A ZOS love letter from a returning casual

@ZOS (to you nit-pickers, yes I know that doesn't go to anyone, it's a generic so they know I mean all of them).

I know you guys don't get a lot of love in the forums and I'm not usually one to give it but this update deserves some.

I am what I would call an upper-casual player: my weekly play time can range from 6 hours to upwards of 24. Although, I don't go in for end game stuff like trials and daily dungeons.

I quit this game when Orsinium came out because I could not compete in PvP. I lacked the desire to pve for DAYS ON END so I could get a CHANCE at the items I needed to be competitive.

This week's update does still have its issues but they pale in comparison to what it's done for the casual gamer!

For the first time in MONTHS, not only was I able to compete in Cyrodiil, I was able to pick up one item for a set that will increase my ability to do so later. Thus, I have a reason to come back and fight - but at least now I know if I lose, it's not because my gear is crap.

We casuals are now able to enjoy because we can compete at 50 instead of dreading the VR grind.

Well done so far, ZOS.

Changes that are keeping me here:
VR removal
PvP sets update & availability (see v16 hawk's eye & morag tong)
Locking items
EFFING CRAFTING EFFING BAG!!!!! Omfg I will subscribe till the game dies for this alone. (To be fair though, I subscribe if I play because GOOD developers are expensive)

I just wanted to write this up for every casual that might feel similar but does not haunt forums.

Please, pleeeeease be very careful with your next balancing steps taken. Stamina builds are VERY strong now and you're going to hear A LOT about magicka weakness. There probably are some opportunities for improvement in there. But PLEASE try to BRING THEM UP and NOT bring current abilities down.

Things are really in a great place for ESO now and I feel this was a step in the right direction.

Thank you for all of your hard work.
  • Gidorick
    Nice sentiments... but I would disagree with one part...
    Kungfu wrote: »
    I know you guys don't get a lot of love in the forums ...

    This forum is very VERY pro Zenimax. Sure, there are detractors and there's general nerd-rage about this issue or that, but a large part of this forum's community swoons and bats their eyes at ZOS on the regular.
    Edited by Gidorick on June 2, 2016 2:48PM
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  • clayandaudrey_ESO
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Nice sentiments... but I would disagree with one part...
    Kungfu wrote: »
    I know you guys don't get a lot of love in the forums ...

    This forum is very VERY pro Zenimax. Sure, there are detractors and there's general nerd-rage about this issue or that, but a large part of this forum's community swoons and bats their eyes at ZOS on the regular.

    Do we read the same stuff? I call it about 50/50.
  • Turelus
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Nice sentiments... but I would disagree with one part...
    Kungfu wrote: »
    I know you guys don't get a lot of love in the forums ...

    This forum is very VERY pro Zenimax. Sure, there are detractors and there's general nerd-rage about this issue or that, but a large part of this forum's community swoons and bats their eyes at ZOS on the regular.

    Confirmed @Wrobel stole my heart.

    No other developer has done a dodge roll off a live set, for this he will forever be awesome.

    On a more serious side I think there is a difference in swooning and giving developers respect and fair treatment.
    I think some of the posts made on these forums demanding people be fired or calling them incompetent are pretty disgusting.
    Whether or not you agree with the choices ZOS make or like the direction they're taking there is no need to act that way. In a twisted way I sometimes hope the people who make such posts get fired one day with the reason of "someone on the internet told us to do it" so they get a nice slap in the face, I am evil at heart.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO
    Got to say, this patch made me leave the game as it's just so bad. Completely destroyed an entire class so there's only really 3 classes left in the game, lol.
    R.I.P. Daranth Spellborn
    VR16 Dunmer Sorcerer
    March 2014 - May 2016
    He was a skilled Crafter and a reliable Sorcerer;
    Then came the Dark Brotherhood

    Wrobel wrote: Surge is now more effective for tank characters.
    Because crit tanks are so good, LOL. xD
  • Ffastyl
    This patch made Templars fun again and I get one of my favorite locations in Cyrodiil. Win-win!
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

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