Help with CP160 Briarheart Gear

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How do I acquire it?

I have looted a TON of CP150 Briarheart, but I want CP160 so I can upgrade it to legendary. I have played since the set was introduced and farmed multiple full sets of Trinimac/Pariah/Briarheart, but only have a handful of CP160 items between the three sets to show for it. Tougher RNG than vMA -_-

Will investing points into the Thief tree for the Treasure Hunter passive truly provide a way to help me with the CP150/CP160 RNG?

Are Treasure Maps a good way to get CP160 set pieces from chests?

Help me out here people! Thank you.

Edited by Vaoh on July 6, 2016 3:11AM
  • Katahdin
    Doncellius wrote: »
    How do I acquire it?

    Are Treasure Maps a sure way to get CP160 set pieces from chests?

    Pray to RNGESUS and wait 10 years to get enough pieces to do what you want.
    Most people have given up on it. Its that bad.

    Edited by Katahdin on July 6, 2016 3:06AM
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Vaoh
    Katahdin wrote: »

    Pray to RNGESUS and wait 10 years to get enough pieces to do what you want.
    Most people have given up on it. Its that bad.

    Not what I wanted to hear :(
  • imnotanother
    Pray for Master chest or the ever rare drop in the Boss reward.

    It is about time they made these 3 sets Bind on Equip
    PS4: NA - AD PSN: imnotanother (Artell Lyeselle)
    Stamina NightBlade 810+ CP - PvP/Trials/Dungeon Ready
  • AtmaDarkwolf
    even with master chests, its only a 1 in 5 chance or so to get a v160 piece, and then the RNG really comes to deliver its kick to your jaw, with useless traits like training having 10x the weighting on RNG lists than the useful ones do.

    Thing is, when wrothgar was first out, the sets were dropping at a decent rate(1 in 10 WB quests or so would drop purple v16 gear) but now I think I've opened like 300 boxes and got maybe 2 v16 pieces.

    Truth is, your prob better off using a crafted 5 piece and a pvp set (or 3 piece agility + 2 piece crafted, or monster helm set + crafted + agility)
  • runagate
    I have all Trinimac, Briarheart and Pariah CP 160 armor and jewelry in purple quality and most all ideal traits.

    I got this by doing the daily in Morkul Stronghold on 5 and then later 8 characters every day for months, definitely over 1000 times. I was just curious what it'd take so I logged all my characters off in that building every day. For a while I saved it all just so I could calculate the drop rates but it quickly filled up my entire bank and every character inventory slot that wasn't already holding other Sets so I gave up and deconned and sold it all.

    Briarheart was really great for my stam sorc's crit/self-healing until sorc was made viabale as a stam DPS.

    My old stamplar turned tank wears 5/5 pariah (with shield and sword of pariah and 3 jewelery pieces), Blood Spawn and Black Rose.

    My argonian DK healer (made in early 2014 so imagine my surprise at this next patch) uses Trinimac and Clever Alchemist. She used to wear Elf Bane and Silks of the Sun as a DPS, swapping weapons to proc the Elf Bane DoT and then use the Sun damage bonus. I like weird sets and builds.
  • KingMagaw
    There is a Champion point perk that increases the quality of items found in chests. I dont think this means to raise the level of said item, but if it was to drop in blue, its got higher chance to drop in purple.

    I just decon all that stuff as i have deemed it as junk lol
  • Jazbay_Grape
    KingMagaw wrote: »
    There is a Champion point perk that increases the quality of items found in chests. I dont think this means to raise the level of said item, but if it was to drop in blue, its got higher chance to drop in purple.

    I just decon all that stuff as i have deemed it as junk lol

    I don't know if this even helps though. I've been running with that perk for months and I've yet to get a single purple piece in any of the 3 sets.
  • Vaoh
    even with master chests, its only a 1 in 5 chance or so to get a v160 piece, and then the RNG really comes to deliver its kick to your jaw, with useless traits like training having 10x the weighting on RNG lists than the useful ones do.

    Thing is, when wrothgar was first out, the sets were dropping at a decent rate(1 in 10 WB quests or so would drop purple v16 gear) but now I think I've opened like 300 boxes and got maybe 2 v16 pieces.

