TotallyNotVos wrote: »All of these ideas have been proposed more or less a hundred times. And the majority always agrees that it would ruin the game. Instead of having 4 metas for each role you will just have 1 for each
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »In short this is another "drop the classes and let everyone have every skill line on any character" thread.
Where did I say you could have access to 'every' tree? You still only get 3 trees, you just get the ability to choose 'which' 3 more freely. The original guy's idea? No clue, was too difficult to understand, at least for me. My concept is simple :-) but, no, you only get 3 trees.
This is a great concept;
--PVP would certainly be tougher, not instantly knowing what anyone's build was,
--Seems a great way to introduce new "classes," without actually making new classes in the traditional way,
--More choices for builds, yes please!
Not sure about learning EVERY skill/CP line though; I would institute a limit so that it was in line with the amount of skill lines now. For instance, a player should still be limited to 3 class lines, though I suppose you could always exchange ala respecing.
That constant re-balancing is because of the current meta. When you lock skills behind certain archetypes, someone is always at an advantage or dis-advantage. They whine, certain class gets nerfed, rinse and repeat. No one wants to re-roll a character to be at the top of the game everytime a class becomes the flavor of the month. So I agree with you.
Really? Because, I've been reading and finding that if you want a tank, you want X class/build, DPS? Y class/build, Healer? Z class/build... This changes from DLC to DLC, patch to patch... And there are 'alternatives', of course, because even if NB DPS gets needed, the character is still a NB, so the choices become starting a new toon, or try to make the best of it. So, yeah, you get 4 tanks (but only one is REALLY the best), 4 DPS (same), and healer (same)... The question then becomes, is it better to have a character with a class, that gets knocked to 4th best in the role you prefer to play, and then can do nothing to better your position... Or, to have 0 classes, and always have a way to be better at your chosen role.
I'd much prefer to always be able to enjoy my toon, rather than my ability to compete be completely up to the whims of ZOS due to being stuck in a class and no way to fix it...
There will be quest lines with immersive story covering the journey of discovering all the skill lines of these constellations.
Well it wouldn't have to have the UI of the champion system. I would be fine if it the class selection UI was like Mortal Kombat lol.Ok... so I cleared my expectations @Kalifas . My auto knee-jerk reaction to the idea of classlessness in EOS is "NO!" but I wanted to give this concept a fair chance...
First of all... I absolutely LOVE the idea
I imagine there is a "Master of Aedric Spear" somewhere in Tamriel that you must visit to unlock that specific skill line. The master will temporary unlock that skill for you to allow you to try the skills of that class. They will send you on a series of trials, one per skill, that will let you get the flavor of that particular skill. The last trial will unlock all the skills and have you using all the skills. Only after you complete all the trials are you allowed to continue adventuring with that skill line unlocked.
My biggest issue with the concept is that I wouldn't want the class system to have a similar UI to the champion system with constellation and such. I don't even think it should be tied into the Champion System. I think that would just confuse players.
While I personally LOVE the idea of consuming CPs and using CPs as a currency. Heck, I've even suggested it myself! That being said, I don't think it should be an addition to ESO. The CP system was designed to be shared among all characters. I don't know if there would eventually be problems with different characters having different number of CPs... or would spending a CP mean all your characters lose it too? If that's the case then perhaps I could get behind CPs being currency because we wouldn't want to enable the system to be abused.
By abused I mean players doing things like... go to a character, spend all the CPs they can so that their CP count is really low, allowing them to earn CPs really quickly on THAT character only to go spend those CPs on a higher level character. If it's the case that players will end up with different number of CPs per character and at that point why have CPs account wide, if they are going to be character specific anyway?
I think ZOS could come up with a different means by which players can choose their skill lines that works with the system that's already in place.
Many of the different passives and whatnot that you've suggested kind of sound like they would work as new Champion System stars, something I think would be a welcome addition to the Champion system in the future.
I think we would all welcome more morphs for our skills and more skill lines being added. Adding skill lines instead of classes would be a good way to add player variety and allow for true horizontal progression.
ZOS could allow players to unlock and level skills from ANY skill line but only allow us to have a certain number of class skills "active" at once. Maybe players up until level 10 only have the Vestige Skill. At level 10 the player unlocks a second skill tree. Level 25 unlocks a second skill tree. Level 40 unlocks a third skill tree and if ZOS ever allows us to level beyond level 50 we could unlock additional active skill trees at higher levels.
Also, having specific trees unlocked and active with other trees could also yield specific results. So a player who wants to focus their build will have access to specialized synergy skills. Perhaps different trees could have different synergies with other trees. Perhaps some trees have no synergies with specific trees. It would be up to the player to work within the system or against it!
I think you have the makings of a great idea here but I think you've gotten bogged down in percentages and specific effects. I applaud you for hashing it all out but I really don't think it's necessary to get the core concepts of the design across and I don't think the leveling system needs to be overhauled as much. ZOS could develop the leveling and unattach the Class skills from the rigidity of the class system without retooling everything to the extent to which you suggest.
Mostly, though, you've convinced me that this would be a good addition to ESO! I like the idea of each skill line being attainable individually and leveled separately allowing for more character customization.
