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ESO "Focus on Social" - Where is it? (Player Guild Features - Letter to ZOS)

  • Maxime
    Belazarus wrote: »
    It would be great to get some kind of response or acknowledgement from anyone from ZOS regarding this.
    Since it appears others have raised similar threads to mine in the past, it would really be welcomed to get an idea of ZOS appetite on this aspect of the game, to give us some kind of realistic expectations.

    In the meantime, if anyone else has ideas or views, please do share :)

    There have been dozens of threads about this topic. Some better than most.. but not once has ZOS made a comment on this topic. It's really dissapointing. BUT there are a few other ESTABLISHED MMOs coming to console who have these features and more already. So If ZOS doesn't step it up soon, I imagine they will loose large amounts of their guild leaders to games that support them actually being able to manage their guilds.

    So step it up ,

    @Zenimax: In this thread we state clearly our wishes about guild management and also the reason why.
    It is a hot topic for us, players/subscribers.
    I wonder why you are ignoring this thread and neglect to reply to the questions we have asked you.
    All we ask of you is to consider to improve guild management and take this matter up in the next development meeting.
  • Belazarus
    Thanks for the additional comments of support everyone - keep the feedback coming - surely it's just a matter of time before ZOS listen to us communities and give us SOME glimmer of hope haha :)

    PS> on the topic of Guild Halls resulting in empty cities - that's easily avoidable by simple balance - make sure that players still "need" to visit towns to access crafting stations, guild traders, quest npcs, etc..... imo Guild Halls should give "different" uses from the main cities - such as Guild Quest givers and maybe Guild Vendors to spend your guild currency etc...
    Edited by Belazarus on May 31, 2016 7:38PM
  • phobossion
    Remember that many of the features you are asking for stem from PC-only MMORPGs. ESO, being a console game, has to meet the lowest common denominator. PC games can have more complex mouse-oriented UI and have access to keyboard which makes many things easier (when it comes to filling the calendar with event descriptions, for example)
  • KingYogi415
    Guild features coming to crown store soonTM!
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    I have also noticed they have stopped publicizing Roleplay events. i really dont care about twitch, yet thats all they seem to talk about on social media, other than official announcments
  • MornaBaine
    I have also noticed they have stopped publicizing Roleplay events. i really dont care about twitch, yet thats all they seem to talk about on social media, other than official announcments

    It's my opinion that ZOS has only ever paid "lip service" to RP and from what I've seen from early statements from the Devs on up to their current withdrawal from even bothering with that much, they have little to no understanding of what roleplay even is. Things from early statements such as they did not make chairs and benches "sittable" because it never occurred to them that anyone would ever actually WANT to sit on them to shutting down the Tamriel Chronicle where they used to actually publish the stories written by roleplayers it seems really clear to me that ZOS is not at all interested in the desires of the RP community. I believe the only reason we're ever going to get things like the barber shop and player housing is because these things are being demanded by non-roleplayers who just want better character customization and ways to show off their achievements. I've seen no evidence to indicate that the Dev team has the remotest interest in roleplay which is a crying shame as TES is such a rich environment for it. Not only that but it makes no financial sense for them to ignore us for a few reasons. One, we're amazingly loyal and long term players. Many of us, myself included, would NOT still be playing this game, paying a sub AND buying crowns were it not for our fellow players/storytellers/roleplayers. Two, many of the things we want are also things other players enjoy and have fun messing around with even if they don't get deeply into it. Things like world events based on TES lore and private instance content where you can take your whole guild and have the area to yourselves. Non-roleplayers are all over that stuff when it is implemented but the desire for it in the first place is typically driven by roleplayers. Why they don't have a single Dev who communicates with the RP community is beyond me, if for no other reason than that we are total cash cows. :neutral:
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Belazarus
    So I received a letter in game from a person I've never met before, and they had some great points to share on this subject. They are currently banned from the ESO forum, however I found their letter to be quite constructive, mature and professional - so I see no problem sharing it with you guys. He was very honest about his ban, but I thought he shared some good points and as I say I felt he explained them maturely & respectfully, so I hope ZOS won't mind me sharing his letter to me:





  • Maxime
    I have been scrolling through some posted subjects and I see Zenimax officers reply or react to many of them.
    However, they have not responded to the pleads made by people who really care about ESO. This thread has so many easy to develop suggestions, which will make this game better.
    I really hope, the effort of all people adding suggestions in this thread will not be ignored.

