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Vet Maelstrom is Broken

Soul Shriven
First off, Zenimax... I hate you. You make vet maelstrom near impossible to complete for 90% of the players in the game. Seriously guys.. It's worse than dark souls. Im on the stage 10 boss (Last stage) and up to this point ive died hundreds of times. This *** is beyond difficult. Those dumb crematorum (however you spell it) guards are in dire need of a nerf. For one, im across the entire stage from the damn thing and still get 18k worth of damage from its fire breath. There's no way it should be hitting people from so far away let alone do so much damage like that. I understand that you need to run around them in circles to dodge their fire breath, but it still should not hit players all over the stage if you decide not to do the circles. Im not saying make it so easy that anyone can do it, but gosh darn it make it a little easier. Im sure the elitist forum trolls will call me out and say its not that hard or something else dumb. Dont worry, I dont ever post on forums nor do I pay attention to posts.

At the end of the day, I am just hoping you guys will make it a tad easier so more folks can actually beat the damn place and maybe even get more people to compete on the leaderboards! PLEASE! I love the game, it's fantastic, but vet maelstrom is TOO HARD!

Also, not related to the above message, I have a bug to report. While in Sanctum in werewolf form during the lamia boss fight, if you get pinned by the overchargers she spawns, it will change you back to human. But you will not have access to your skills unless you hit R. Thanks for making the game better and better with every patch! Hope this reaches the right ears!
  • ButtersEP
    No, you must suffer and endure like the rest of us who have beat it. Think of the fight in 3 stages and worry about them 1 at a time, downstairs uptop then downstairs. Beat it piece by piece
  • Shadesofkin
    I hope you beat it, I honestly do, and I hope your first weapon is your desired weapon and that you can avoid going back there ever again. I've beaten it multiple times, gotten on the weekly multiple times and after I got my best score ever I said "screw. this. noise.". The gold cost, potion cost, and length is just too much for me sometimes. I have a million other things I'd rather do. I'm hoping Master Destro staves get an overhaul so that least I can farm that with friends in TS.
    @shadesofkin -NA Server.
    Tier 2 Player.
    MagDK Main forever (even in the bad times)
  • Nifty2g
    First off, Zenimax... I hate you. You make vet maelstrom near impossible to complete for 90% of the players in the game. Seriously guys.. It's worse than dark souls. Im on the stage 10 boss (Last stage) and up to this point ive died hundreds of times. This *** is beyond difficult. Those dumb crematorum (however you spell it) guards are in dire need of a nerf. For one, im across the entire stage from the damn thing and still get 18k worth of damage from its fire breath. There's no way it should be hitting people from so far away let alone do so much damage like that. I understand that you need to run around them in circles to dodge their fire breath, but it still should not hit players all over the stage if you decide not to do the circles. Im not saying make it so easy that anyone can do it, but gosh darn it make it a little easier. Im sure the elitist forum trolls will call me out and say its not that hard or something else dumb. Dont worry, I dont ever post on forums nor do I pay attention to posts.

    At the end of the day, I am just hoping you guys will make it a tad easier so more folks can actually beat the damn place and maybe even get more people to compete on the leaderboards! PLEASE! I love the game, it's fantastic, but vet maelstrom is TOO HARD!

    Also, not related to the above message, I have a bug to report. While in Sanctum in werewolf form during the lamia boss fight, if you get pinned by the overchargers she spawns, it will change you back to human. But you will not have access to your skills unless you hit R. Thanks for making the game better and better with every patch! Hope this reaches the right ears!
    I typicall avoid these threads, but I'm going to post in it. That statistic is probably right, maybe around 95% of players, but that is good. This game needs a breath of fresh air that goes in with the mindset of getting better.
    At the end of the day, I am just hoping you guys will make it a tad easier so more folks can actually beat the damn place and maybe even get more people to compete on the leaderboards! PLEASE! I love the game, it's fantastic, but vet maelstrom is TOO HARD!
    But where is the fun in that? Back when it first came out, I wanted it to get nerfed into the ground and never wanted to go back in there and just wanted it to be faceroll, because the game has never had those sorts of mechanics before and even now VMA isn't too enjoyable but I can appreciate the challenge it brings, and so should you. But asking for a nerf so people can get on leaderboards will just make all those other players getting better scores than the other guys and still making it difficult to get on leaderboards.