    Truth is, your prob better off using a crafted 5 piece and a pvp set (or 3 piece agility + 2 piece crafted, or monster helm set + crafted + agility)
    runagate wrote: »
    I have all Trinimac, Briarheart and Pariah CP 160 armor and jewelry in purple quality and most all ideal traits.

    I got this by doing the daily in Morkul Stronghold on 5 and then later 8 characters every day for months, definitely over 1000 times. I was just curious what it'd take so I logged all my characters off in that building every day. For a while I saved it all just so I could calculate the drop rates but it quickly filled up my entire bank and every character inventory slot that wasn't already holding other Sets so I gave up and deconned and sold it all.

    Briarheart was really great for my stam sorc's crit/self-healing until sorc was made viabale as a stam DPS.

    My old stamplar turned tank wears 5/5 pariah (with shield and sword of pariah and 3 jewelery pieces), Blood Spawn and Black Rose.

    My argonian DK healer (made in early 2014 so imagine my surprise at this next patch) uses Trinimac and Clever Alchemist. She used to wear Elf Bane and Silks of the Sun as a DPS, swapping weapons to proc the Elf Bane DoT and then use the Sun damage bonus. I like weird sets and builds.

    Thank you both for your input.

    I'm buying as many Cyrodiil, Wrothgar, Hew's Bane and Gold Coast Treasure Maps as possible for 500 gold or less atm.

    Hopefully I can loot 4 pieces of CP160 Briarheart (any trait, even terrible traits like prosperous). I already have one piece of CP160 Briarheart from solo grinding Barathrum Centrata and the Arena a ton since the release of Orsinium...

    Wish me luck!
  • SirAndy
    Doncellius wrote: »
    Will investing points into the Thief tree for the Treasure Hunter passive truly provide a way to help me with the CP150/CP160 RNG?
    Are Treasure Maps a good way to get CP160 set pieces from chests?
    Yes and yes. You still get both CP150 and CP160 drops from chests but the Treasure Hunter passive guarantees at least one set item per chest (Sometimes more). It took me a while and some gold (buying treasure maps) but i finally got my Briar Heart set with the traits i wanted.
    Edited by SirAndy on July 6, 2016 4:40AM
  • Vaoh
    SirAndy wrote: »
    Yes and yes. You still get both CP150 and CP160 drops from chests but the Treasure Hunter passive guarantees at least one set item per chest (Sometimes more). It took me a while and some gold (buying treasure maps) but i finally got my Briar Heart set with the traits i wanted.

    Thank you and CONGRATS!!!! :)

    I have respecced my Champion points to get Treasure Hunter, and will be roaming Cyrodiil tomorrow with as many Treasure Maps as I can use. Hew's Bane, Wrothgar, and Gold Coast maps are a bit rarer but I'll probably have some of those ready too. I am desperate for CP160 Briarheart and don't even care about the trait at this point (as long as it isn't Training/Prosperous....)
  • Kartalin
    @Doncellius I made a video here that may help you.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 37
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 37
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 36
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Kallenna, EP Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - Tertiary Meat - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • Vaoh
    @Kartalin Definitely helpful. Will head over to Wrothgar on my journey to obtain CP160 Briarheart as well.
  • GaldorP
    I haven't played ESO since the release of DB, but in case the system hasn't changed since TG:

    Method 1: Farming Treasure Chests

    Farming treasure chests used to be the fastest way to get armor pieces for those 3 sets. You'll have to loot hundreds of chests though to get all pieces in VR 16* with average luck.
    On simple treasure chests, the chance to get a set item is like 1/5 and then maybe around 1 out of 5 set items will be VR 16* instead of VR 15* and that's on a character that has the Treasure Hunter passive from the Champion system unlocked (which might increase your chance to get a set item). Higher quality chests (Intermediate, Advanced, Master, Hidden Treasure) might have a slightly better chance to include a set item, but it will still be VR 15* most of the time, and even Master Chests may not include a set item, sometimes.
    VR 15 and 16* set items of the Briarheart/Pariah/Trinimac sets found in treasure chests will generally be of superior/blue quality when you find them. I've never found a single purple/epic quality item of those 3 sets in any type of treasure chest (and I've opened countless Hidden Treasures found with treasure maps as well) but for armor pieces that's not a problem since you can simply update the quality of the item at a Blacksmithing/Clothing station.
    (See this post for an example how the Treasure Hunter passive used to work:; the info posted here concerns lv 15-23 treasure chests found in the second major zone of a character's starting Alliance; all chances and item quality types that can be obtained are different for higher level chests).

