If you think aiming is easier in an RPG than in a first-person shooter, than what's your favorite color of the alphabet?
Bad_Company wrote: »
fanboying rules:
if you fanboy at eso forum, ppl will say cod sux
if you fanboy at cod forum, ppl will say eso sux
GivvumBoane wrote: »
Had to space that out huh? Guess that's another N-bomb the censors don't like.
CapnPhoton wrote: »ESO walking through town you can sometimes hear kids crying in the background over someone's headset. In COD kids cry into the mic while playing.
Blaim the mages guild's magic.
driosketch wrote: »
I see you've never played high stakes no limit chess in Reno.
Metal10957 wrote: »It is far easier to aim in ESO...