ZOS please provide official status on the following issues.
1. ESO Plus subscribers not receiving benefits. My subscription renewal is coming up have you resolved the issue with members losing their access to DLC, crafting bags, and not receiving their monthly crown allowance? If not what is the status and ETA for fix. Also if it is still not working and you cannot provide a status besides we are working on it and an ETA why have you not disabled the auto renewal option till it is fixed?
2. Characters getting stuck in Orsinium DLC. I purchased this before I had a ESO Plus membership and it is also an advertised ESO Plus benefit you are currently recommending people not to go there and play the content they paid for. What is the status and ETA for fix? If you cannot provide a status besides we are working on it and ETA for a fix why do you continue to sell this DLC which you are also recommending people do not play? Why are you not putting a disclaimer on the ESO Plus membership that Orsinium DLC is not currently working as intended and this benefit is not available?
3. What is the status on the issues with partial stacks not working correctly if your bank is full, i.e. all the slots in my bank are full and the game will not allow we to add more crafting items to a partial stack unless I first withdrawal it from my bank and then redeposit it. This has been broken for months now and no status or ETA has been provided. Due to concerns with losing access to my crafting bag, because of the issues in item one this could once again be an issue for me and many other players.
Thanks in advance for your timely response.
Edited by Zeddakis on July 19, 2016 11:07AM