Acrobatic Movement and Controller Fix Concept

Hating Jumping Thread

I want to see a fluid game, not only in combat but I want to see a fluid game in world traversal, acrobatics, and parkour. If this concept is implemented the groundwork will be laid for whatever content ZoS creates to complement the new acrobat/parkour feature. Parkour though not as ninja as flipping and such just smooth traversal.

For a little inspiration! :p

Controller Fix Concept
The idea for this concept is that parkour is cool, jumping is wonky at times in this game, and acrobatics is a key feature in previous Elder Scrolls games. Let's get this wonky interact and jump button squared away first once and for all so it is fast, efficient, and cool to do in this game. B)

The interact button and jump button simply cannot exist on the same button as is. As you see from the hate jump thread and previous threads. There is some wonky-ness going on there.
I propose moving the PoV to the co-exist with the map button. This way is better because you don't use the PoV that often and it frees a direction on d-pad for other stuff. The mount option will be moved to a different location.
  • Tap Map button to bring up map.
  • Hold Map button to bring up PoV selector.
  • Swap Weapons is removed from the d-pad.
  • Sheathe Weapons is removed from the d-pad.
  • Target Cycle is added to D-Pad left and D-Pad right

I am suggesting a new preset. It is called Environmental Mode.Environmental modes requires less trigger holding while interacting with the world and allows world interactions with the face buttons and D-Pad sides for targeting. And each is right hand or left hand friendly.

Environmental Mode:
The Left Bumper will be used as a modifier button for multiple functions.
  • Left Bumper= Tap for Mount/Dismount
  • Left Bumper + X= Ability 1
  • Left Bumper + Y= Ability 2
  • Left Bumper + B= Ability 3
  • Left Bumper + A= Ability 4
  • Left Bumper + Right Bumper= Ability 5
  • Left Bumper + Left Trigger= Ultimate (Ultimate will always trigger first as priority with block triggering second)
  • Tap Right Bumper= Switch Weapons
  • Hold Right Bumper= Sheathe Weapon
  • Right Bumper + X= Climbing Acrobatics See below in the acrobatics concept what these type of Acrobatics are
  • Right Bumper + Y= Jumping Acrobatics See below in the acrobatics concept what these type of Acrobatics are
  • Right Bumper + B= Through Obstacles Acrobatics See below in the acrobatics concept what these type of Acrobatics are
  • Right Bumper + A= Ground Acrobatics See below in the acrobatics concept what these type of Acrobatics are
  • Left Trigger + Right Trigger= Interrupt
  • Left Analog + Right Analog= Synergy
  • Left Analog= Tap for
  • Right Analog= Crouch
  • D-Pad Down= Cycle Quest
  • D-Pad Up= Quick Slot
  • D-Pad Left= Cycle Target Closest to you Left to Right. Target-able things with D-Pad are npcs, loot, and environmental aspects.
  • D-Pad Right= Cycle Target Closest to you Right to Left. Target-able things with D-Pad are npcs, loot, and environmental aspects.
  • Button A/X= Sprint
  • Button X/Square= Interact/Confirm
  • Button Y/Triangle= Jump
  • Button B/Circle= Cancel/Escape Menu
  • Back/Option= Tap For Map
  • Back/Option While Held= Toggle PoV
  • Start= Tap for menu acccess
  • Start= Hold for Group Finder

Or if you are more skilled with the other hand the options will reverse.
  • Right Bumber= Tap For Mount/Dismount
  • Right Bumper + X= Ability 1
  • Right Bumper + Y= Ability 2
  • Right Bumper + B= Ability 3
  • Right Bumper + A= Ability 4
  • Right Bumper + Left Bumper= Ability 5
  • Right Bumper + Right Trigger= Ultimate (Ultimate will always trigger first as priority with attack triggering second)
  • Tap Left Bumper= Switch Weapon
  • Tap Right Bumper= Sheathe Weapon
  • Left Bumper + X= Climbing Acrobatics See below in the acrobatics concept what these type of Acrobatics are
  • Left Bumper + Y= Jumping Acrobatics See below in the acrobatics concept what these type of Acrobatics are
  • Left Bumper + B= Through Obstacles Acrobatics See below in the acrobatics concept what these type of Acrobatics are
  • Left Bumper + A= Ground Acrobatics See below in the acrobatics concept what these type of Acrobatics are
  • Right Trigger + Left Trigger= Interrupt
  • Right Analog + Left Analog= Synergy
  • Right Analog= Tap for
  • Left Analog= Crouch
  • D-Pad Down= Cycle Quest
  • D-Pad Up= Quick Slot
  • D-Pad Left= Cycle Target Closest to you Left to Right. Target-able things with D-Pad are npcs, loot, and environmental aspects.
  • D-Pad Right= Cycle Target Closest to you Right to Left. Target-able things with D-Pad are npcs, loot, and environmental aspects.
  • Button A/X= Sprint
  • Button X/Square= Interact/Confirm
  • Button Y/Triangle= Jump
  • Button B/Circle= Cancel/Escape Menu
  • Back/Option= Tap For Map
  • Back/Option While Held= Toggle PoV
  • Start= Tap for Menu Access
  • Start= Hold for Group Finder


I want you to watch this video from a game that attempted to do their version called Heroic Movement before the game shutdown. Notice how brisk the character moves ascending and descending valleys. ESO players should slide down inclined surfaces just as they do in this video.