    @Belazarus: thank you for sharing this letter.
  • ComboBreaker88
    Maxime wrote: »
    I have been scrolling through some posted subjects and I see Zenimax officers reply or react to many of them.
    However, they have not responded to the pleads made by people who really care about ESO. This thread has so many easy to develop suggestions, which will make this game better.
    I really hope, the effort of all people adding suggestions in this thread will not be ignored.

    @Belazarus: thank you for sharing this letter.

    This is probably the 50th thread on this subject. ZOS has never once acknowledged it. It's as if they think that if they ignore it, it will go away. But as a posted before, there are more and Moore established mmo's setting their eyes on the console versions of games. So if Zenimax wants to keep their console customers, they need to step up their game quite a bit. Console players are fickle when it comes to ga message and will leave a game with zero regrets if another newer game with more features launches. Sure ESO looks good for an mmo. But besides looking good and it's lore history it's lacking very basic mmo features and general content.
  • Belazarus
    Yeah, I am quite surprised that after all this, still no response or acknowledgement from ZOS - particularly as everyone in this thread has been really mature, courteous and constructive (rather than just moaning).
  • ComboBreaker88
    @ZOS_JanS @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_AmeliaR @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_GaryA @ZOS_TristanK

    I understand that your job is probably very stressful right now. Especially given the lack luster E3 presentation. But this topic is vital to the health and social aspects of the game. While some may dissagree, I would say that the only reason many of us keep playing at all is because of the communitit's we play with. Why not make it easier to run these communities? As of rright now guild master are punished for running a guild and it makes running a successful one very stressful and time consuming. Some of the ideas listed here and elsewhere are fantastic ideas. They would be easy to implement (the information is already in the game) you just have to let us use it in a meaningful way. We were promised a fcous on social and that guilds would be given ways to be easier managed. Yet you have not shown any real follow through with that promise. All we are asking for is the ability to play the game and enjoy it. Because right now, running a guild properly isn't very fun.
  • Neoauspex
    The social aspect of MMOs is what makes people stick around long term. ZoS will learn that the hard way if they don't implement some of these ideas before the next big MMO comes out on console.
  • Belazarus
    Thanks for the encouragement Combo - I feared that this had died a death, it's good to hear there are others who are sharing our pain. We can but pray.
  • ComboBreaker88
    Belazarus wrote: »
    Thanks for the encouragement Combo - I feared that this had died a death, it's good to hear there are others who are sharing our pain. We can but pray.

    Screw praying. We should organize a group of dozens of GMs and start making our voice heard. Because WE are the ones who keep people coming back. It's getting out of hand the excuses ZOS has. Or the utter lack of intent. And they keep smiling and acting like they are just the best. It's ridiculous.
  • Belazarus
    Belazarus wrote: »
    Thanks for the encouragement Combo - I feared that this had died a death, it's good to hear there are others who are sharing our pain. We can but pray.

    Screw praying. We should organize a group of dozens of GMs and start making our voice heard. Because WE are the ones who keep people coming back. It's getting out of hand the excuses ZOS has. Or the utter lack of intent. And they keep smiling and acting like they are just the best. It's ridiculous.

    I was really disappointed to see they didn't address this in their last ESO Live AUA section, considering there has been so much attention on this thread, and people have raised concerns in a really mature constructive way. Shame :(
  • ComboBreaker88
    Belazarus wrote: »
    Belazarus wrote: »
    Thanks for the encouragement Combo - I feared that this had died a death, it's good to hear there are others who are sharing our pain. We can but pray.

    Screw praying. We should organize a group of dozens of GMs and start making our voice heard. Because WE are the ones who keep people coming back. It's getting out of hand the excuses ZOS has. Or the utter lack of intent. And they keep smiling and acting like they are just the best. It's ridiculous.

    I was really disappointed to see they didn't address this in their last ESO Live AUA section, considering there has been so much attention on this thread, and people have raised concerns in a really mature constructive way. Shame :(

    Yeah it's a shame this whole topic is just taboo for some reason. Without these features the game will slowly die.
  • Agalloch
    U are right guys..ESO is a fantastic game but lacks in many aspects of socialization . Ok...ESO is not a traditional MMO but should have the social aspects saw in other MMOs.

    Also ZOS must add more guild features .

    They can inspire from other games and adapt to ESO .

    I really enjoyed the guild system in Guild Wars 2 with guild upgrades , influence , guild missions, guild wars .




