I know that I will get hate for saying this (mostly from people who play a fotm race or rolled one), but there shouldn't be any buffs to any race in the upcoming patch. Just nerf the top tier races because it would make racial passives less important. In terms of balance I think some changes are good (buffing Argonians) and others are bad (buffing Khajiits... really?). The problem is, that the gap between races just gets bigger by buffs and that races aren't balanced even after the patch, making everything worse in the long term.
In my opinion, race shouldn't matter much at all (maybe a
tiny bit because of RP players, but much less than it does now). I just see more race unbalance incoming with the upcoming changes and at this point I want to talk about the upcoming race change option. I was always and I will always be against such an option. It just breaks the lore and makes playing FOTM even more easy. I wouldn't mind much about a racechange, if there wouldn't be any racial passives. But with all the powerful racial passives, it just looks like ZOS wants to make money by taking advantage of their players instead of going for a good solution (yes, offering a race change is a poor solution for balance issues) for the racial dilemma. Just think in other dimensions: I don't think that this is the last change to races. Maybe the race meta will switch with every update from now on, so that we can buy a racechange with every update. Where will this way end? That's a huge step in the direction of pay2win.
My point of view: My race is already weaker than Khajiits are and with the upcoming changes it will be even harder to compete. The solution: Racechange! Yeah... great... thanks a lot

Next patch Redguards will get more stamina sustain because Adrenaline Rush is too weak... ?
Edited by Ragnaroek93 on June 28, 2016 1:42PM I used to think that PvP was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a comedy.