I can log in into my Account and into the forums (obviously), but if I try to create a support ticket, I am asked to authenticate once again, but this window won't let me go through. I tried my Account login/pass that uses a username, or the forum login/pass that wants the email address, to no avail. I hit "Sign Up", just in case it is like on Steam that requires yet another login/pass combo for their support, but I am redirected to my already authenticated Account page. If I ask "forgot login" I am sent my Account login that I already know and that is not accepted by the support authentication. I am afraid to go along the "forgot password" link, in case the pass reset breaks something else like the other password and I'll be left without a way to log in at all and no recourse.
Is there currently a problem with the support authentication page at
https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/ask , is my account "broken", or am I doing something wrong?