The Acrobatics Concept
Ground Acrobatics:
Dodge Roll
So we already have the shoulder roll known as dogde roll in ESO.

Sliding Kick
I propose this acrobatic for sliding down inclined areas or under obstacles that are elevated with a bottom opening like a small bridge. The animation is almost like on a snowboard but using feet with a sidekick stance one foot in front of the other.

To do ground acrobatics:
Press the appropriate bumper and button A/X. On a flat surface it will dodge roll. On an incline the acrobatic will do the sliding kick until the player reaches the end of the incline.

Climbing Acrobatics:

To do climbing acrobatics:
Press the appropriate bumper and button X/Square. The situation at hand determines which of the 3 climbing acrobatics are done.

Through Obstacles Acrobatics:
I propose this animation for getting through fences slightly above waist height.

Opening Scutter
I propose this animation for getting through little windows or opening in mason work.

To do Through Obstacle acrobatics:
Press the appropriate bumper and button B/Circle. The situation at hand determines which of the 2 through obstacle acrobatics are done.

Jumping from one obstacle to another:

Jumping From one Obstacle to another acrobatics:
Press the appropriate bumper and button Y/Triangle. The situation at hand determines which of the 5 acrobatics are done.

Jumping over obstacles in the path of movement:
Safety/Speed Vault
I propose this as a way to quickly vault over low obstacles maintaining momentum.

Lazy Thief Vault
I propose this animation as a vault from a standing position to jump over a low obstacle.

Dash Vault
I propose this animation as an alternative to the Speed Vault or an animation for jumping slightly higher obstacles maintaining momentum.

Kong Vault
I propose this as an alternate way to quickly vault over obstacles while maintaining momentum.

Jumping over obstacles in the path to movement:
Press the appropriate bumper and button Y/Triangle. The situation at hand determines which of the 4 acrobatics are done.

Tired of wonky interactions, controller not acting the way you want it to, want a cool way to interact with the environment? Then please say yes, and please let me know of any cool traversal moves I may be missing.
Edited by Kalifas on July 11, 2016 1:22AM
An Avid fan of Elder Scrolls Online. Check out my Concepts Repository!
  • Whatzituyah
    Can we also get the awesome jump on water from oblivion? It existed but I don't see a YouTube video just thought it was cool.
  • Kalifas
    Can we also get the awesome jump on water from oblivion? It existed but I don't see a YouTube video just thought it was cool.
    Idk that might *** all the Argonians off if other races can do that lol.
    An Avid fan of Elder Scrolls Online. Check out my Concepts Repository!
  • Mojmir
  • Kalifas
    Woooh Allright!
    An Avid fan of Elder Scrolls Online. Check out my Concepts Repository!
  • Whatzituyah
    Kalifas wrote: »
    Can we also get the awesome jump on water from oblivion? It existed but I don't see a YouTube video just thought it was cool.
    Idk that might *** all the Argonians off if other races can do that lol.

    It could be a stanima thing for other races and a passive swim speed for Argonians maybe have them skip faster like a real life lizard.
  • ArchMikem
    Fluid movement would get a definitely support from me, but in a game like this they can only do so much.

    However I do feel that the Character models feel very "unattached" to the world, and that's not a pun directed at playing as the soulless Vestige. When you move your character you don't feel like you're a creature with weight. You don't start off from a standstill to a walk and then it steadily builds up to a jog as you gain momentum. Instead every time you move the stick forward you're automatically in a full blown jog. I can understand that this is a big landscape we need to traverse and it's best if we're doing it at an enjoyable pace to cover it all. But I personally would have found it preferable to make it to where our characters moved around at a brisk walk by default and then had to press a button to initiate a run. How it is now with the default run and then toggle to sprint is just a tad fast for my liking, even if it saves me time.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Kalifas
    Kalifas wrote: »
    Can we also get the awesome jump on water from oblivion? It existed but I don't see a YouTube video just thought it was cool.
    Idk that might *** all the Argonians off if other races can do that lol.

    It could be a stanima thing for other races and a passive swim speed for Argonians maybe have them skip faster like a real life lizard.
    That could be cool if ZoS wanted to do something like that. Maybe other races could jump until stamina runs out which is faster than swimming but the Argonian could skip on the water for less stamina cost.
    Edited by Kalifas on July 11, 2016 1:46AM
    An Avid fan of Elder Scrolls Online. Check out my Concepts Repository!
  • Mojmir
  • Kalifas
    Mojmir wrote: »

    Lol. That was some Darth Maul / Luke Skywalker stuff going on there. :D
    An Avid fan of Elder Scrolls Online. Check out my Concepts Repository!
  • Mojmir
    Kalifas wrote: »
    Mojmir wrote: »

    Lol. That was some Darth Maul / Luke Skywalker stuff going on there. :D

    I'm no mod maker,but that video is from skyrim,how hard would it be to implement to ESO?
  • Lokryn
    As much as I would love more fluid movement in ESO, I doubt their engine can handle that type of movement.
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