Hey all,
Currently im running x5 fasallas ( SnB + jewellery) with x5 black rose (body) and 2 engin guardian. Running x3 shield play enchants with defensive posture.
The idea was to make a block centric build that applies healing debuff to enemies while locking them down with talons/caltrops while being realllllly hard to kill. This performs reasonably well post change to heavy armour and block costs with the removal of bracing.
What ive noticed;
1. In small scale post heavy armour changes + SnB changes make blocking MUCH more viable. You can literally stand your ground and out block mostly anything.
2. Pre-patch it was much easier to tank larger groups because of bracing. Now even though constitution got buffed, the return from constitution is per 4 seconds and only becomes better when you dont get hit every second or more. In the latter case, bracing wins out by a large margin.
3. The 50% more resource return on heavy attacks is amazing when you can drop block long enough to launch a heavy.... this is okay in small scale but in group vs group, drop block = death cos of wrobels instagib meta..... Im running 30 frigging k resistances with 2.5k impen with 30k health and am still taking ridonculous hits.....
4. I would have preferred they kept bracing and tweaked the value to a lower one to balance it out with constitution.
As to why I think point 4 is valid is that without the x3 block cost reduction enchants, this build becomes near unplayable in PvP group vs group unless you run a lot of sturdy pieces. The passive bracing really helped and the new 120 wd/sd isnt really cutting it... Need to sacrifice all 3 jewellery slots + lots of CP to make up for the loss in bracing. The net result is that you lose a lot of cost reduction/regen/damage to keep block viable while at the same time losing quite a bit of damage. Again the passive change from bracing to wrath dosent make up for the loss in damage from all these factors. The passive from wrath needs to be considerably larger or needs to be replaced with a modified version of bracing imo. The gains from constitution is only worth it in the event that you arent taking a lot of hits cos it only happens every 4 seconds. All these factors are easier to manage on stamDK cos of the new improved venomous claw which works very well with reverb bash + ransack bash cancel to put pressure in small scale scenarios due to constant pressure even with low weapon damage but again dosent do much good in group vs group....
Was wondering how other people felt about this change. PvE dosent seem much different. Was ez mode before, still is ez mode now. These changes just made it harder to wear heavy armour and focus on a block centric build in open world large scale PvP for me.
TLDR: Changes made it easier to use SnB in small scale while it made it considerably harder to tank more people due to the way constitution works. Need to give up too much in return to make blocking viable due to loss of heavy armour bracing passive. Please tweak...
Edited by Vangy on June 2, 2016 7:13AM (2)V16 Dk- stam dps/stam tank/mag dps
(2)V16 Sorc- mag dps/stam dps
(2)V16 nb- stam dps/mag dps
(1)v16 temp- mag tank/mag dps
CP: 610 and counting
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