Hi all!
I am looking for a guild and want to see what all you have to offer.
I am looking for a guild that doesn't mind running dungeons and helping with quests and random bosses around the worlds from time to time. I used to play on PC however have recently moved to the Xbox 1.
I am a level 30 (Whoo hoo) Brenton Templar. Dps/Healer. (Mainly DPS but I can throw a heal here or there if need be.) Would love suggestions to builds recommended.
I would like a guild that is active mainly during the Morning/Lunch time frame aka 7a.m-4 p.m. CST. (My husband plays too and he gets the console from 6p.m. til bedtime) and on weekends he like to play all day
I think I have persuaded him to give me mornings when we have nothing else planned.
I should be getting a headset and chatpad today.
I am friendly and will help out when I can. I see a lot of guilds requiring donations and until I get my crafts up and a mount I honestly do not have any money to donate. But I happily will after those 2 things are done. But I can donate time, help, and anything I don't need in my bags
I am fairly new to the Xbox so feel Free to add me as a Friend even if you don't have a guild!
GT: Laila 821
Character Name: Alurea Skye
Server: NA
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Have a great day everyone!