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ESO "Focus on Social" - Where is it? (Player Guild Features - Letter to ZOS)

  • Rakkul
    This is a very welcome topic, thanks Belazarus for headlining it.

    It's easy to pidgeon hole a game into a specific and therefore confined type. This may be ok for a smaller scale game or some dedicated to just one aspect, but even then it is just highlighting that lack of wider focus.

    ESO does have a wider focus, and should constantly look at it's own performance in covering this widespread arc of interest. A game that wants (and needs) to continually attract thousands of players can help itself greatly with content that expands away from a narrower player attraction.

    This game has it's ups and downs - all games do. If it just has a single attraction and that underperforms then the game population can be jeopardised. Even with a couple of core values, it only takes one to have problems and you're 50% down on original aims.

    Widening the approach with other areas of content - and guilds can make up a sizeable percentage of many other mmo's - can not only help attract new people, importantly it can help the game get through some rough spots through diversification.

    Now of course the caveat - Spread the net too wide and two things happen.
    - Some players can feel the game is not "focused" enough on their particular preference.
    - Insufficient Development resource results in a wider but poorer overall game.

    This is for an experienced development team to manage, and is an ongoing quality & quantity v resource balance.

    From the original post, it appears that the development team raised the hopes of some players with their stated "social" goals. As we all know, it is one thing to have goals - and often a lot of hard work to actually realise them.

    I do hope that their announnced intentions can be brought through. I feel this area of expansion would create a new interest for many people. But not at the cost of poorer support for existing areas.

    There are too many mmo's out there that bring new content out which only adds to the considerable issues their games already have with bugs etc.

    So I would welcome a response from the Development Team giving an update on where they are with this aspect of the game.
    This may be a negative due to a change in direction from their original social goals, or possibly things are on hold due to a re-direction of resource.

    But I feel any upate would be welcome. At the least it shows responsible posts from long standing player leaders.
  • Belazarus
    Well said @Rakkul - thank you for your insights!
  • pema
    I can only say I agree that guilds should get more attention and some of these things went trough my mind in the time I played ESO.
    Not stating this as a member of Alith, but as a member of the eso community since day one.

    I was relay excited when the tabberds came out and the pvp aspect of them showing on keeps. But this is such a trivial thing in the whole PVP scene that it aint what I hoped it would be.

    I relay relay hope for a guildhall with player housing, this shouldn't be to hard to create.

    the new guild name with only the tabberd on was also a big bummer for me, especially as I like to wear costumes and those won't mix.

    As a raid leader with Alith, I know we have a lot of solo players. but we still get them to try out a trail, or join in for casual pvp or a dungeon run. and we're not the only big guild out there, if guilds exist people need to be able to use them other then just a list of people who you can talk to.

    Again as raid leader a way to have an ingame event calander, were you maby even can invite from the event or sent an announcement to the people who signed up would make my life so much more easy.
    Now when I need to reform a group, or want to open a string for guildies to sign on I have to use an addon. Please put this feature in game.

    After all zos, we're the cornerstone of the community.
    We offer all the content to our guild and keep bringing old and new members around all the game has to offer.

    Officer of Alith Legion
    Ebonheart Pact guild, EU server.
    Check out our site alithlegion.com
  • Belazarus
    Thanks @pema for your contribution :) Well said!
  • ADarklore
    What I find interesting, is the players adding the most supportive comments here on this thread are all from the same guild... and yet, very little input from any other guilds or players showing interest in this. I honestly think this speaks volumes.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • pema
    ADarklore wrote: »
    What I find interesting, is the players adding the most supportive comments here on this thread are all from the same guild... and yet, very little input from any other guilds or players showing interest in this. I honestly think this speaks volumes.

    Dear Adarklore. Perhaps our guild picked up on it as of course our guild leader put this on our forums as well.
    I would suggest to give it time for others to read and react. The fact that there are so many guilds out there indicates people like to group up, a useful way to go about this would benefit them all.
    Officer of Alith Legion
    Ebonheart Pact guild, EU server.
    Check out our site alithlegion.com
  • Belazarus
    ADarklore wrote: »
    What I find interesting, is the players adding the most supportive comments here on this thread are all from the same guild... and yet, very little input from any other guilds or players showing interest in this. I honestly think this speaks volumes.

