Depending on your email settings, you probably actually did get a message back in late May or early June saying, "hey, new stuff in the crown store," which would have linked to the update including the items being removed.
  • Banana
    I decided i wanted it to after seeing it on esofashion. But also to my surprise it is gone. Below is the answer :/

    In order to make room for new stock, the following items will be retired from the Crown Store on all platforms on May 30th.


    “Brilliance" Brocade Robes
    Doeskin-and-Chamois Woods Wear
    Evening Dress
    High-Collared Coin Ball Gown
    Imperial Battlemage Pack
    Imperial Officer Pack
    Mages Guild Pack
    Soul-Shriven Costume Pack


    Golden Eye Guar
    Palomino Horse


    Daedric Scamp
    Helstrom Ancestor Lizard
    Shornhelm Shepherd

    Must have been running low on hard drive space or something.
  • starkerealm
    Banana wrote: »
    Must have been running low on hard drive space or something.

    Probably a store interface issue, actually. Stick too many things in there at once, and it'll get entirely unreasonable to deal with. Culling stuff out seems to be with the goal of keeping the scroll times short. Also, notice, they started culling stuff after they consolidated the costumes back under one tab again.
  • Krym
    There was a notification of upcoming crown store items. It was listed as being discontinued a full month before it was removed. Depending on your email settings, you probably actually did get a message back in late May or early June saying, "hey, new stuff in the crown store," which would have linked to the update including the items being removed.

    those shop mails are waaaay to irregular for that, plus not every month removes stuff, and that's if you even get those mails.

    tbh ZOS is simply stupid when it comes to the shop, if they REALLY want to generate hype they should have a placeholder image for the limited stuff with an exact date, so everybody visiting the shop can see it in advance (and preview it!) and also immediately see how long it will be available.
    same for items getting removed, a simple "leaving soon" banner would trigger way more purchases than some email or news article that lists it below at the end in small print.

    EDIT: not to mention putting a price beforehand as well means people can stock up on crowns in advance or better plan their spending in general.
    Probably a store interface issue, actually. Stick too many things in there at once, and it'll get entirely unreasonable to deal with. Culling stuff out seems to be with the goal of keeping the scroll times short. Also, notice, they started culling stuff after they consolidated the costumes back under one tab again.

    zos has no problem putting stuff in the store for a few days, nothing keeps them from having a faster rotation and have stuff available again for a few days each weekend to keep the amount of entries limited. and if their system can't handle that many items in the background, good god...

    Edited by Krym on July 21, 2016 12:45PM
  • Ulfgarde
    I've just returned and I have some crowns now I want to buy that pack with, but can't find it.

    Please don't tell me it was discontinued...if I regret buying those crowns for that pack I'll have to leave this game behind (edit: nah I think they'll add it back at some point). I never got an email saying it would be discontinued.

    ...and after a forum search I see it was discontinued. Will it return? Because if not, bye bye. At least send a damned email saying when things will be discontinued.

    They removed it a while back to "make space" for incoming costumes. That said, it's unobtainable now. You can probably just create Imperial armor for a similar effect
    Banana wrote: »
    Must have been running low on hard drive space or something.

    Doubt it. They most likely removed them due to low sales and announced their removal so people would buy more crown packs and buy them. Business maneuvers.
    Very athletic eso player
    PC EU
  • Holycannoli
    I rarely get email from ESO and when I do it doesn't mention anything about items being removed from the store.

    So if Akatosh will be the new imperial that old officer pack will be even more interesting because it represents the old style.

    And no I don't think the interface is why they remove items. I think someone feels announcing that items will be removed will generate sales, like it's a smart business move. It's not. The smart business move is to keep all items in the cash shop and offer occasional sales on certain items and packs. Path Of Exile does it and they make a lot of money from it. They have a few featured items at a time on sale but all items are always available.

    That's how you generate cash shop sales, and without angering anyone, say by removing items and claiming it's to "make room" (who the hell do they think they're fooling anyway? We aren't stupid). That's the way to conduct business. People think they're getting a good deal, every cash shop item is always available so nobody is disappointed and newcomers never feel left out, everyone's happy and the business makes money.

    It's not a difficult concept.

    Oh by the way, I should have mentioned this: I used my Bound Armaments as a "costume" too. I really liked that silver armor and sometimes I'd disable my helmet to customize it. That was of course removed, so it was time to get the imperial officer pack because it and the battlemage pack were the only costumes in the shop I liked. Lucky me, they were removed too. Here's the rule and it doesn't apply to just this game: if I like it it's removed. Silver Bound Armament armor? Gone. Imperial costume packs? Gone. Leveled areas? Gone (soon to be replaced by a ridiculous scaled system where we never have to leave our starting areas if we don't want).
    Edited by Holycannoli on July 21, 2016 4:40PM
  • Taleof2Cities
    Are we telling ZOS how they should conduct business ... when really your posts boil down to just being salty the Imperial Officers pack isn't offered when you want it to be?

    They might return it on a limited basis at a later date. There are other items on my wish list that could return ... but I'm not going to hold a grudge against ZOS.

    In the meantime, this thread could be construed as a "goodbye" thread by the forum mods ... and get locked.
  • Holycannoli
    I'm still here, and there was no indication it was a limited time pack. I mean the lousy armored knights pack is still available. If anything that should be the one to go.

    I'm not salty at just the imperial officers pack being removed, I'm salty at a lot of recent decisions. A costume won't make me leave, but a combination of removing or changing things in this game that I enjoyed will. I'll tell you again what some are: No more silver Bound Armaments armor (not even a toggle to show or hide it, just removed. Not everyone disliked that silver armor), no more imperial officers pack for a reason that's an obvious lie, Wrecking Blow and other skills nerfed without giving me a respec, making the barbershop cost money when only race and name changes should cost money, and soon changing the entire game into some level scaling abomination. That last one has me really scratching my head. I've never heard of an MMORPG where the entire game is level scaled - or ANY RPG really. Not even Elder Scrolls is entirely level scaled - , and I'm seriously hoping they reconsider that decision. That hope is literally the only reason I'm still here. I've given my reasons in another thread why I'm so against an entirely level scaled MMORPG. I'll copy/paste it here:
    Again, I'll go back to classic Everquest (who here has ever played it?). In that game there are multiple starter zones for new characters, multiple medium level zones for leveling and a few high level zones. You can start a level 1 troll or ogre in the swamp or jungle but move him to the dark elf starting area if you want. You can move a new high elf all the way across the world to Qeynos and start there. But you most certainly do NOT scale to the zone you're in, so the trek to from Gfay to Qeynos can get perilous around Kithicor or through East Karana, or Feerrott to Nektulos can be dangerous when you run through Oasis or East Commons with the Freeport guards looking to kill evil races. You also don't just move from your starting zone to Lower Guk, I mean that's ludicrous to even think about.

    Level scaling would have made that game incredibly lame, and I fear it will do the same here. Level scaling is only good in limited instances.
    Edited by Holycannoli on July 21, 2016 4:55PM
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