My main is only level 9 atm. I am confused about the way harvesting works, I've read some crafting guides but they don't talk much about harvesting. I've been thinking about making crafting alts that would not fight too much. But then I read some threads where people were saying that toons will see resources according to their crafting level. Say my adventuring main has like 1-2 in Blacksmithing, then apparently he will see Iron everywhere. A high level blacksmithing alt will see higher level materials on the same nodes, but will be too weak to fight there.
So is it that a high level BS will see high level metals everywhere or just the higher level zones? Stros M'Kay, Bethnik and Daggerfall will still be all iron, won't they, regardless of the BS level of the toon? Also, after a point, apparently each toon has to play all the PvE content of the other two alliances, which I presume includes going into low level areas. I am not sure how level scaling is working there, but will he see Iron or higher level mats in these areas?
Does this apply to all crafts, or only the ones people are calling the "hard crafts" - blacksmithing, clothing and woodworking? I've read of people making low level provisioning alts, but if my main can only loot the lowest level tier from containers, this won't do. If he can only find low level enchanting and alchemy mats everywhere he goes, it won't do either. Just the thought of multiple tiers of the dozens of provisioning, enchants and plants I've found on Stros M'kay alone makes me shudder. Although according to the skill calculators, for provisioning and alchemy it's more about different waters and recipes, so there is hope. Are low level alchemists able to see higher level waters?
If there is a guide that I have missed that explains all this harvesting stuff in detail please point me to it.