  • ADarklore
    Belazarus wrote: »
    Belazarus wrote: »
    Thanks for the encouragement Combo - I feared that this had died a death, it's good to hear there are others who are sharing our pain. We can but pray.

    Screw praying. We should organize a group of dozens of GMs and start making our voice heard. Because WE are the ones who keep people coming back. It's getting out of hand the excuses ZOS has. Or the utter lack of intent. And they keep smiling and acting like they are just the best. It's ridiculous.

    I was really disappointed to see they didn't address this in their last ESO Live AUA section, considering there has been so much attention on this thread, and people have raised concerns in a really mature constructive way. Shame :(

    Not to be rude, but where is this 'so much attention' when it only managed to break three pages?!? I think this is an indicator about how much most players really care about a 'social' environment here in ESO. Considering a vast number of players play this game solo with little social interaction, the fact that so many don't care doesn't surprise me. Sure you get some who come here to be social, etc... but clearly not the majority.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • lokesgard
    I so wish there was an in game events calendar! And a way to sign up to those event. That's my main wish. Forums/Facebook etc is all good, but not everyone bothers going on the guild forum unfortunately. Guess that's the problem with console playing :/
    Edited by lokesgard on August 11, 2016 1:06PM
  • ComboBreaker88
    Belazarus wrote: »
    Belazarus wrote: »
    Thanks for the encouragement Combo - I feared that this had died a death, it's good to hear there are others who are sharing our pain. We can but pray.

    Screw praying. We should organize a group of dozens of GMs and start making our voice heard. Because WE are the ones who keep people coming back. It's getting out of hand the excuses ZOS has. Or the utter lack of intent. And they keep smiling and acting like they are just the best. It's ridiculous.

    I was really disappointed to see they didn't address this in their last ESO Live AUA section, considering there has been so much attention on this thread, and people have raised concerns in a really mature constructive way. Shame :(

    Yeah it's a shame this whole topic is just taboo for some reason. Without these features the game will slowly die.
    ADarklore wrote: »
    Belazarus wrote: »
    Belazarus wrote: »
    Thanks for the encouragement Combo - I feared that this had died a death, it's good to hear there are others who are sharing our pain. We can but pray.

    Screw praying. We should organize a group of dozens of GMs and start making our voice heard. Because WE are the ones who keep people coming back. It's getting out of hand the excuses ZOS has. Or the utter lack of intent. And they keep smiling and acting like they are just the best. It's ridiculous.

    I was really disappointed to see they didn't address this in their last ESO Live AUA section, considering there has been so much attention on this thread, and people have raised concerns in a really mature constructive way. Shame :(

    Not to be rude, but where is this 'so much attention' when it only managed to break three pages?!? I think this is an indicator about how much most players really care about a 'social' environment here in ESO. Considering a vast number of players play this game solo with little social interaction, the fact that so many don't care doesn't surprise me. Sure you get some who come here to be social, etc... but clearly not the majority.

    I completely dissagree. JuSt because forum users haven't commented on this thread in no way reflects the majority of players. Simply because the majority of players dont use the forums. There have been about a dozen threads about this topic since launch. None of them ever received so much as a nod from ZOS. When the council of Nirn had a Skype conference with ZOS about 2 years afo this was brought up. And they seemed to agree, but never actually did anything about it. I believe you are mistaking "proof" for simple defeat. Many of the good guild leaders have turned their communities to games who will support their communities. They just got tired of the apathy from ZOS.
  • Belazarus
    Well said Combo, this subject has come up time and time again - I hang onto hope that ZOS will address this eventually, but who knows. A simple acknowledgement alone would be great tbh.
  • ComboBreaker88
    I am seeing more and more post about guild features as of late. Not a single one can even be compared to this one.
  • Wreuntzylla
    The focus on social is in Craglorn. Oh, but not for long...
  • Belazarus
    So it's been a couple of months since I last posted on this thread, I decided to come back to see if ZOS had had a chance to, well, even acknowledge it haha - no joy it seems :(

    I guess it just goes to show that community / guild tools & features just isn't a priority for them at the moment. Just a shame that they can't see the real value player guilds add to the game. Our guild has near 500 members, with 130+ online every night, so I'd like to think that us player guilds actually help towards the vibrance and "life" in the game.

    It would be a real nice gesture for ZOS to at least acknowledge that there could be more in the game for us communities - even if they can't actually implement anything for now. A "nod" to us player guilds that bring so much to the game.

    Ah well, I will continue to pray.
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