When did they ever state they weren't adding them?
I am glad they did, after hundreds of WGT run I still have only one helmet with a crappy trait.
10 kena kills. That's really impressive mate. Just drop it
The only people claiming they wont add DLC helemts to the vendor were ZOS conspiracy therorists that claimed ZOS wants to keep these hats behind a paywall.
If you believed them and as a result are shocked now, its your own fault for believing random strangers that have no clue what they are talking about.
(I farmed my hat the last two weeks by the way)
Molag_Crow wrote: »This is ridiculous. I thought you weren't adding DLC helmets like Molag Kena and Lord Warden to the weekend vendor in Cyrodiil?????? excuse me if I sound like a spoiled brat, but it took me like 10+ Molag Kena kills for that helmet, and now you're letting people just buy it? ....
Molag_Crow wrote: »This is ridiculous. I thought you weren't adding DLC helmets like Molag Kena and Lord Warden to the weekend vendor in Cyrodiil?????? excuse me if I sound like a spoiled brat, but it took me like 10+ Molag Kena to get that helmet, and now you're letting people just buy it? ....
Whoop deep doo.
I tanked it over 50x and not one drop. I'm glad it's at the vendor. The RNG has been enough to stop me bothering with the grind for 2 months already.
And yet I got Lord Warden on the first run..
Yay Kena helm! No more "you don't have achievement, can't come with us" bs.
I went as a healer every time wgt was gold, the farthest the -000 (that's minus zero thousand) pugdps got us was planar, and every single time the pugs gave up there. Don't have a dedicated guild which would get me through it.
With Kena headpiece at the vendor, I'm never doing the tower ever. Hooray!
Molag_Crow wrote: »This is ridiculous. I thought you weren't adding DLC helmets like Molag Kena and Lord Warden to the weekend vendor in Cyrodiil?????? excuse me if I sound like a spoiled brat, but it took me like 10+ Molag Kena kills for that helmet, and now you're letting people just buy it? ....
Never farmed a single helmet, alway refused to submit myself to this nonsense and torture.
And now I got everything I need.