Hello everyone!
I have a kind of curious question today. Back when softcaps were a thing (pre-1.6?) I think hybridizing a character wasn't so bad. Now, however, I have heard over and over again that min-maxing a single stat is the way to go.
What I am doing right now is building an Altmer Templar Tank (yes, I know... RP reasons) and I want to be able to:
1) utilize Puncturing Sweeps for solo play (this ability in solo PVE is hilarious). This is a magicka morph.
2) Utilize Sun Shield for general use (this ability and its morphs seem awesome). I don't believe there is a stamina morph for this (and it scales off of health).
3) use S&B abilities such as Invasion, Power Slam, and Absorb Magic. These are all stamina.
4) use Runic Focus and possibly off-bar heals, which would be magicka, for solo play, PVP, and emergency situations.
Would a build that utilizes both stamina and magicka abilities be laughed out of the room? If not, how should I go about doing it?
EDIT: It is worth knowing that I tanked three dungeons (including ICP) using group dungeon finder last evening at around Lvl 20 with a "hybrid" build... but it is really a stamina build. I have 2 points in Magicka, 14 in Health and 5 in Stamina, using just drops right now with whatever enchantment I happen to be carrying (stam, mag, or health). The only relevant magicka ability I used was Puncturing Sweeps, and only rarely.
Edited by ragnarok6644b14_ESO on June 29, 2016 11:46AM