    That was 6 months ago, I need to upload a new one to show you what progress can do.

    Anyway, for the guards, just put some points into thick skinned, all you need is 10 and you should be able to heal through it pretty easily, depending on your class. what do you play?
    As for it being nerfed, it's been nerfed once and then indirectly nerfed due to power creeps
  • Jaronking
    Hey I at the last boss as well man I know its hard but keep going.The cremguards aren't even my biggest problem as long I pay attention.My biggest problem with the boss is his KB that even when I dodge it sometimes it comeback into his arm then reshoot it from midair.Which knock me off the upper stage.
  • XaXa
    Just wait until you do beat it. The real final boss is the crap RNG on the loot.
  • Paulington
    ZOS have said many times that they are happy with the difficulty of VMA as it is "aspirational content" and that means no nerfs, which is a good thing! Beating vMA is all about practice if you have decent gear, a few CP and half a clue how to play your chosen class effectively.

    The Crematorial Guards, once they breathe on you, will continue to do damage via a DoT tick that will keep on ticking until the guard dies. If you plan ahead you can be on the other side of the arena and kill the guard before it ever breathes fire on you. Or if you save your ultimate for the guard he will melt too.

    It's just about figuring out your strategy, practice some more. The amount of people that beat it show it does not need nerfing.
    Edited by Paulington on September 19, 2016 2:25PM
  • NativeJoe
    First off, Zenimax... I hate you. You make vet maelstrom near impossible to complete for 90% of the players in the game. Seriously guys.. It's worse than dark souls. Im on the stage 10 boss (Last stage) and up to this point ive died hundreds of times. This *** is beyond difficult. Those dumb crematorum (however you spell it) guards are in dire need of a nerf. For one, im across the entire stage from the damn thing and still get 18k worth of damage from its fire breath. There's no way it should be hitting people from so far away let alone do so much damage like that. I understand that you need to run around them in circles to dodge their fire breath, but it still should not hit players all over the stage if you decide not to do the circles. Im not saying make it so easy that anyone can do it, but gosh darn it make it a little easier. Im sure the elitist forum trolls will call me out and say its not that hard or something else dumb. Dont worry, I dont ever post on forums nor do I pay attention to posts.

    At the end of the day, I am just hoping you guys will make it a tad easier so more folks can actually beat the damn place and maybe even get more people to compete on the leaderboards! PLEASE! I love the game, it's fantastic, but vet maelstrom is TOO HARD!

    Also, not related to the above message, I have a bug to report. While in Sanctum in werewolf form during the lamia boss fight, if you get pinned by the overchargers she spawns, it will change you back to human. But you will not have access to your skills unless you hit R. Thanks for making the game better and better with every patch! Hope this reaches the right ears!

    Keep trying. The best thing about doing this dungeon isn't the loot. It's the fact that AFTER DOING IT you feel like neo from the matrix and walk into other content and steam roll it without a second thought. You'll be the last one to die in trials, and Probably be a good margin towards being a better pvper. Basically VMA is a Forge, it Beats you to death, it's rough, but should you make it through the tempering process... you'll be better then you can imagine. pvp will seem like slow motion, you'll see attacks, dodge them and then smash the other person in the face... it's kinda unreal how much VMA changes you as a gamer.
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • Joy_Division
    So let me get this straight. You say ", I dont ever post on forums nor do I pay attention to posts' and are wondering why you think vMA is so hard. If you don't pay attention to what other people have to say, then it is no wonder why you are struggling. If you actually did pay attention to what others have said, then you might have recognized you tactics for dealing with the Crematorium Guards are not the best. I do not run around in circles and try to avoid their breath attack. I get right up in their grill and face-tank them and neither they, the healer, the stupid ghosts, or the boss can kill me if the strategy is executed correctly.