    Hey Dark, as Pema says it's natural that my guild members will want to contribute too, however I do want to correct you - it's been great to hear some supporting comments from people who I don't recognise, including Zardayne, LadyLethalla, Ra'Shtar, GeorgeBlack, Americanfunguy, WalkingLegacy, RAGUNAnoOne, sirinsidiator, Rakkul and Rune_Relic.

    The vast majority of supporting comments on this thread, are from people who aren't in my guild and I have never met before, some of which have shared threads already raised in the passed about this issue - also encouraging to see. Certainly speaks volumes :)

    I'm not really sure what your motivations are Dark, but personally I'm pleased to see all the contributions we've had so far, and pleased to see it's not just us here at Alith who want to see this looked at :)
    Edited by Belazarus on May 23, 2016 4:11PM
  • aldriq
    Great suggestions and great points from the OP and commenters. As someone who has not yet taken part on any of my guild's structured activities (I'm still leisurely doing the main quest with my first toon) but who enjoys even the lighter social aspects of belonging to a guild, I do believe that everybody could get a better experience of the game by joining one.

    That's why I find the first feature raised (Server Guild Lists & Guild Recruitment Tools) the most glaringly absent – given how ESO seemingly wants to keep all its activities in-game (no mobile app, no web interface other than to subscribe or buy crowns) I find it surprising that people are expected to search for guilds on the forum (who a majority of players don't use), third-party websites (likewise) or by accepting random invitations in towns.

    I also completely agree on improved guild identity tools – the tabards are pretty underwhelming.
  • bedlom
    Talk to me when you don't even have a chat box.
  • MornaBaine
    I would very much like the option to "turn on guild tag" and choose which of your 5 guilds you are displaying for others to see. If you are running amuck in Cyrodiil with your PvP guild, display their tag. If you are at an RP event with your RP guild, display that guild tag. If your trade guild is hanging out near their kiosk and advertising great deals in zone or something, display their tag. I think it would be a fun option to have and could help build awareness of and membership in guilds.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Belazarus
    Couldn't agree more Aldriq and MornaBaine. Thanks for the input - it's great to hear from a range of people sharing the same concerns. and I feel your pain bedlom, I'm guessing you're a console player - you guys are feeling the pain even more so.
    Edited by Belazarus on May 23, 2016 10:40PM
  • nlpjeruprwb17_ESO
    ESO is my first MMO and I have been a fan since BETA. I come from playing TES 3, 4 and 5 and I love the "solo" feel to the game and by that I mean I will not like nameplates floating around all over all the time and I would not like too creative guild things ruin my veiw.

    But having said that..... sometimes I want it......when I am bored playing alone and I want to run out there and find some guildies or when I am hanging out with my guild.....yes who would have known.....me in a guild O.O.

    I have found that I really enjoy the game more.....in a different way, when playing and talking with other like minded people and I think that maybe if guilds were more visible in game, more soloplayers could find the courage to tip the toes into the guildpool.

    so I would like some kind of "come and visit our guild" events

    I think a lot of the points you are making are very legit and you come up with good ideas - I would proudly work in game to help create a guild hall, earn points for a guild trader.

    If the guild hall are placed in a special zone like pvp is, it would not ruin things for people who are against looking at the halls, they just dont go there.

    Nameplates ..... if I can choose what I want to see and turn it on and off I can understand that they are a great tool for a caring and social guild leader as you Bel.

    "Why not have some random "events" that happen in the world, similar to the dark anchors, but events that are specifically for player guilds to tackle & accomplish".........I love the idea!

    "Special Guild Vendors - you could tie this into the guild questing / reputation system, where player guilds can unlock special vendors which can be accessed by the guild to obtain rare & useful items! Again, multitude of ways you could incorporate this."..........I love the idea, and for me it do not have to be some OP armorset or weapon.....some cheeper tanning mats would do....or rare motif pages.

    "Guild Ranks - why not allow us to "level up" our guild and have various guild ranks. The higher our guild level, the more features & benefits we can unlock for our members. You can make it very challenging to attain the levels, and again tie it into the guild quests giving our members another reason to keep doing the quests / activities.".......what a good idea!