    The problem with the treasure chest method is that you can't get jewelry pieces (rings and necklace) in epic/purple quality! You can only get those as quest rewards from Wrothgar dailies!

    Method 2: Wrothgar Dailies

    See this thread for approximate chances to get purple VR 16* set items from dailies (works only when the daily is done on a VR 16* character; data was collected in TG update; it may have changed since then):
    The data I collected in-game suggests that the chance to get a purple VR 16 set item from a reward container is around 12.5%; that's any random piece of a random one of the 3 sets.
    So the chance to get a Briarheart Necklace with Robust trait, for example, would roughly be around 1/648 or 1/720:
    • 1/8 chance to get a purple VR 16* set item
    • 1/3 chance it's from the Briarheart set
    • 1/9 or 1/10 chance it's a Necklace
    • 1/3 chance it has the Robust trait
    Good luck!

    * VR 15 = CP 150/VR 16 = CP 160 now.
    Edited by GaldorP on July 6, 2016 9:46AM
  • acw37162
    Stay away from wrothgar dailies if c-160 weapons drop there it's at a less 0 for 35 chance of it dropping so far.

    Treasure chests in IC seem to better but I refuse to go to IC to farm for pve gear.

    I used to like orsiniumm to.'

    Edited by acw37162 on July 6, 2016 10:56AM
  • DannyLV702
    By the time you acquire even half a set, we'll probably have the gear level cap raised by then. Not sure if worth the grind
  • Ep1kMalware
    so weird, I dont see my post on here... odd. I'll repeat:

    use treasure hunter passives, go imperial city sewers. EVERY chest/portal will give you cp 160 purple set items.

    wrothgar chests will do the same, 160cp and purp, jist lesser chance of set items. if tour buy orsiniu,/wrothgar tmaps drop chance is guaranteed.
    Edited by Ep1kMalware on July 6, 2016 10:59AM
  • GreenhaloX
    I guess it feels easy for me to find those Briarheart/Triminac/Pariah sets, because I'm not looking to use any of those. I seem to get something from those sets in every other treasure chests in Wrothgar. Treasure chests in Wrothgar seem to be the easiest route. I'm constantly running into those pieces in around Wrothgar and even Hew's Bane, and more recently, purple ones are popping up in those chests and from the daily quests' drops. The only thing I don't like is those pieces are BoP. Why is it BoP? I just leave em in those treasure chests hoping that someone comes along who are actually looking to use it finds it after me. Otherwise, if I pick it up, I would have to deconstruct it. What a waste of seemingly good gear. Yeah, you have to put your time in Wrothgar, have patience and you get them all.
  • Ch4mpTW
    so weird, I dont see my post on here... odd. I'll repeat:

    use treasure hunter passives, go imperial city sewers. EVERY chest/portal will give you cp 160 purple set items.

    wrothgar chests will do the same, 160cp and purp, jist lesser chance of set items. if tour buy orsiniu,/wrothgar tmaps drop chance is guaranteed.

    I see... Pretty interesting find there. I'll give it a look.
  • Vaoh
    so weird, I dont see my post on here... odd. I'll repeat:

    use treasure hunter passives, go imperial city sewers. EVERY chest/portal will give you cp 160 purple set items.

    wrothgar chests will do the same, 160cp and purp, jist lesser chance of set items. if tour buy orsiniu,/wrothgar tmaps drop chance is guaranteed.


    Sounds waaay too good to be true.....
  • Ex_Draconis
    Do the dailies every day in Wrothgar on as many characters as you can. This is the best way to farm these I have so many I have started deconstructing them. The drop rate for the CP 160 pieces seems to have gotten better after DB.
    Edited by Ex_Draconis on July 6, 2016 11:37AM
    By forge and fire we prep for war
    With war in our eyes we're ready to die
    With death in hand we bear our blades
    By Stendarr's blade we will settle the score
  • Drakoleon
    Unless you zombie grind xp dont even bother with dailies in Wroth. RNG is ridiculously idiotic ! Its gonna take you months to gather the set in the right trait BTW none of the those sets are best in why bother?
  • lardvader
    so weird, I dont see my post on here... odd. I'll repeat:

    use treasure hunter passives, go imperial city sewers. EVERY chest/portal will give you cp 160 purple set items.

    wrothgar chests will do the same, 160cp and purp, jist lesser chance of set items. if tour buy orsiniu,/wrothgar tmaps drop chance is guaranteed.

