ShedsHisTail wrote: »Regardless.
-I- haven't seen him since then, you'd think the next time we meet he wouldn't just assume I knew the answer. Feel like I should at least have the option to ask about it since I apparently get to ask every other recurring character how their life is going.
ShedsHisTail wrote: »Regardless.
-I- haven't seen him since then, you'd think the next time we meet he wouldn't just assume I knew the answer. Feel like I should at least have the option to ask about it since I apparently get to ask every other recurring character how their life is going.
Apparently you don't listen, nor read the dialogue.
If so, why do you even care an npc 'reappeared' ?
Silver_Strider wrote: »Yeah, I never got that either.
I mean, I know that Gates of Fire is a side quest but that shouldn't mean that he should be there at the end of the Reaper's March questline or even in past areas if I chose to let him die. It feels like an oversight in the game.
Silver_Strider wrote: »Yeah, I never got that either.
I mean, I know that Gates of Fire is a side quest but that shouldn't mean that he should be there at the end of the Reaper's March questline or even in past areas if I chose to let him die. It feels like an oversight in the game.
ShedsHisTail wrote: »Also sort of cheapened my choice a bit. I think that's the part that bugged me. I agonized over that choice, seeing it not matter is a little annoying. And that wouldn't be any different if I'd encountered him in Dune like everyone says I should have.
He never died!!!!
He never died!!!!
ShedsHisTail wrote: »
That's exactly my point.
The dialogue much such a big deal about how his death is certain if you leave him down there, about how there's no way out, how he is absolutely going to die. Then the next time you see him he's like, "Oh, yeah, so no big thang, yo."
What's the point of making it such dramatic decision if it's not going to mean anything? Wouldn't have even ben heard to code in a placeholder NPC for player's who let him die.
The point being to bring forth emotions in the player: making a difficult choice to either kill a loveable NPC or potentially doom the Dominion.
ShedsHisTail wrote: »
Which is fine. But when that choice ultimately ends up being pointless. That's annoying.
Ultimately, since I did the quest where he dies during Cadwell's Gold, I chocked it up to something that happened in the illusion or vision or whatever you want to call it and pretended I'd never met him before. But, that's a little broken too, since other characters I met during Silver and Gold claim to remember me.
Which is another question... Are Silver and Gold actual things your character does? Or is it like an elaborate dream that Cadwell puts you into just so you can see the other side of things?
I think it is NOT actual things your character does, but the characters you meet DO remember you as if you did those things.
A theory: It works exactly like a Spinner's Tale. You remember the Wilderqueen quest line in Greenshade, right? Aranyas remember you as her childhood friend because you entered her story, but you never actually were there for her when she was a child.
drumbendrum_ESO wrote: »I can only assume that you didn't take the portal to coldharbor and didn't allow the quest line to bring you there.
Instead you had a friend warp there and you wayshrined to them....tsk tsk tsk....but I aint mad at ya cause I hardly read any of this stuff either
ShedsHisTail wrote: »
Yeah, I remember it.
I mean, I guess that works on the small scale, but these folks are remembering you as the hero who saved the world... Like a week ago.
It is not an oversight. He explains that he was able to escape, but that the other soldiers who were with him perished. It was just an illusion of choice. The big difference is that he isn't mad at you for disobeying him.
I never choose to kill him because I know what DOESN'T happen in the future: No one in Tamriel ever used a circlet to control all Mer. Therefore, the circlet either couldn't do that and it was just a rumor, or Raz finds another way to destroy it later. I wasn't about to let a bunch of soldiers die for a piece of metal that I knew was never going to do any harm to the Dominion. Perks of playing a game set in the past on a franchise, I guess.