  • Tempah
    I am also at the last boss with the daedroths I know I need to kill them first but sometimes it gets annoying just keep trying like me :(
    There will be a moment you know all these mechanics better then everything you've learned in school.
    Dro'mathra Destroyer, Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redemeer, Tick Tock Tormentor, The Unchained, Exstinguisher of Flames, Flawless Conqueror
  • Cimadon

    Insane how easy you make it seem. Here I am, stuck on the first wave boss :/ How many times have you done it, to be able to do the final boss so quick?
    Edited by Cimadon on June 26, 2016 8:00PM
  • DRXHarbinger
    Crem guards actually go down like flies if you just jump them asap. And OP that breath actually puts a dot on you so running does nothing but end in your cremation. Just smash them up and at this stage this will be hard but...time your spectrals. ..monitor when each crem guard comes out and wait you get 30s before the spectral fades away and use it wisely...

    If you time round 4 properly you can actually end that round with the ghosts, kill the crem guard and dremora and then explode as soon as the ash titan lands...

    Same for afterwards, keep the adds alive long enough and smash them as soon you get the 3rd to blow up as soon as the last boss spawns for easy street phase 1.
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
  • Kensei_ESO
    I feel your pain OP, it is very difficult, but stick with it - you will feel like a million bucks when you finally beat it for the first time. Of course this great feeling will quickly melt into a sweaty pool of disappointment when you see what garbage loot you get, but still.

    I don't think they should nerf the Crem Guards though - it's honestly the only -skillfully- difficult piece of that stage.

    However, I do feel that they should nerf the damage and snare from those motherfugging white ghosts. That mechanic is almost always 100% luck and if you eat one while a Crem Guard is up, you are going to die. I feel similarly toward the mushrooms from the swamp stage, but they are more manageable.

    I am supportive of the philosophy that this dungeon should be as difficult as humanly possible, but not when it completely hinges on mechanics like the ghosts that introduces artificial difficulty through blind luck. @ZOS_Finn
  • notimetocare
    My first run was 3 hours to get to the final boss, 3 hours on him. He isn't impossible, just have to think it though. Crem guard is all that is hard. If anything, they just need to remove the little heal adds, they love getting on my nerves and not dying at 1% lol
  • Nifty2g
    Cimadon wrote: »

    Insane how easy you make it seem. Here I am, stuck on the first wave boss :/ How many times have you done it, to be able to do the final boss so quick?
    Too much, that video is 6 months old
  • gamerguy757
    First off my friend, when you get to this point, just stop. You're not in the right frame of mind.
    For those Crematorial Guards, do as much damage as possible, then when they flash red, they are about to breathe fire. Best thing to do I found is...RUN IN A CIRCLE AROUND THEM!!! They can't spin as fast as you can run. You still take damage, but not nearly as much. Running away is the worst thing you can do. If the DoT doesn't kill you, the white ghosts will.
    I've never had the issue of them hitting me far away. That might be lag, but you should always stay in close. Each class has a damage mitigator to help, and these guys are when you want to use them.
    for the crystals, put 2 DoT on one crystal then focus on the other ones. Don't roll dodge the meteors; move back and forth.
    it took me a while, and now I'm beating it on a non-crit sorc. And its a ***, but fun at the same time.
  • scrobey
    Once you get it down it becomes repetitive.. which isn't fun at all. Wish I could get my weapons so I never have to do it again.
  • scrobey
    Hate is a strong word by the way.
  • obscure7
    Practice Practice Practice

    watch a video on it

    Practice Practice Practice

    tweak your gear and build

    Practice Practice Practice

    take a break, do something else, come back the next day

    Practice Practice Practice

    PC NA
  • kongkim
    There really need to be something for the hardcore also. you can't get everything you like.
  • Archamus
    I only have three problems with maelstrom.

    1) That it is so difficult to get the trait you want, but that is a problem across the board.
    2) That maelstrom weapons can make such a large difference in damage output. For stamina its not like gaining 1-5K dps, its more like 20 or more K. That is awesome, but really its just too much of a difference.
    3) That a single player instance that doesn't easily forgive errors seems to pretty regularly have lag issues which leads to deaths to AOEs you are never in, or mechanics that never actually happen on your screen..
  • Smileybones
    Archamus wrote: »
    I only have three problems with maelstrom.

