My clothing skill is level 22 with 5/10 in tailoring. The next upgrade 6/10 will give me access to Ebonthread and fell hide. Why is my writ to create Ebonthread armor when I don't have that unlocked yet? Is this a bug?
But, have you gone to a crafting station to see if you can make Ebonthread?
Also, are you Champ Ranked? Do you have access to Coldharbor or Craglorn yet? Not being able to access those places can affect what you are asked to me, but more in the limitation, not allowing something better to be made type of affect.
Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.
PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"
It's been like that for a while, at least for me it has. I had to respec and have 1 less point into the crafting skill. workaround now is to keep the main crafting skill 1 level lower then the mats your have the most of for writs.