Can't say about other classes, but on stamDK I don't drop below 70% stamina, while on magDK I barely stay between 10-15%.
Lava Whip costs 4k magicka (without any reductions). That's insane, considering you have to use at least 5 more skills to have somewhat okay-ish dps.
Using cost reduction glyph is a dps loss btw.
I don't ask to nerf anything, just revert magicka cost increase that happend quite recently. That was unreasonable.
lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »Yeah, it's just so unfair. My magblade can only restore 1k magicka and stamina with each light attack, that's so much weaker than those stamina builds with thier mountains blessing, dark deal and repentance. And then those horrible expensive skills. My funnel health costs nearly 1k magicka, how should I ever be able to sustain this?
On a more serious note, I agree, that some classes / builds could deserve a buff, but it's not a stam vs mag issue.
Can't say about other classes, but on stamDK I don't drop below 70% stamina, while on magDK I barely stay between 10-15%.
Lava Whip costs 4k magicka (without any reductions). That's insane, considering you have to use at least 5 more skills to have somewhat okay-ish dps.
Using cost reduction glyph is a dps loss btw.
I don't ask to nerf anything, just revert magicka cost increase that happend quite recently. That was unreasonable.
Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »Stamina costs increased as well, particularly dodge-rolling, and cc breaking isn't working correctly, so Stamina sustain
vs Magic sustain isn't the issue.
The issue is Mag DK needing a buff, not all magic builds.
Earthen Heart needs Stam morphs that allow MDKs to generate Magicka in the same way that Stam DKs use the Helping
Hands passive to convert Magic to Stamina.
The class needs a decent self-heal, an execute, more elusiveness, and much more.
Can't say about other classes, but on stamDK I don't drop below 70% stamina, while on magDK I barely stay between 10-15%.
Lava Whip costs 4k magicka (without any reductions). That's insane, considering you have to use at least 5 more skills to have somewhat okay-ish dps.
Using cost reduction glyph is a dps loss btw.
I don't ask to nerf anything, just revert magicka cost increase that happend quite recently. That was unreasonable.
Zos CANT make the balance... and they know it. because of that they just make 3 months buff one class after other one and after other one and nerf others... And they say There are 4 classes we buff every 3 months 1 class so every classes can play 3 months with buff and 1 year has 12 months so it is a balance..::):):)
Can't say about other classes, but on stamDK I don't drop below 70% stamina, while on magDK I barely stay between 10-15%.
Lava Whip costs 4k magicka (without any reductions). That's insane, considering you have to use at least 5 more skills to have somewhat okay-ish dps.
Using cost reduction glyph is a dps loss btw.
I don't ask to nerf anything, just revert magicka cost increase that happend quite recently. That was unreasonable.
Can't say about other classes, but on stamDK I don't drop below 70% stamina, while on magDK I barely stay between 10-15%.
Lava Whip costs 4k magicka (without any reductions). That's insane, considering you have to use at least 5 more skills to have somewhat okay-ish dps.
Using cost reduction glyph is a dps loss btw.
I don't ask to nerf anything, just revert magicka cost increase that happend quite recently. That was unreasonable.
Doncellius wrote: »In PvP (solo player perspective):
• Magicka DK: Needs buffs, especially Dragon Blood. Only one playstyle as a sword&shield/resto tank is even slightly viable, and is why there are practically no Mag DKs at all in Cyrodiil. Buff Mag DK! Rather than just making destro/restro viable, make the entire class spec viable! Buff!
• Magicka Sorc: Surge is weak. Buff it since its heals are too small now. A suggestion is to make how it currently works one morph, but have the other morph retain its old function. Also buff Pet Sorcs by a massive amount because they are terrible atm, and probably make up ~0.1% of Mag Sorcs. This class is also very pidgeonholed into the near-same exact build of destro/restro. Making pets viable and buffing Bound Armor could change this. More options are needed and pets need massive buffs.
• Magicka NB: Strong class right now. Not much else. I don't think they need any buffs at all. Lots of tools to use. It's always hard to build a Nightblade because of the arsenal of strong skills to slot. Good as is.
• Magicka Temp: Touchy class here, with a sensitive population. That population has also grown recently from near nothing to half the playerbase, and for good reason. They are very well balanced and very powerful. Access to a bumch of mitigation/healing buffs are easily accessible and even a purify and burst heal. This class is extremely powerful right now, and that is before considering Radiant Destruction. If anything happens to this Mag Temp, I'd opt for a nerf. No buffs though. Leave as is or slightly nerf. Mag Temp is arguably the strongest Magicka class right now.
• Stamina DK: Strong class spec right now. Not sure I'd recommend anything changed or them, but buffing Dragon Blood may help them (though it'd be buffed for Mag DK, not Stam). Good as is.
• Stamina Sorc: Highly mobile. Fun to play but the lack of heals if you don't run a 2H is detrimental to this class. Buffing Surge would be all that Stam Sorc really needs at this point. Might be worth shortening the cooldown on Surge from 1 second to 0.5 seconds. This would allow DoT builds and lucky hits to heal more. This class spec needs a buff to Surge, but is pretty much fine. Possibly other minor buffs as well.
• Stamina NB: Very strong class right now. With the exception of Major Mending, they kind of have it all. You can Cloak, which is very helpful. This is one of the only class specs I'd opt for a nerf for before a buff. It is doing perfectly fine right now. Again, either leave as is or slightly nerf.
• Stamina Temp: Good as is. Don't think it really needs to change. Doing great but I don't think it deserves nerfs at all.
These are my thoughts off the top if my head on the classes generally. This is for PvP.
Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »Stamina costs increased as well, particularly dodge-rolling, and cc breaking isn't working correctly, so Stamina sustain
vs Magic sustain isn't the issue.
The issue is Mag DK needing a buff, not all magic builds.
Earthen Heart needs Stam morphs that allow MDKs to generate Magicka in the same way that Stam DKs use the Helping
Hands passive to convert Magic to Stamina.
The class needs a decent self-heal, an execute, more elusiveness, and much more.
Can't say about other classes, but on stamDK I don't drop below 70% stamina, while on magDK I barely stay between 10-15%.
Lava Whip costs 4k magicka (without any reductions). That's insane, considering you have to use at least 5 more skills to have somewhat okay-ish dps.
Using cost reduction glyph is a dps loss btw.
I don't ask to nerf anything, just revert magicka cost increase that happend quite recently. That was unreasonable.
Spearblade wrote: »Agreed on Mag DK. Sorcs need to lose the Daedric Summoning tree in general. I thought ZOS was doing away with toggles a while ago? Just forget Sorc? I'd like to see a Frost themed skill line with a skill that summons a Frost Atronach as like...a 30 sec DoT. The rest just need to be new frost skills with potential physical (stam) morphs.
Try a stam sorc NO execute
lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »Yeah, it's just so unfair. My magblade can only restore 1k magicka and stamina with each light attack, that's so much weaker than those stamina builds with thier mountains blessing, dark deal and repentance. And then those horrible expensive skills. My funnel health costs nearly 1k magicka, how should I ever be able to sustain this?
On a more serious note, I agree, that some classes / builds could deserve a buff, but it's not a stam vs mag issue.
Zos CANT make the balance... and they know it. because of that they just make 3 months buff one class after other one and after other one and nerf others... And they say There are 4 classes we buff every 3 months 1 class so every classes can play 3 months with buff and 1 year has 12 months so it is a balance..::):):)