Well I know last Year Tom/Tim Howard (it's late am tired sue me for getting his name wrong) I remember he said that they remastered Skyrim for the Xbox one when it first released to get familiar with the hardware.This is very interesting I wonder how it look.If they really want to make a splash they would rreelease Morrwind and Oblivion along side it.
andypappb16_ESO wrote: »I REALLY hope it's not a Skryim remaster, but there are enough reasons for them to do so...
I'd prefer something old to be remastered like Oblivion or better, Morrowind. Additionally with Mod Support.
The best to happen is a TES VI, but well, that's unlikely
Molag_Crow wrote: »I spent too much time on Skyrim so I don't exactly see it as something that could take over, again...
Nah, but Conan Exiles most definitely.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zLJZw0DGI4
I knew there was a reason to skip the survival genre, Im sooo ready for this.
Nope.Wont play on XBox,or PS4.I had PS3 and got rid of the thing.PC is my only playground.
This isnt my cup of tea either.I just cant get into an FPS.I want to see my character.I get dizzy with FPS as well.
First person is optional, I think they used it for the trailer because not many online game does that. Im super excited for CE, sure Ubisoft Vikings game sounds fun too, but I dont think it has longevity, its like couple week game max, at least people have played Rust, ARK, H1Z1 for damn long time, so I expect CE is similiar too.
Ahh.If so,it might not be bad.The characters look a bit like Skyrim ones. You mentioned Vikings?
I might have to check them out!
For Honor, is Ubisoft's Viking game, it looks so boring already I wonder how long one wants to play it, but nevertheless its one game I look forward to.
You look forward to it,but it bores you already.Your a walking contradiction.
For Honor doesnt look like long-term game but CE does, CE probably has a ton more depth.
I dont know.If it is based on the movies,it might just be a hack and slash without much back story,other than who Conan is and where he came from.Too bad if this winds up being true.As there are many Conan books they could pull content from.I have a full collection of them.Well,..I may be missing some newer ones,but not the older original series.