    Does this still work though? I've seen people confirm that this doesn't work for Briar etc. anymore. I haven't tested this myself but might give it a try as I want Briar (again) :smile:
    CP 1200+ PC EU EP
  • mb10
    would have given you my 3 pieces for free if it wasnt bound tbh.

    Have no use for them at all but didnt ever decon

    btw i see a lot of people mentioning wrothgar but im pretty sure mine were from IC sewers... if i remember properly anyway
    Edited by mb10 on July 6, 2016 12:52PM
  • Ep1kMalware
    Doncellius wrote: »


    Sounds waaay too good to be true.....

    nope. go play around in the sewers for a bit and you'll pick up a few pieces. That's how I got all my purple v16 jewelry pieces.
  • I_killed_Vivec
    mb10 wrote: »
    would have given you my 3 pieces for free if it wasnt bound tbh.

    Have no use for them at all but didnt ever decon

    btw i see a lot of people mentioning wrothgar but im pretty sure mine were from IC sewers... if i remember properly anyway

    This is what's so annoying - I've kept some Briar, but just deconned or sold Pariah and Trinimac. It seems such a waste.

    I know it's supposed to encourage the grind, but it ends up just winding people up...

  • Ep1kMalware
    mb10 wrote: »
    would have given you my 3 pieces for free if it wasnt bound tbh.

    Have no use for them at all but didnt ever decon

    btw i see a lot of people mentioning wrothgar but im pretty sure mine were from IC sewers... if i remember properly anyway

    my gf plays with me, the way we'd farm it was neat. to get her set we both used treasure hunter passive and ran around in sewers for a bit. we turned autoloot off, so if I found any pieces she could come over tk my chest and loot the exact piece I found. Once a player loots a resource, the contents are set. But the items havent been bound yet. So it is fully possible to have a friend help you farm briarheart.
  • Ex_Draconis
    Drakoleon wrote: »
    Unless you zombie grind xp dont even bother with dailies in Wroth. RNG is ridiculously idiotic ! Its gonna take you months to gather the set in the right trait BTW none of the those sets are best in why bother?

    True it does take a little while but it works. I agree though it's not worth it to do them just for those sets which aren't BIS like he pointed out. I have never and will never use them I just always do the Wrothgar dailies for something to do so I have all the pieces.
    By forge and fire we prep for war
    With war in our eyes we're ready to die
    With death in hand we bear our blades
    By Stendarr's blade we will settle the score
  • Vaoh
    Did some testing. It seems that Treasure Maps are the only reliable source of getting high chances at CP160....

    @Ep1kMalware Didn't work like you said.... :(
  • acw37162
    I run 6 Orsinium dailies at least six days a week.

    Occasionally more if guild mates or friends group for world boss farming.

    We are what three weeks into DB.

    Six days six dailes, thirty six boxes (defiantly more then 36)

    Not one of any trait CP160 set weapon, not just briar any set.

    1 in 40 to get a weapon

    1 in 3 sets

    1 in 9 traits if they adjusted time loot tables.

    1 in 17 weapons plus 1 if you count shield.

    Come one ZOS, really.
  • Pangnirtung
    Doncellius wrote: »
    How do I acquire it?

    I have looted a TON of CP150 Briarheart, but I want CP160 so I can upgrade it to legendary. I have played since the set was introduced and farmed multiple full sets of Trinimac/Pariah/Briarheart, but only have a handful of CP160 items between the three sets to show for it. Tougher RNG than vMA -_-

    Will investing points into the Thief tree for the Treasure Hunter passive truly provide a way to help me with the CP150/CP160 RNG?

    Are Treasure Maps a good way to get CP160 set pieces from chests?

    Help me out here people! Thank you.

    Not sure why you are having trouble. I do the six world bosses in Wrothgar everyday with two toons and both have CP160 Briarheart and I have a third in CP160 Briarheart.

    Must be bad luck because it drops often enough from Wrothgar rewards boxes that I have extras banked.

    BTW I have NEVER gotten CP 160 Briarheart from a treasure chest. EVER.
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