  • LadyLethalla
    @Belazarus I wish you guys had a presence on console as well... specifically PS4 EU. Sounds like a fun guild.
    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • Belazarus
    Hey Lady - yeah sorry unfortunately Alith is a PC only guild on the EU megaserver, but if you ever decide to try ESO out on PC, you're always more than welcome :)
  • LadyLethalla
    @Belazarus I'll keep that in mind xD
    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • ComboBreaker88
    I made a post about this awhile ago. And I've seen a few others. It's hard to keep them alive because most players have no idea how difficult it is to run a successful guild in this game. Its almost like ZOS have designed it to be difficult intentionally. My post is here:


    Although we seemed to have similar ideas on a few aspects.
  • Xelrick
    -gob gob- Well base on my experience on a MUD game similar to this game (Back in 1999 o.o)...guild may be optional but also BLESS rewards for being in one.

    That game had a TITHE system which you could auto share your EXP and/or GOLD to your guild ...

    EXP help unlock Guild items for the Month, which relocked after month ended.

    GOLD, itself was use to bid on a GUILD BUFF, which varied.

    It had a Guild Leaderboard show who contributed the most that month... Which they got rewarded by special guild items.

    Guild quest were mainly collecting a large number of specific items... which if solo would take you weeks to complete and only if you were max level, which was level 250 at the time...

    Guild wars, yea I only seen this once. Pretty much PVP between guilds and capture the flag,

    -gob gob- Now for ESO

    A TITHE system be interesting, which on ESO this can be link to Tarbards, since it only thing guild dedicated related we got. Pretty much it shares a small amount of earn EXP to the Guild EXP pool. The guild exp pool would lock items and buffs...

    GUILD Blessings... Something you can only buy from your specific guild store only, like the Tabard... I'm sure there plenty of Lore friendly blessing option out there to choose from... Having these blessings also last for a set time too so you have a reason to buy more and contribute Gold to the guild.

    Hmm Guild quest... example maybe something long the lines of killing a large set of World Bosses, clearing large number of Dolmens...etc... I see options with TG and DB Guild quests too...

    I know my guild we try to do something everyday... and it normally works out especially Mondays PVP event...

    -gob gob-
    Xelrick: "Do not mix chaos with madness. It will only lead to unexplored adventures."
  • notimetocare
    Belazarus wrote: »
    Dear ZOS

    Hi Everyone! Hope you're all doing well and as excited as I am about the upcoming DLC, The Dark Brotherhood!
    This is a post I have been planning on making for a long time, and is really for the attention of the ESO development team, but I believe (and hope) that this will resonate with many of the ESO communities out there. I don't often make big forum posts like this, but this is a subject which I am very passionate about and is close to many communities hearts.

    So first, a quick introduction:

    I'm Bel, and I'm the guild leader of a large, social, casual, respectful, fun loving community called Alith. We've been going for 6 years now, and have been a presence on the EU server of ESO since beta days. We have 450+ active (yes, we don't have any inactive members..) and we're all fun loving ESO fans. We have organised daily PvE events (raids, social events, competitions), and also have our own ESO video podcast called Alith-Cast. You can check out our official site at http://alitheso.com. We were one of the very first guilds to submit our "Guild Spotlight" application sadly to this day, we never got a mention, anyway!

    I wanted to give you guys some background about us, so you can understand how passionate we are about ESO - our guild is a 100% ESO guild, and we are ALL about community & family.
    Which brings me onto the reason for this post:

    The Elder Scrolls Online - Social & Community Features (or lack of)

    I really want this to be a constructive feedback post and a desperate plea for help, and is in no way meant to be negative. This is also just my own personal opinions, but I know a lot of my community share these concerns.
    I have been leading this community of ours for many years, and ESO has certainly been the game we have been most passionate about, and our guild has really loved calling this game our home. It's with great sadness, therefore, that I share my real disappointment with the severe lack of guild / community features in the game, in comparison to other MMO's out there.

    Of all the MMO's our community has made home in, ESO has really been the weakest in catering for player guilds & encouraging us to create real family like communities. ESO fails in some really fundamental areas, core features which any MMO really needs, to help guilds to be the best they can be. There are also countless missed opportunities, that ZOS hasn't taken advantage of yet - the ESO world of Tamriel has some fantastic ways it could incorporate & support player guilds, but for whatever reasons, ZOS really has not given player guilds any priority and has really neglected this part of the game. Communities like ours are desperate, and in urgent need of support & help.

    When I heard the news in Matt Firors "Year Ahead" article at the start of the year, with the title "Focus on Social". It was music to my ears, and I thought finally we're going to get some real needed guild / community features and finally we'll be able to really integrate our communities into the game, have fun rewarding ways to build our communities (like other MMO's have). 5 months in and.... nothing. (grouping tool improvements, are not community improvements).

