@Zaldan she did state that they started looking into it when the issue was first reported (which was Friday night @ -6 GMT for me).
Support staff may be at work on the weekends but may not have the rights to publicly post info on forums.
For my money, I'd rather have them working issues on the weekends anyway and live with the update on Monday, as it is USUALLY fixed by then and they're telling us what happened after the fact.
This was just an unusual circumstance.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
If being able to get the Valkyn Skoria helmet or any other items she had in her inventory before she disappeared is important to everyone, we'll look into if it would be possible to simply repeat her inventory stock for another week. It needs to be tested, but if it passes, we can do it.
@ZOS_JessicaFolsomZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
If being able to get the Valkyn Skoria helmet or any other items she had in her inventory before she disappeared is important to everyone, we'll look into if it would be possible to simply repeat her inventory stock for another week. It needs to be tested, but if it passes, we can do it.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
If being able to get the Valkyn Skoria helmet or any other items she had in her inventory before she disappeared is important to everyone, we'll look into if it would be possible to simply repeat her inventory stock for another week. It needs to be tested, but if it passes, we can do it.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »We just got word from the Dev team that Adhazabi Aba-dara may intermittently show up between now and when we roll out a fix for her.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »We're actively looking into where Adhazabi Aba-dara wandered off to. (We started looking into this when it was first reported.) We'll get her to return as soon as possible. When Adhazabi Aba-dara returns, she will have different inventory stock than what she had when she disappeared.
anyone can confirm with a pic that she sells valkyn helm in divines. been around the forums but seems to be a mixture of infused only and no divines.
rosendoichinoveb17_ESO wrote: »trader is up
Can you please post a pic of her divines skoria? pleaaaseee
BTW she should sell shoulders according to the rotation of the previews sales.
These guys cannot do one thing right! There is always mess somewhere after every other patch
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
If being able to get the Valkyn Skoria helmet or any other items she had in her inventory before she disappeared is important to everyone, we'll look into if it would be possible to simply repeat her inventory stock for another week. It needs to be tested, but if it passes, we can do it.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
If being able to get the Valkyn Skoria helmet or any other items she had in her inventory before she disappeared is important to everyone, we'll look into if it would be possible to simply repeat her inventory stock for another week. It needs to be tested, but if it passes, we can do it.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
If being able to get the Valkyn Skoria helmet or any other items she had in her inventory before she disappeared is important to everyone, we'll look into if it would be possible to simply repeat her inventory stock for another week. It needs to be tested, but if it passes, we can do it.
Ugh is like going to a store in France. They RNG when they are open.
I'm starting my watch 6:35pm CST. Will post when she is up
Edit 8:01pm CST: she is still a shy one
Edit 8:57pm CST: nada, I've been /ritual for over an hour. Men'do and others even stopped by to help, but it was all for naught.
Edit 10:15pm CST: ...
Edit 11:13pm CST: .
Edit 12:06am CST: .
Edit 12:53am CST: . I'm about to log. I had eso on in the background for 7 hrs and she has not shown up.
7 hrs camping her spawn and her intermittent ass was a no show the whole time. @ZOS_JessicaFolsom I think this does need a better solution than she will intermittently be there this week.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
If being able to get the Valkyn Skoria helmet or any other items she had in her inventory before she disappeared is important to everyone, we'll look into if it would be possible to simply repeat her inventory stock for another week. It needs to be tested, but if it passes, we can do it.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
If being able to get the Valkyn Skoria helmet or any other items she had in her inventory before she disappeared is important to everyone, we'll look into if it would be possible to simply repeat her inventory stock for another week. It needs to be tested, but if it passes, we can do it.