Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »I am sorry buddy. It sucks and I feel your pain. Said it before and I will say it again. Just stop running it. Other than getting the title on some new alts, I have not been back since they further diluted and already horrendous loot table. They wont do anything as long as people continue to log in. What if we had a week of empty leaderboards?!?!
Like most people, I have a smattering of good stuff mixed with a bunch of terrible traits. Pretty much the only thing I care about would be a sharpened inferno staff and sharpened dagger. The chances of getting either got MUCH worse at last patch. I have not seen a weapon from the last chest since DB, so I frankly dont buy the 50% (which should be 100%).
Anyway, they wont do anything with this thread. They have popped up 1-2 times a week since this place came out, and they only thing they did was make the problem twice as bad. Vent if you need to, we are here, but dont expect anything done on this issue.
I have been in this trial nearly every available session on the game. I have lost count on the clears I have done now and I have managed to get a stamknight and sorc on the leader boards.
The drop rates are horrendous for example I am currently on a run of 8 rings in a row from the final chest. 50% chance in great effect.
I have got various weapons in bad traits. The only decent stuff I have gained is:
nirn 2h, 1h mace, 1h axe
Precise 2h sword
Otherwise it's all charged and powered crap.
The bad traits available are enough of a fight to get what you want... Let alone spending 1.5hrs in the hardest solo content to get a ring that 99% of players don't want.
The weapon drops should be 100% for the effort people put into this content. Then atleast we can get mats from deconstructing the bad trait weapons rather than selling the masses of rings we accumulate trying to grab sharpened weapons.
Ran it maybe 20 times now.. think I got quite lucky:
- nirnhoned bow
- precise dagger
- sharpened axe
- charged bow (good thing I already got the nirnhoned one)
- sharpened fire staff
- sharpened resto staff
- and 2x 1H/s once sharped, forgot the other one
but yeah it's quite frustrating spending 1-2 hours in there and getting a permafrost / parabellum / fury ring. (with permafrost drops taking the cake.. in drop rate and in uselessness from everything ranging from PvE to PvP)
but like I said.. think I'm one of the lucky ones.. decent drops with nice traits.
Would be nice if you could convert X of the same maelstrom item to 1 tradeable maelstrom item with a random trait.
That would give people a chance to get a better trait using X items and/or sell some of the items of the multiple runs.
Ran it maybe 20 times now.. think I got quite lucky:
- nirnhoned bow
- precise dagger
- sharpened axe
- charged bow (good thing I already got the nirnhoned one)
- sharpened fire staff
- sharpened resto staff
- and 2x 1H/s once sharped, forgot the other one
but yeah it's quite frustrating spending 1-2 hours in there and getting a permafrost / parabellum / fury ring. (with permafrost drops taking the cake.. in drop rate and in uselessness from everything ranging from PvE to PvP)
but like I said.. think I'm one of the lucky ones.. decent drops with nice traits.
Would be nice if you could convert X of the same maelstrom item to 1 tradeable maelstrom item with a random trait.
That would give people a chance to get a better trait using X items and/or sell some of the items of the multiple runs.
LegendaryArcher wrote: »I uninstalled ESO for this very reason. No money for ZOS until vMA drops are fair.
If you don't wanna give another, much better game a chance *cough* Black Desert *cough*, at least unsubscribe from ESO Plus.
50% chance and I have still hit one way 10 times in a row... What are the chances of flipping a coin and getting one result 10 times in a row... Because I seem to be that unlucky.
Totalitarian wrote: »
Assuming 50% chance of landing on one face of a coin, ten trials with the same result equals a probability of 1 / 1024
which is slightly less that 0.1% chance of happening.
Thanks for that information. It's nice to see how unlucky I am in the form of a number... It is not pretty reading.
Don't get me wrong tho, people saying they have a problem with the game is purely on them...
I love this game... I craft, I do trials/dungeons (not so much now impen is not in loot table), I farm, I socialise and mostly PVP. Game is full of stuff to do, to much with the time I have to play.
I don't even mind the RNG in most other situations... I ran Darkshades every day for 20 days, 3 times a day in search of the engine gaurdian helmet... I farmed kena, bloodspawn, skoria and most the other monster pieces.
I just have a problem with the levels of RNG associated with this arena... In my opinion it's to much for what you have to put into it.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
The math is good, but it is based on the premise that the drop rate is actually 50%.
Now we all know your opinion holds as much weight as a sparrow feather. You have a problem with RNG yet you have zero quams about BDO, a game where only the kids who literally grind 20 hours a day have a huge edge on anyone who cannot...?
Sounds legit.
That game is horribad, as I said it would be before it launched, because it is yet another typical Korean game that rewards the grinders. By the way, the groups that left ESO for BDO are no longer playing BDO for the above mentioned reason.
In fact, you can read Ezareth's reasoning here: http://forum.blackdesertonline.com/index.php?/topic/88447-bdo-a-responsible-competitive-gamers-nightmare/
My opinion- Stick with ESO's green pastures, because it ain't better on the the other side of the fence.
I am going further tag my favorite spider @Cinnamon_Spider who I am sure can reinforce what I just said and save you guys the heartache of flocking to that toxic cesspool of a game.