    So of course I want this feedback to be constructive, and specific. Therefore I want to take this opportunity to point out those missing fundamentals, and also share some really simple (and some more complex) ideas / suggestions that would SERIOUSLY help all us communities who are desperately trying to make the best guild experience we can:

    Missing Guild Features & Suggestions:
    • Server Guild Lists & Guild Recruitment Tools - nearly every MMO i've played has some basic way of viewing in game, all the guilds on the server, and some even have mechanics for you to apply to various guilds in game, and also read some basic information about the guilds, giving the players a way to read up on guilds & apply to them, in game. ESO doesn't have this.
    • Guild Activities - Again, nearly every MMO we've played, has various activities in game, designed specifically for guilds. This includes, but isn't limited to guild quests which can be picked up and completed by guild members, which then generates rewards for guilds and their members. There are SO many ways ESO could incorporate this, and again would create a way for players to spend time in game, interacting with their guilds, and doing something which will benefit their guilds.
    • Guild Event Calendar - granted this is certainly more complex, but again some MMO's we've played have a calendar system where officers of the guild can post up events planned for the guild, in game. Members can then view the events on the calendar in game, and even sign up to attend them. We could use this from anything from Trials Runs, Social Events, Competitions and so on.
    • Guild Halls - So this is something that ZOS could easily implement alongside player housing. Create a system where players could gradually contribute towards a guild building (or purchasing) their own guild hall. The hall could then be a place for communities to meet up, and socialise, You could possibly have some additional special guild quests that you can only pick up from the hall, and hell you could even put some special crafting stations there :) The possibilities are endless.
    • Town & Village Capture / ownership - and I don't necessarily mean PvP! In some other MMO's i've played, there are guild systems in place where player guilds can actually capture various regions or towns in the world! By capturing the town, we could then decorate the town with our own guild branding (flags, banners etc..). There are various ways you could implement this - a popular vote election campaign (like Tera did very successfully), maybe tie it into guild questing (complete a certain amount of guild quests, and earn the chance to capture towns that way. Guilds could benefit from capturing a town by receiving a certain % of tax from all merchant transactions (and traders). Anyway, there are several various ways you could implement a town ownership system, and let's face it, Tamriel isn't lacking in towns or regions! It's also another game mechanic that will encourage your players to continue to revisit old areas!
    • Guild Identity in game - Oh my, where do I start. Again ESO is seriously lacking in helping us guildies to FEEL like we're part of a community and be able to easily recognise fellow guildies. I hate to tell you but the tabard system is a very poor attempt at this. Most people don't want to cover up their shiny nice armour they worked so hard for, with bland basic guild tabards.... I could write a whole thread on guild identity features which are needed, but let me summarise with: 1. Allow us to filter the nameplates settings, so that we ONLY see nameplates above people who are IN our own guild - that way we can spot our fellow guildies out in the world easily - WITHOUT the "you must wear your tabard" condition, which defeats the object. 2. Allow us to upload our own custom guild logos / branding, so that our guilds REALLY stand out in the game, and let us display our guild logo next to our player nameplates, like most guilds do. I realise there is some immersion considerations here, but you can always allow the option to toggle on / off. The bland emblems that we currently have to choose from, just don't make our guilds stand out and don't give us that real sense of identity we need. 3. Give us other ways of identifying fellow guildies without it covering up all our armour (emblems on our shields? Capes? Guild Dye Colour Schemes? etc etc) and yes, we want to be able to display our guild branding at our guild hall and villages / towns we've captured haha. 4. Guild Leaderboards - again, a very easy way to recognise guilds achievements, you could have both PvP and PvE leaderboards, but it would work even better with the "guild questing" or reputation system I suggested earlier. There are loads of other ways you can improve guild identity in game, and these suggestions so far are just very basic and fundamental ones - food for thought.
    • Guild Info section on official ESO website - as it says on the tin, why not have a dedicated area of your website where you can view, interact, and make contact with various guilds in game. A real community section which would show the guild management team, and other useful info about various guilds. And yes I know there is already a forum section for guilds, but that is really not what I am suggesting here :)
    • Special Guild Vendors - you could tie this into the guild questing / reputation system, where player guilds can unlock special vendors which can be accessed by the guild to obtain rare & useful items! Again, multitude of ways you could incorporate this.
    • Guild Ranks - why not allow us to "level up" our guild and have various guild ranks. The higher our guild level, the more features & benefits we can unlock for our members. You can make it very challenging to attain the levels, and again tie it into the guild quests giving our members another reason to keep doing the quests / activities.
    • Other in game guild features - you could add some really simple but useful additions such as custom guild member polls that we can create, to allow our members to vote on various topics. Why not have some cool & special cosmetic additions that guild members of certain rank can access (like special mount armour for guild officers, or special capes for guild raid leaders, etc etc). There's just a lot of little simple quality of life changes that you could implement for guilds, which wouldn't require a lot of work.
    • Guild vs Guild Wars - Ok, so even though I dislike PvP myself haha, I can certainly see the value in implementing some kind of PvP system for Guild vs Guild battles - again there are many many models out there of how you could could implement this, but its just another way of helping to create some guild pride & some friendly guild competition.
    • Guild Note - I think you need to fix this, so that guild members can all update their "own" guild notes, but not others guild notes. Right now there is only an option to let EVERYONE change EVERYONE ELSES notes - but not "just" their own - doesn't work very well. As a result, in our guild, members have to "ask" an officer to change their own note for them, its very silly haha.
    • Why not have some random "events" that happen in the world, similar to the dark anchors, but events that are specifically for player guilds to tackle & accomplish. Again lots of ways you could implement this, I won't go into specific examples, this thread is already quite long haha. In essence though, a reason for "Guilds" to go out into the world together, and achieve objectives (non PvP).

