Doncellius wrote: »How do I acquire it?
Are Treasure Maps a sure way to get CP160 set pieces from chests?
Pray to RNGESUS and wait 10 years to get enough pieces to do what you want.
Most people have given up on it. Its that bad.
There is a Champion point perk that increases the quality of items found in chests. I dont think this means to raise the level of said item, but if it was to drop in blue, its got higher chance to drop in purple.
I just decon all that stuff as i have deemed it as junk lol
AtmaDarkwolf wrote: »even with master chests, its only a 1 in 5 chance or so to get a v160 piece, and then the RNG really comes to deliver its kick to your jaw, with useless traits like training having 10x the weighting on RNG lists than the useful ones do.
Thing is, when wrothgar was first out, the sets were dropping at a decent rate(1 in 10 WB quests or so would drop purple v16 gear) but now I think I've opened like 300 boxes and got maybe 2 v16 pieces.
Truth is, your prob better off using a crafted 5 piece and a pvp set (or 3 piece agility + 2 piece crafted, or monster helm set + crafted + agility)
I have all Trinimac, Briarheart and Pariah CP 160 armor and jewelry in purple quality and most all ideal traits.
I got this by doing the daily in Morkul Stronghold on 5 and then later 8 characters every day for months, definitely over 1000 times. I was just curious what it'd take so I logged all my characters off in that building every day. For a while I saved it all just so I could calculate the drop rates but it quickly filled up my entire bank and every character inventory slot that wasn't already holding other Sets so I gave up and deconned and sold it all.
Briarheart was really great for my stam sorc's crit/self-healing until sorc was made viabale as a stam DPS.
My old stamplar turned tank wears 5/5 pariah (with shield and sword of pariah and 3 jewelery pieces), Blood Spawn and Black Rose.
My argonian DK healer (made in early 2014 so imagine my surprise at this next patch) uses Trinimac and Clever Alchemist. She used to wear Elf Bane and Silks of the Sun as a DPS, swapping weapons to proc the Elf Bane DoT and then use the Sun damage bonus. I like weird sets and builds.
Yes and yes. You still get both CP150 and CP160 drops from chests but the Treasure Hunter passive guarantees at least one set item per chest (Sometimes more). It took me a while and some gold (buying treasure maps) but i finally got my Briar Heart set with the traits i wanted.Doncellius wrote: »Will investing points into the Thief tree for the Treasure Hunter passive truly provide a way to help me with the CP150/CP160 RNG?
Are Treasure Maps a good way to get CP160 set pieces from chests?
Yes and yes. You still get both CP150 and CP160 drops from chests but the Treasure Hunter passive guarantees at least one set item per chest (Sometimes more). It took me a while and some gold (buying treasure maps) but i finally got my Briar Heart set with the traits i wanted.
Ep1kMalware wrote: »so weird, I dont see my post on here... odd. I'll repeat:
use treasure hunter passives, go imperial city sewers. EVERY chest/portal will give you cp 160 purple set items.
wrothgar chests will do the same, 160cp and purp, jist lesser chance of set items. if tour buy orsiniu,/wrothgar tmaps drop chance is guaranteed.
Ep1kMalware wrote: »so weird, I dont see my post on here... odd. I'll repeat:
use treasure hunter passives, go imperial city sewers. EVERY chest/portal will give you cp 160 purple set items.
wrothgar chests will do the same, 160cp and purp, jist lesser chance of set items. if tour buy orsiniu,/wrothgar tmaps drop chance is guaranteed.
Ep1kMalware wrote: »so weird, I dont see my post on here... odd. I'll repeat:
use treasure hunter passives, go imperial city sewers. EVERY chest/portal will give you cp 160 purple set items.
wrothgar chests will do the same, 160cp and purp, jist lesser chance of set items. if tour buy orsiniu,/wrothgar tmaps drop chance is guaranteed.
Doncellius wrote: »
would have given you my 3 pieces for free if it wasnt bound tbh.
Have no use for them at all but didnt ever decon
btw i see a lot of people mentioning wrothgar but im pretty sure mine were from IC sewers... if i remember properly anyway
would have given you my 3 pieces for free if it wasnt bound tbh.
Have no use for them at all but didnt ever decon
btw i see a lot of people mentioning wrothgar but im pretty sure mine were from IC sewers... if i remember properly anyway
Unless you zombie grind xp dont even bother with dailies in Wroth. RNG is ridiculously idiotic ! Its gonna take you months to gather the set in the right trait BTW none of the those sets are best in why bother?
Doncellius wrote: »How do I acquire it?
I have looted a TON of CP150 Briarheart, but I want CP160 so I can upgrade it to legendary. I have played since the set was introduced and farmed multiple full sets of Trinimac/Pariah/Briarheart, but only have a handful of CP160 items between the three sets to show for it. Tougher RNG than vMA -_-
Will investing points into the Thief tree for the Treasure Hunter passive truly provide a way to help me with the CP150/CP160 RNG?
Are Treasure Maps a good way to get CP160 set pieces from chests?
Help me out here people! Thank you.