    1) That it is so difficult to get the trait you want, but that is a problem across the board.
    2) That maelstrom weapons can make such a large difference in damage output. For stamina its not like gaining 1-5K dps, its more like 20 or more K. That is awesome, but really its just too much of a difference.
    3) That a single player instance that doesn't easily forgive errors seems to pretty regularly have lag issues which leads to deaths to AOEs you are never in, or mechanics that never actually happen on your screen..

    Rejoice, you will have to get into that hamster wheel again when gear cap will be raised !
  • Vaoh

    On top of the million reasons why it is good to have a single difficult piece of content, I also use it for training.

    When I grinded up a Stam DK, Stam Sorc, Magicka NB, and Stam Templar, vMA was where I took them to L2P.

    I honed my skills and understood the survivabiliy of each class I quickly grinded thanks to 2-3 runs of vMA each.

    No nerfing this content. You will beat it one day and many times in the future. You'll call your past self a noob and move on. Right now, just keep on trying :)

  • mb10
    "First of all...i hate you zos"
    Haha learn to play mate it isnt their fault.

    I died over and over again and now I consider the final stage one of the easier ones.

    The ice stage and the argonian poison ones for me are a lot more frustrating
  • Kalante
    I always make sure to nuke everything in a way that benefits me. Like the last stage of lvl 9 as soon as he arrives i grab the weapon power sigil and nuke him all the way to 630k health so he doesn't spawn the first lizard guard. Kill the crystals, get knocked down, grab all the sigils, bash the boss, get the yellow ghost thingies while still keeping some DPS on the boss, explode, nuke the boss again, get disappointed by the chest, rinse and repeat.
    Edited by Kalante on July 4, 2016 11:04AM
  • foodsy
    I recently completed vMSA and EVERY single round I thought "f*#k me this is impossible, I don't know if I'll do it" EVERY round that was. But you will limp through it eventually and like me and everyone else before it is amazing when you finally do it, you don't want that feeling spoiled with a nerf. Also once you do it and go in again you'll wonder how you got stuck so long, just like us all. As said above it's just practice. Just take each round on each stage as a seperate event, I did, and eventually you'll just turn the corner
  • foodsy
    P.s them crem guards, I just get a tiny bit of dps in then pop harness magika, then abit more dps in, pop harness magika, all while circling it and always keep your eye on the boss as your circling for when he teleports. Nearly all my deaths are when something is nearly dead instead of playing safe I carry on dps thinking he'll die before me, then inevitably I drop. Just stay calm an play it safe
  • kadar
    So let me get this straight. You say ", I dont ever post on forums nor do I pay attention to posts' and are wondering why you think vMA is so hard. If you don't pay attention to what other people have to say, then it is no wonder why you are struggling. If you actually did pay attention to what others have said, then you might have recognized you tactics for dealing with the Crematorium Guards are not the best. I do not run around in circles and try to avoid their breath attack. I get right up in their grill and face-tank them and neither they, the healer, the stupid ghosts, or the boss can kill me if the strategy is executed correctly.
    @Frankenwulf , pretty much this^

    We have the option to start a "Discussion" not start a "Rhetorical Rant."

    My very first tries at vMA ended in failure because my damage was too low. So, I went and learned to PVE (I'ma PVP-er). My DPS went from 10-12k single target to ~25k. After that, I came back and completed in ~4 hours. Next week it was ~2 hours. My last clear was ~1 hour. There's a massive learning curve. Anyway, I hope you find some of the information you didn't want in this thread usefull, and seriously good luck!
  • Dymence
    Wow, you must have put such an amount of effort into completing the arena.

    So much that you don't even know a 10th stage doesn't exist.
  • Lord-Otto
    Only thing I want is a save point, from where I can restart if I have to leave the arena. Just not fun planning hours ahead to beat a stupid dungeon with boring and even reused bosses. DSA at least changes every time you're with new people, keeping it interesting.
  • Neophyte
    its so damm laggy , i thought pvp was bad but this is not on for a single player content. round 5 is so buggy its unreal. I only do this terrible content for 1 weapon. well done for giving us a good challenge to play but this needs fixed
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