Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

Looking for relaxed social guild

Soul Shriven
I'm still newish to the game. Always willing to learn new things. I play when I can. Real life comes first so I'm on when I can. Reply if you're part of a fun friendly social guild.
  • lI_DUDE_Il
    Post gamer tag and I'll get you an invite!
  • TheShorion
    In the same boat. DC Vet 16 DK. Joined a guild, might he to "hardcore" for me. Looking for a laid back guild, where I can hop into guild chat to shoot some *** and run some dungeons.

    GT: The Shorion
  • lI_DUDE_Il
    Inv coming your way
  • bandit12889
    Soul Shriven
    Gtag: bandit12889
  • lI_DUDE_Il
    Inv sent!
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