    So there is just a handful of examples of features which I feel could be considered for the game. Actually, some of the above I believe are very basic fundamentals (such as the cosmetic changes) which are SUPER important for us communities to actually FEEL like a community in ESO.

    I really am struggling to understand, why after 5 months of the "Focus on Social" announcement, we STILL really don't have any significant additions to the game for us Player Guilds. Are player guilds just not important to ZOS? I'm really baffled. Some of these changes would not require a lot of work, and would not impact any other systems in game, but would make a HUGE difference for us communities.

    I have no idea if anyone from ZOS will read this, but at the very least we hope there will be other guilds out there who share our pain, and at least can relate to our frustration.
    Here at Alith, we love ESO, and we love the community here - we are simply desperate for some of these basic features (and certainly would love some of the more complex ones). Yes, the PEOPLE are what matter, and that's why our guild HAS thrived and succeeded - we have amazing people. But please ZOS give us something :) That's all we're asking, to improve the quality of life for our communities and really help us player guilds to feel meaningful in the world of Tamriel while enabling us to interact with each other & the game in new and exciting ways.

    There are another 6 months to go this year, ZOS, we are praying and trusting that you hear our plea!
    The game is awesome, we just need a bit of Player Guild Love :)

    With appreciation & love
    Belazarus (Alith Guild Leader)
    And the whole Alith community!

    Player Guilds - Feature Wish List (Master List)
    From your community:
    • Server Guild Lists & Guild Recruitment Tools (In Game)
    • Guild Quests
    • Other Guild Activities (Challenges for guilds to accomplish out in the world)
    • Guild Event Calendar (In Game)
    • Guild Halls (With player housing?)
    • Town, Village or Region Ownership System
    • Remove Tabard dependency to display guild affiliation on nameplates
    • Allow uploading custom Guild Logos (emblems etc)
    • Real Guild branding in game (flags, banners, emblems on shields, capes with guild emblems, guild dye color themes, etc)
    • Player Guild Leaderboards (PvP, PvE and Other Activities)
    • Guild Info Hub on official ESO Website
    • Guild Levels / Ranks system with linked rewards
    • Special Guild Vendors
    • Custom Polls in Guilds (In Game)
    • Guild Mount Armor?
    • Guild Rank Costumes (Officers, Raid Leaders, etc)
    • Guild vs Guild Wars (PvP System)
    • Improve Guild Note functionality (Let members set their own notes. Let Officers set "hidden" notes for management purposes)
    • Summoning guild members to Guild Hall or other locations in the world (with recipients having the option to decline / accept summon)
    • Member Roster Improvement: Show member join date and who invited
    • Blacklist members from guild, without the ability to rejoin until removed from blacklist
    • Guild Bank Limiting - limit volume of items players can withdraw from guild bank in 24 hours
    • Improvements to guild sales info (headline figures - total sales, total tax earned, etc..)
    • Guild Member Interaction ranking (have a ranking system which increased with the more guild member interaction you have - dungeons with guildies, trading with guildies, etc)
    • Inactive Member tools
    • More coming.........