One HUGE hurdle would be adding new class skill lines. ZOS would have to add the new skills for players who do not purchase the DLC because if they placed the skill line behind a paywall we would hear payers scream bloody murder because ESO would then cross the B2P line of acceptability.
Well it wouldn't have to have the UI of the champion system. I would be fine if it the class selection UI was like Mortal Kombat lol.
Many of the different passives and what not that I've suggested kind of sound like they would work as new Champion System stars, something I think would be a welcome addition to the Champion system in the future. That is why I mentioned elite stars, and it could work if they made separate stars that are per character while the ones we have now are account wide.
Well yeah, we could only have so many active or passive skills at once due to the nature of the limited weapon swap. We might be able to learn 200 skills but we can only equip 10-12. I don't know if I like skills trees being locked behind levels then it becomes something like VR, VR is no bueno for people who like playing alts and advancing by persistence.
The reason why I said classes have more powerful synergies is for that very reason. If you could equip any skill from any class and have no penalty, everyone would just grab the most powerful stuff. Customization has a cost and playing within the rules of synergies and class grants you more substantial boons.
I am big fan of the B2P method. But I don't think anything beyond the base game should be free. The company has to make money somewhere and I think as long as you get what's promised in the base game then there shouldn't be a problem buying a DLC. It's like an expansion, who gets expansions for free without a subscription? The only game that does that as far as I know is Tera Online.
Glad you like my concept Gidorick!
I came from an mmo called FFXI. And in that game you had to work for your class to be the best of the best with trials.Champion System stars that are unlocked through Class Skill progression? You can only unlock those stars if you have upgraded a specific skill to a specific level? LOVE IT!
Heck... go further. Include Racial Stars too. Have specific stars in each constellation that are different depending on the race of the Character.
I think I may have misspoke (mistyped?) when discussing active trees. What I meant is that players should only be able to pull skills from a total number of Class Skill trees at once. I don't think a player should be able to have both bars full of 5 skills from 5 different skill lines with ultimates from 2 other skill lines. You would have access to the skills once you've unlocked that tree via the in-game mechanic, but if you can only actively use the skills from 3 different trees at a time.
A player could, from the start, go collect all the skill lines but they will only be able to use each line one at a time. Higher level characters would be able to use skills from more than one skill line. REALLY high level characters could use even more. The max would obviously be 12, because of the skill bar limit you mentioned. I just don't think that max should be available to everyone from the onset.
As for the synergies, I totally agree. Players should have benefits from sticking to a "template". This way players can become masters in their respective class or they could become a "Jack of all Classes" kind of character.
An little additional idea would be a sort of "class name generator". Imagine if each skill line had a series of words associated with that class and depending on the combination of skill lines you are actively using your "class" name changes. They could all be variations of the current and other class names from The Elder Scrolls. So.. if you chose the three specific skill lines that make Dragon Knight, you are a Dragon Knight. Change an active skill line and you become:
- Dragon Scout
- Dragon Warriror
- Dragon Assassin
- Daedra Knight
- Lion Knight
You get the idea.
Hmm... I was curious so I ran the numbers. If we were able to mix/match 3 the 12 skill lines of the 4 classes, we would get a total of 220 possible classes. If we add just one more skill line we would have a total of 286 possible combinations. If we were able to have 4 skill lines "active" at once (using the original 12 skill lines) we would have a total of 495 possible combinations of the skill lines.
This would also be an effective way to add the "class morph" skill lines suggested by @TheShadowScout because they could be added one at a time because they wouldn't be a morph of a specific class. Rather they would be another skill line available to everyone.
This would also be a REALLY effective way to add "martial arts" to ESO. One skill line for each martial arts style. The synergy would be if you learned and used more than one martial arts skill line at once. Literally Tamrielic Mixed Martial Arts.
You've got me exited about the prospects here, but I don't think we will ever see anything like this. With both the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood being passive skills only I don't see ZOS having the gonads to add full combat skill lines at any point through a DLC.
Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood not having any active skill really grinds my gears.
TheShadowScout wrote: »The "CP as currency" idea is similar to the "burn CP" idea a certain someone once suggested (which I still think is a horrible idea, as "loosing" something gained through XP is very vexing...), but as mentioned, somewhat iffy through the account wide stuff - you cannot really have something account wide for "spending" on simgular characters (not to mention, as stated, spend on the main, earn on the alt would be an issue).
TheShadowScout wrote: »IMO, they should switch the system from the current three part into a four part, expanding the cap by a third, and having one "neutral" constellation around the current champion system where they could play with new stars ideas that might be having effects outside the current "warrior-mage-thief" setup...
If there is no concept of loss then there is no rewarding gain. This is why The Champion System is all muffed up. We have people stacking everything because there is no penalty to overstacking.
I've actually come around to agree with you @TheShadowScout .while I personally would like the consumption of CPS (I'm kind of a masochist in that way.
), I don't think it would work in ESO because it would change the Champion system too much. CPs being shared would create all sorts of problems. The CP system would have to be changed dramatically to not be shared and detached from all gear.
I did recently retool that CP active passive bar idea in this thread:
Would the neutral constellation be the serpent?