    Most guild recruitment tools I have seen in games are ignored. Do you think such a tool would be used in ESO vs the standard searching people already do?

    Ive not played games with interesting guild activity option (though interesting is perspective). Do you see a way to make them interesting without being mandatory? Guild leveling and perk systems have this problem as well, you find dead guilds or low lvl guilds that get abandoned for bonuses. Is this good?

    Guild halls? Sure I guess, if they add housing it is likely that will be added as well.

    Town/village capture? No, not now and not ever. As a game with a heavy RP presence, that is the last thing most RPers I know would like to see. There are already issues of people trying to claim ingame realty.

    Guild Identity isnt bad... but leaderboard for guilds? That is a horrendously poor idea. Adding competition in the style of 'whats the best guild' you aim to kill social aspects of guilds.

    Likewise with vendors, either the features are super easy to get and not achievements or you make things mandatory. Mandatory things kill fun.

    Guild wars... but my RP guild is full of bads...

    As far as calendars, or guild pages: External sites will always be vastly superior and ingame or forum pages will tend to be ignored. The number one reason for this is specialty. Enjin for example allows individuals alot of access to modify websites and very details calendars. Leave ZoS dev time to the game.
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Text Chat - Im utterly disappointed in the fact that it wasnt with the base game at launch on console. It makes absolutely no sense that theyd think console players were in capable or unwilling to utilize the tool when they sell keyboards and attachments specifically for this. It took them more than 6 months to finally say they were going to make it happen this year. As of next month, just two days after the release of Dark Brotherhood for console. Itll be a whole year without text chat on console. How much longer longer do we need to wait? August/September? November/December? It does not take 6 + months to implement a functioning text chat. The fact we have to wait for a DLC to get it is just absurd to me. Its a QoL they failed to provide at launch. Just embarrassing.

    Finding Guild - Supposedly theyre working on this. Up until now, almost two years for PC the game population has had to go outside the game to look for like minded people to join up with. Or be thrown a random invite. I dont know how you decide to create a function in which players can create, join and participate in Guilds and not have a basic idea of how those guilds will work, how players will be able to approach them, how guild leaders will be able to manage them. It makes no sense to me that with the introduction of Guild Stores and Guild Traders that they wouldnt realize there would need to be added functions to the guilds so they can appropriately collect enough gold to bid every week. Let alone all of the craziness that can go on when trying to manage that whole situation.

    Guild Functions in General - This is supposed to be a social grouping function. Why was it ever released in such a barebones state. The Year Ahead barely even spoke about the focus on social they so happily bolded as a title. Its about time they started doing some serious QoL passes on the social aspects of this game. Its more than 2 years old now. Things like this should of been worked on at least in some fashion by now.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • alainjbrennanb16_ESO
    I agree with the op on his points and others here, that these things are needed and are lacking in this game, but they are not the only things lacking, this game has taken a course of action that lead to paul sage leaving and gameplay designer Nicholas konkle. Promise have been made from the start of this game and have ether gone by the way or just been ignored.
    Yes guild events need to be in game, but where are world events or hoilday events (which in eso lore there is hundreds) promise where made but they don't seem intrested in them, they seem hell bent on making this another solo game where people can talk on even though elder scrolls 6 is in the making which mean a death nail for this game.

    But saying all that i do personal think zos dropped the ball and lost there nerve when this game was released, they started to panic where is everyone and listening to the na-sayers shouting i don't want to pay a sub, because if the sub was still there you would have all you wanted as there promised content every 6 weeks, i believe the reason why content guild events, world events etc are not there is down to eso going to b2p. You may say that is not the reason but i can point to another mmo that had simliar problems when it first hit the scene (well i say first hit the scene, more like the second time). FFX had problems when it first cam out they pulled it from the scene and re-adjusted the game and re-launched it, they keeped there head when you had people shouting they did not want to pay a sub and that it need to go b2p or f2p. They just keeped there heads and bingo now the game is full of life a good player base and all that you are looking for in guild events world events etc, i just think if zos keeped there heads we would have the game we all wanted
    Main character dk - Vanikifar whitestrike
  • MornaBaine
    Also, for those of you into the "social" aspects of this game, I'm willing to bet a lot of you roleplay. If you aren't already a member, check out TESO-RP where you can find like-minded folks and guilds to play with!
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Belazarus
    Hey guys - thanks for all the additional suggestions.
    Just to be clear, I didn't make this post to debate whether or not ZOS should implement more guild features.
    I made this thread for all those, who already share our view, that the game desperately does need a big focus on guild features & functionality, and a place for us to share positive ideas / suggestions.

    Of course I trust ZOS to make the best judgement as to "which" guild features would "work" for the game, and so our list of suggestions is only that, suggestions :) We just want ZOS to get an idea of which kind of guild features we'd love to see in the game that would help us community builders make the ESO experience even better.

    So in short - ignore the haters guys - stay the course - and keep those awesome ideas / suggestions coming! :)

    (ps, myself and my guild are not a role playing guild, we are just a casual, social PvE / PvP orientated guild who enjoy ALL content in ESO, but desperately need more guild features. Though again, most of the suggestions on this thread aren't from people from my guild, but rather the general public)
    Edited by Belazarus on May 24, 2016 9:48PM
  • MornaBaine
    Better bank functionality in general, both personal and guild, is really needed but I think that's been covered here. Guild housing in addition to player housing is HUGE on my wish list.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • MipMip
    Many thanks Bel for this post, I agree very much!

    While there may be many solo players, I would still assume that people in guilds are a substantial portion of the player population and hope that ZOS will invest a bit more in us.

    And Hemaka, I agree that it is by no means a given that the majority are solo players. As indeed it looks like many ESO players are PvP oriented one would expect many of them to be in guilds – after all, going to war alone doesn’t make sense :)

    Another reason to question the solo player majority hypothesis: this is a MMO, and I thought most people play MMOs because they like to meet and interact with other players? Also, I don’t see how adding more guild features would detract anything from the solo players’ experience.

    With all the great ESO content that ZOS has already produced – yes, ESO is my favorite MMO – I am sure they would have the capacity to add some fun features for guilds. ZOS, I hope you will do so in one or several of the next updates!
    PC EU ∙ PC NA

    'My only complaint about ball groups is that there aren't enough of them. Moar Balls.'
    - Vilestride
  • pema
    It feels like weekend is a good moment to bring this up again. let's create some more input guys.
    Officer of Alith Legion
    Ebonheart Pact guild, EU server.
    Check out our site alithlegion.com
  • Belazarus
    It would be great to get some kind of response or acknowledgement from anyone from ZOS regarding this.
    Since it appears others have raised similar threads to mine in the past, it would really be welcomed to get an idea of ZOS appetite on this aspect of the game, to give us some kind of realistic expectations.

    In the meantime, if anyone else has ideas or views, please do share :)
  • ComboBreaker88
    Belazarus wrote: »
    It would be great to get some kind of response or acknowledgement from anyone from ZOS regarding this.
    Since it appears others have raised similar threads to mine in the past, it would really be welcomed to get an idea of ZOS appetite on this aspect of the game, to give us some kind of realistic expectations.

    In the meantime, if anyone else has ideas or views, please do share :)

    There have been dozens of threads about this topic. Some better than most.. but not once has ZOS made a comment on this topic. It's really dissapointing. BUT there are a few other ESTABLISHED MMOs coming to console who have these features and more already. So If ZOS doesn't step it up soon, I imagine they will loose large amounts of their guild leaders to games that support them actually being able to manage their guilds.

    So step it up ,

    Edited by ComboBreaker88 on May 30, 2016 4:31PM
  • Belazarus
    Wow thanks Combo, nicely said :)
  • Americanfunguy
    Riksis wrote: »
    And a personal note about guild halls: I loved it when they were introduced in EQ2, but in the end they resulted in cities completely devoid of players. So I'm all for guild halls as long as they have no real game value other than the social aspect.

    Question; wouldn't that inadvertently be more appealing to the "classic" TES players to see more empty cities?

    Just a thought.
    Flawless Conqueror 6 times over.
    All HM clears and PvE titles - Angler.
    PvP all factions.
  • MornaBaine
    I also really wish trade guilds didn't count against my guild slots. Since ZOS stuck us with this awful system I really resent that some of my precious guild slots have to be taken up with trade guilds just so I can sell some things and shop at a convenient location, the bank.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

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